Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Ensure new and growing visitation businesses have a strong link to an agricultural use, based on the strengths and assets of the green wedge and have 34 minimal adverse impact on the environment. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The activity will include the following: review by the stakeholder steering group of existing studies and commission any supplementary work required committing support to implementing particular initiatives agreed ensuring future water-related development is facilitated by shared understanding of all stakeholders including water plan matters in individual stakeholders and agencies plans to facilitate agreed future developments such as in the preservation of easements working with all stakeholders to decide which infrastructure development project(s) will be most beneficial to the region and conduct a feasibility study for this project. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Establishment of the Bunyip Food Trail. Council is a member of a number of industry associations, such as the Australian Asparagus Council. Council will continue to promote the Bunyip Food Trail through the meetings held by the associations. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The critical part of the plan will be to obtain agreement from all stakeholders on who will be responsible for each component of the development, what resources will be required and what short- medium- and longterm objectives should be established. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Objective Encourage opportunities for recreation and tourism that are linked to local strengths including food, trails and education with minimal impact on the green wedge environment. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | the rich soils throughout the SUZ1 are particularly valued for asparagus and other horticultural produce. It has ready access to water supply, the potential to utilise recycled water and is within close proximity to the Melbourne market. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Opportunities for linking the community with the local agricultural and horticultural industry will be identified and promoted to help establish food-based tourism within the precinct. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | This precinct has recently obtained the ability to access Class A recycled water, | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Promote business opportunities of the Bunyip Food Trail to local agribusiness via industry associations. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Vision Precinct 1 will be the hub of, agriculture, horticulture and soil-based food production within the Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge, taking advantage of its highly versatile soils, vegetable production (in particular asparagus), dairy and beef farming, other agricultural pursuits, potential access to Class A recycled water and the important role this precinct plays in food security. Land within the SUZ1 part of the precinct will be prioritised for soil-based agricultural and horticultural use and soil based food production with a focus on the consolidation of lots to support the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industry. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Promote the business opportunities of the Bunyip Food Trail to local agribusiness via industry associations. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Balance of the precinct Beef and dairy farming occurs throughout the entire precinct, with a larger proportion occurring to the south, outside of the SUZ1 soils. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Strategies  Support ecological or farm-based tourism linked to suitable agricultural uses which support short stay accommodation. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Caldermeade Farm, Cora Lynn Cheese Factory and the Warrook Cattle Farm are good examples of tourism in the green wedge, with a strong direct link to an existing or new agricultural use. The agricultural use must be critical to the operation of the proposed tourism offer. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Support subsidiary visitor related activity, including farm gate sales of crops and goods produced in situ, cellar door sales and ancillary farm stay accommodation. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Dairy farming occurs within the SUZ1 area due to the high quality soil and the ability to grow fodder all year round | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge also has a number of existing tourist attractions and potential exists to expand tourism opportunities that complement the other values of the green wedge, particularly including increased food-based tourism and eco-tourism that has minimal impact on the green wedge environment. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Encourage non-soil based agricultural uses (e.g. animal husbandry, beef and dairy farming etc.) to the land surrounding the Special Use Zone – Schedule 1. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge also has scope to build a successful visitor industry based on its fresh and healthy local produce. It is in a position to take advantage of its close proximity and accessibility to potential customers and visitors located in the growing metropolitan area. Community markets already help this profile, but a further initiative would be to develop a Bunyip Food Trail linking local and regional food outlets such as farm sales and specialist local food shops. The food trail could help market and promote local asparagus, other vegetables, wine, and even fish and seafood from Western Port Bay. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The precinct as a whole has a strong focus on the beef and dairy industry, supports an existing poultry sector and a range of other rural uses. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | The discussion paper considered a number of attractions which could be used to promote a local visitor industry and enhance recreation opportunities for the local community, such as cycling, food tourism and a rail trail. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Vision Precinct 1 will be the hub of, agriculture, horticulture and soil-based food production within the Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge, taking advantage of its highly versatile soils, vegetable production (in particular asparagus), dairy and beef farming | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | There may also be opportunities to provide better access to nutritious, healthy food for disadvantaged Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan and low-income households in Cardinia Shire. Opportunities to improve access to local vegetables and produce could be investigated through councils’ food security initiatives through specialist outlets, farm sales, a local produce section in supermarkets and new community markets | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Any expansion of townships will be carefully considered for reasons related to the protection of built character and subdivision patterns, landscape character, servicing constraints, existing agricultural and intensive animal husbandry activities, flood risk, and environmental values. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Community markets already help this profile, but a further initiative would be to develop a Bunyip Food Trail linking local and regional food outlets such as farm sales and specialist local food shops. | Economic Development | Public food markets and distributors | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | 4.2.3 Advocate for the development of roadways to value add to the region’s primary production and transportation. | Sustainability and Environment | Strengthen food chain connections/distribution | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | There may also be opportunities to provide better access to nutritious, healthy food for disadvantaged Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan and low-income households in Cardinia Shire. Opportunities to improve access to local vegetables and produce could be investigated through councils’ food security initiatives through specialist outlets, farm sales, a local produce section in supermarkets and new community markets | Economic Development | Public food markets and distributors | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | Improve community access to nutritious, healthy and affordable local produce. | Sustainability and Environment | Strengthen food chain connections/distribution | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | agricultural businesses and the potential for agricultural diversification and production in the future | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan | the rich soils throughout the SUZ1 are particularly valued for asparagus and other horticultural produce. It has ready access to water supply, the potential to utilise recycled water and is within close proximity to the Melbourne market. | Sustainability and Environment | Strengthen food chain connections/distribution | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |