Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
City of Greater Geelong The strategy highlights the significance of the farming landscape, and seeks to ensure that agriculture and other land uses operate in this context. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong The strategy proposes that opportunities for some growth of Anakie township should be investigated, but any growth should be carefully planned so as to preserve the small town character, protect adjoining productive agricultural properties and manage environmental values and issues, in particular wildfire. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong The strategy proposes that the western and southern peripheral rural areas of the City should be maintained as farmed landscapes so as to continue to support agriculture, environmental management and to provide a non-urban break and rural setting for the City. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong The strategy proposes that there is a continuing future for farming and agriculture in the rural areas of Geelong Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong These forms of development should only be supported in Greater Geelong’s rural areas, and the RAZ used where;  There is a regionally demonstrated demand for such a facility;  The land use is compatible with the use of adjoining and surrounding land for farming (generally cropping and grazing);  The facility is consistent with the Rural Land Use Strategy;  The facility is unsuited to an urban area;  The facility builds on local attractions;  The development will not compromise the rural farming landscape qualities and environmental features and constraints of the area. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong This strategy proposes that there is a continuing future for farming and agriculture in the rural areas of Geelong, but it will be in a changing form from what has been traditionally known. In the future there is likely to be even fewer farms where the family is supported soley or mainly by agriculture. This does not necessarily mean there will be less land farmed or fewer farms. Many properties, even relatively small holdings, can and should still be productively farmed either by the landowner or another land owner as a part of a larger enterprise where land is leased or managed. These ongoing opportunities for agriculture are important in terms of the future economy, character and livability of the City. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong To provide for agricultural use consistent with the conservation of environmental and landscape values of the area. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Working with the Council, the communities on the Bellarine Peninsula have developed a strategic plan that seeks to retain farming and the distinct rural breaks between townships and protect the environmental values of the Peninsula. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong The northern areas of the City comprise landscapes used for cropping, grazing and viticulture. The strategy proposes that this area should be maintained in agricultural use, and opportunities for the use of reclaimed water around Balliang should be protected. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong 11.2.3 Intensive animal husbandry There are limited opportunities for intensive animal industries (eg poultry, piggeries) within Geelong due to the density of housing in most rural areas, and the high value placed on the quality of the amenity of the rural areas. Although Geelong does include a number of animal processing facilities in the region, it does not have any other particular qualities that highlight its particular value for intensive animal industries. The need for such facilities to be located in the City to contribute to the local economy is also not high. The sheds associated with intensive animal industries are also likely to compromise the landscape qualities of the area. Relevant Codes of Practice for such industries will influence appropriate locations and determine acceptable buffers. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Enabling intensive animal agriculture Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Intensive animal industries and other shed based agriculture should be carefully located so that rural and scenic non urban landscapes are preserved. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Intensive animal industries and other shed based agriculture should be carefully located so that rural and scenic non urban landscapes are preserved. Agriculture should not compromise the condition of the natural resource base. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong rural land will primarily be used for growing produce and raising stock Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong The northern areas of the City comprise landscapes used for cropping, grazing and viticulture. The strategy proposes that this area should be maintained in agricultural use, and opportunities for the use of reclaimed water around Balliang should be protected. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong  CSIRO – Geelong: Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) is a major facility of CSIRO Livestock Industries and plays a vital role in maintaining Australia's capability to quickly diagnose exotic (foreign) and emerging animal diseases. This facility provides employment in the vicinity of 230 EFT. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong  The land use is compatible with the use of adjoining and surrounding land for farming (generally cropping and grazing); Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong 11.3.5 Farmers Markets Farmers markets provide the opportunity for local product to be marketed locally. The ability to promote and sell local product would support the ongoing use of rural land for agriculture. Farmers markets within the Greater Geelong area should be supported. