Fair and healthy food for all: Victorian Independent Food Systems Dialogue

1-day online forum hosted by the William Angliss Institute of TAFE, in partnership with Sustain: The Australian Food Network, Right to Food Coalition, University of Sydney and University of Wollongong.

This event was held as part of the United Nations Food Systems Summit process. The Victorian Independent Food Systems Dialogue invited participants to explore key challenges and opportunities facing Victoria’s (and other local) food system now and in the coming decades. With the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 as well as intensifying non-linear climate change revealing significant vulnerabilities in our food system, the need to engage in collaborative discussions across sectors to strengthen food system governance is vital. The Dialogue took place in the morning session, followed up a food systems research and practice workshop in the afternoon, during which we presented the findings of the Council policy mapping study and case studies. Read a blog about the event, or the full report