Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Catering Provision Policy Where applicable any leftover food, not consumed within the organisation, will be donated to an appropriate organisation that distributes excess food. Refer to the organisation’s guidelines regarding what food can/cannot be collected. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW North Sydney Metropolitan
Catering Provision Policy Applicable health, safety and food legislation: 4.4.1 The provision of catering on Council premises, whether by Council or otherwise, is required to meet all applicable health, safety and food legislation. 4.4.2 In the case of catering undertaken by Council is responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant health, safety and food legislation. 4.4.3 In the case of catering undertaken by any other body on Council premises, that body is responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant health, safety and food legislation. Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW North Sydney Metropolitan
CENTRAL COAST AFFORDABLE AND ALTERNATIVE HOUSING STRATEGY The Central Coast Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy seeks to provide effective policy solutions to address the growing need for affordable and alternative housing within the Central Coast LGA. It aims to build a vision for a ‘fair and inclusive region, where everyone has access to affordable and sustainable housing’, and is underpinned by two broad aims: • To improve access to affordable housing for very low, low and moderate income households, including protecting existing affordable housing, providing new development opportunities and incentives, and providing a broader range of housing options to address affordable housing need in appropriate locations. • To reduce the number of cases of homelessness and reliance on social support systems, including developing effective transition to the private market, creating strategies for innovative alternate housing and partnerships, supporting programs and services that intercede before the point of crisis, and empowering and resourcing front line support services. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Central Coast Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 3.3 Safe and reliable water supplies and road networks for Shire communities Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 3.3 Safe and reliable water supplies and road networks for Shire communities Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy Safe and reliable water supply for Shire communities Performance Target • Develop integrated water management plans for each community Actions (Statement of Means) • Lobby for the completion of the Wilcannia Weir • Ensure that potable and raw water supplies are provided within designated water districts of Ivanhoe and Wilcannia • Maintain the consistency of water supply to the White Cliffs community and investigate and improve the provision of a potable supply as a matter of urgency • Construct the new water treatment plant and associated infrastructure to ensure improved water supply for White Cliffs Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Water testing and treatment Water Management • Quality Water Testing meets the NSW Health standards • All relevant water plans are reviewed • Ensure that potable water meets the guidelines set by NSW Health • Review and improve water supply management strategies • Review contingency plans for each community to maintain water supplies Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN • Decline in plastic bag supply and use Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN • Investigate strategies to eradicate plastic bags from all communities Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Continue to engage NetWaste to explore recycling options Lobby government for reintroduction of container deposit levy Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Central Darling Regional
CENTRAL DARLING SHIRE – COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Plastic Bag reduction Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Central Darling Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Advocate for the retention of key infrastructure needed to support the agricultural sector, eg Kurri Meatworks, Baiada Chicken Processing Plant Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Encourage the retention and expansion of infrastructure that supports the agricultural sector Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Endeavour to support and retain the Agricultural sector within the LGA. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Ensure that planning controls for rural land have the flexibility to accommodate new activities and innovative business models that may include horizontal or vertical integration. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Ensure that planning regulations prevent extractive industries from impacting negatively on the tourism, agricultural and the viticulture – wine sectors, and/or detracting from the visual and lifestyle attributes of the LGA. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Prepare an Agricultural Industry Strategy to address opportunities and issues within the sector. In particular the Strategy needs to explore emerging opportunities Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Prepare an Agricultural Industry Strategy to assess opportunities for new and/or expanded animal and poultry industries, hydroponics, protected cropping, niche agricultural markets (flowers, snails, etc) and equine and canine activities. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Protect rural lands from further encroachment of urban and industrial lands and mining activities (including CSG) as a priority in land-use planning and land management. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Through local and regional planning controls, protect rural lands and agricultural activities in the LGA from encroachment by urban, industrial and extractive activities and inappropriate development. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Work with the Department of Agriculture to identify and assess potential new agricultural activities that could be undertaken in the LGA Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Advocate for the retention of key infrastructure needed to support the agricultural sector, eg Kurri Meatworks, Baiada Chicken Processing Plant Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Encourage the development of infrastructure to support emerging sectors, eg processing of ‘high end’ poultry and Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Prepare an Agricultural Industry Strategy to assess opportunities for new and/or expanded animal and poultry industries, hydroponics, protected cropping, niche agricultural markets (flowers, snails, etc) and equine and canine activities. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Work with local market organisers to grow participation by local agricultural producers and manufacturers. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Work with Trade and Investment NSW and relevant Federal Government Agencies and Industry Associations to identify market opportunities including export market opportunities. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Advocate for the retention of key infrastructure needed to support the agricultural sector, eg Kurri Meatworks, Baiada Chicken Processing Plant Sustainability and Environment Local, sustainable food processing NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Continue to build, strengthen and promote food and wine as a core attraction for the LGA, targeted to key markets including short breaks, weddings, business and entertainment events, including major concerts. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Develop branding and positioning strategies for quality, boutique local produce that complements and reinforces the HVWC brand values. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Cessnock Regional
Cessnock Economic Strategy and Action Plan Explore branding and positioning opportunities for local produce. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Cessnock Regional