Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Land outside of the RO also needs to be considered for consolidation to improve the economic viability of agricultural land and to further support the purpose of the SUZ1. The retention of larger lots is a significant factor supporting the longevity of agricultural businesses and the potential for agricultural diversification and production in the future.22 Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan  Council needs to protect and strengthen these areas, and recognises that agriculture is facing pressure from the changing world economy, changing climate and other environmental conditions, as well as the demands of development and the ageing of our farming community. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Land within the SUZ1 part of the precinct will be prioritised for soil-based agricultural and horticultural use and soil based food production with a focus on the consolidation of lots to support the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industry. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan need to support farmers to improve local land management and environmental practices such as soil protection, water recycling and revegetation. Opportunities for financial incentives were suggested, as well as the need for better information and education programs. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Ongoing discussions are occurring between Council and Melbourne water in relation to the location of a new Class A recycled water treatment plant in the Clyde/Cardinia area. The intent is for this treatment plant to have the ability to supply Class A recycled water to agricultural producers and together with the existing Pakenham Treatment Plant it has the ability to increase the agricultural viability of the land in and around Officer South, Rythdale and Cardinia. It is anticipated this land will increase in agricultural value, being able to produce more crops, therefore becoming more appealing to the local larger family farming businesses that are making numerous land purchases to urther expand their operations within the precinct. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Opportunities for new, innovative or more intensive agriculture and horticulture and soil-based food production will be supported to ensure that the rich agricultural potential of the precinct is realised. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Promote business opportunities of the Bunyip Food Trail to local agribusiness via industry associations. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Secure a robust long-term planning framework that recognises the value of the Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge for intensive agriculture. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Strategies  Assist farmers in investigating succession planning and alternative, sustainable economically viable agricultural methods; generate additional farm income through programs such as EcoTender and management in response to new and emerging farming practices to ensure the ongoing viability of agriculture. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Strengthen the long-term viability of farming in the green wedge and enhance its productivity and competitive position. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Support Agribusiness Gippsland in providing information in relation to improving farm and land management; discuss alternative farming methods, succession planning and other relevant topics. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Support and protect the existing vegetable industry, in particular the asparagus growing region.  Support rural industry to allow farmers to value add to their produce.  Encourage lot consolidation through the entire precinct to increase the economic viability of agricultural land. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Support farmers to stay on the land by facilitating information sessions, and educate farmers by addressing matters such as improving farm and land management; generating additional farm income through programs such as EcoTender; discussing alternative farming methods, succession planning and other relevant topics. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Supporting and increasing agricultural productivity  With the majority of Cardinia Shire’s land being rural, the hills and southern rural regions are important to the economy at a local and national level.  Council needs to protect and strengthen these areas, and recognises that agriculture is facing pressure from the changing world economy, changing climate and other environmental conditions, as well as the demands of development and the ageing of our farming community.  Council will take up every opportunity to enhance agricultural production particularly in the southern rural region (Bunyip Food Belt) by using recycled water from the Eastern Treatment Plant at Carrum. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan SUZ1 Area Land within the SUZ1 within the precinct will be prioritised for soil based agricultural and horticultural use and opportunities for new, innovative or more intensive soil based agriculture and horticulture will be supported to ensure that the rich agricultural potential of the SUZ1 land within the precinct is realised. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The green wedge will be home to small, clearly defined settlements that have a strong identity, provide jobs and services for the local community and support the agricultural and horticultural pursuits of the green wedge. The local economy will be driven by its agriculture, horticulture and extractive industry. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The objective at Section 4 Our economy is we will create and support local employment and business opportunities for our community and the wider region. Section 4.2 Maintain strong agricultural activities. In order to achieve the above, the following actions are listed: 4.2.1 Support our farmers and growing agricultural industry in adapting to the changing economy and climate. 4.2.2 Identify innovative ways to value add to the region’s primary production and transportation. 4.2.3 Advocate for the development of roadways to value add to the region’s primary production and transportation. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The retention and creation of larger lots is a significant factor supporting sustainable agricultural businesses, diversification and ongoing agricultural production. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The vision is: The Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge will be a permanent green and rural area. It will remain an internationally significant biodiversity habitat, while also strengthening its agricultural and horticultural role to become a truly innovative and productive farming district. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Urban uses such as schools and places of worship will be discouraged from locating anywhere within the SUZ1 to ensure that this highly valuable soil is preserved for soil based agriculture and horticulture and the right to farm for existing and future farmers is protected. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Western Port’s internationally recognised environment, its established agriculture industry, rich agricultural soils, ready access to water, and its extensive transportation network (connecting farmers with nearby local markets and to ports for interstate or overseas markets) creates the area’s enormous (largely latent) economic potential. The management plan identifies strategies that aim to realise this potential, which will have flow-on effects on the local economy and employment, and the vibrancy of the settlements in the Green Wedge. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Cardinia Metropolitan
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 2c. A community where increased number of community members have access to water supply. Advise residents of the current and proposed works related to infrastructure to support high quality water supply in villages Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 4e. Promote an environment that is conducive to the production of high quality fresh fruit and vegetables Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 Encourage innovative and sustainable farming practices to protect and provide for future generations Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 Farming support groups, Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 Strategic Theme 4: Sustainable Natural Environment Long term OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES (will transfer directly to the 4-year Delivery Program) 4a. A community that thrives on sustainable farming practices Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 2a. Carrathool Shire is connected through appropriate infrastructure to support freight and logistics. Ensure that key infrastructure projects are delivered to enable improved roads, bridges and footpaths. Lobby for heavy vehicle routes to support producers and create improved connections through the region. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Shire Community Strategic Plan Towards 2030 Partner RMS Local producers and farmers Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Sustainable Settlement Strategy  To provide appropriate residential accommodation for all ages and walks of life within the local community. Particularly acknowledging the ageing of the population (a general trend across Australia) and the transitory nature of seasonal workers migrating in and out of the area on a short term basis, the attraction of professionals and affordable housing for local community. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Carrathool Regional
Carrathool Sustainable Settlement Strategy  To provide sustainable water to population of Carrathool Shire  To ensure development does not have an adverse effect on water quality. Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Carrathool Regional