Achievements 2021

We completed the Council policy mapping analysis (Part 1) and will be publishing an academic journal article and ‘plain language’ summary report later in 2021 (both are now available below). You can access a visual summary of the policy mapping data here. Analysis of the six Council case studies (Part 2) is almost complete and we are in the process of drafting publications through which to share these results. We presented the results of the policy mapping and Council case studies at the Victorian Independent Food Systems Dialogue as part of the UN Food Systems Summit process on 27th July 2021. Our survey of civil society organisations involved in food system governance was open March-June 2021. Responses to the civil society survey (Part 3) have been recorded and were initially analysed by Rebecca Smits, the Honours student working with us. Rebecca also conducted interviews with participants from one civil society organisation to form one of the case studies for Part 4.

Amy presented at the Public Health Association of Australia’s Annual Australian Public Health Conference (virtual in 2021) on the findings of the policy mapping study. She was the recipient of the Early Career/Young Professional Award for this presentation.

We hosted a very successful, well-attended workshop on 19 November. Read more and access a recording and summary report of the event above. We recruited and began interviewing civil society organisations to par