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Geelong does offer a significant opportunity for some forms of shed based agriculture, including aquaculture and horticulture. In the case of aquaculture it is proximity to the coast and in the case of both aquaculture and horticulture it is access to Avalon airport, which offers export opportunities. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Agricultural education and research The established education and research centres in the area also provide a strong agricultural industry focus for Geelong. ÓÇÉ Marcus Oldham College Marcus Oldham College is the only independent agricultural college operating in Australia. The courses focus on business management, and the academic programs delivered include a Bachelor of Business (Agricultural Page 14 Greater Geelong Rural Land Use Strategy Management), Advanced Diploma of Farm Business Management and a Diploma of Agribusiness. ÓÇÉ CSIRO – Geelong: Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) is a major facility of CSIRO Livestock Industries and plays a vital role in maintaining Australia's capability to quickly diagnose exotic (foreign) and emerging animal diseases. This facility provides employment in the vicinity of 230 EFT. ÓÇÉ CSIRO Textile and Fibre Technology Centre invents, develops and commercialises technologies for new and improved products and processes, quality control, and environmental safety at every stage of the wool, cotton, textile and leather processing pipelines. This facility provides employment in the vicinity of 230 EFT. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Geelong has a number of large agricultural manufacturing and processing businesses that provide significant employment in the region – the eight largest enterprises employ about 1800 persons. The established education and research centres in the area also provide a strong agricultural industry focus for Geelong. Agriculture directly provides about 1.5% or 1,130 jobs of the total jobs in the municipality. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong 11.3.5 Farmers Markets Farmers markets provide the opportunity for local product to be marketed locally. The ability to promote and sell local product would support the ongoing use of rural land for agriculture. Farmers markets within the Greater Geelong area should be supported. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong 11.3.2 Farm land leasing register The benefits of leasing farmland are widely recognised by farmers as a cost effective way to grow their business. In Geelong, despite many farms being sold for lifestyle purposes, they are still farmed by local farmers through leasing and share farming arrangements. Council should facilitate such activity through developing and maintaining a register of property owners with land they wish to have farmed and farmers wishing to lease land to farm. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Agricultural education and research The established education and research centres in the area also provide a strong agricultural industry focus for Geelong. ÓÇÉ Marcus Oldham College Marcus Oldham College is the only independent agricultural college operating in Australia. The courses focus on business management, and the academic programs delivered include a Bachelor of Business (Agricultural Page 14 Greater Geelong Rural Land Use Strategy Management), Advanced Diploma of Farm Business Management and a Diploma of Agribusiness. ÓÇÉ CSIRO – Geelong: Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) is a major facility of CSIRO Livestock Industries and plays a vital role in maintaining Australia's capability to quickly diagnose exotic (foreign) and emerging animal diseases. This facility provides employment in the vicinity of 230 EFT. ÓÇÉ CSIRO Textile and Fibre Technology Centre invents, develops and commercialises technologies for new and improved products and processes, quality control, and environmental safety at every stage of the wool, cotton, textile and leather processing pipelines. This facility provides employment in the vicinity of 230 EFT. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Continued use of rural land for agricultural production is encouraged, and contribution of rural production to the economy of the region is recognized. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Geelong does offer a significant opportunity for some forms of shed based agriculture, including aquaculture and horticulture. In the case of aquaculture it is proximity to the coast and in the case of both aquaculture and horticulture it is access to Avalon airport, which offers export opportunities. Shed based agriculture such as aquaculture and horticulture offer significant benefit in terms of contribution to the Page x Greater Geelong Rural Land Use Strategy local economy. Such forms of agriculture should be supported but carefully managed in terms of siting so that they do not compromise the landscape objectives of the rural strategy. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Implementation of this strategy will involve supporting the “right to farm” of local land owners Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong In support of the strategy of retaining the rural areas in agricultural use, Council should also support farming related infrastructure and services in the region. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Key strategic directions The key strategic directions of the Geelong Rural Land Use Strategy are: ÓÇÉ Supporting preservation of the rural-farmed landscape beyond the urban areas for economic, environmental, and community reasons ÓÇÉ Continuing a planned approach to the rural areas so they are managed to contribute to the City‚Äôs overall growth and development ÓÇÉ Maintaining a distinct separation between urban areas and farming – rural activities ÓÇÉ Not providing for ad-hoc residential subdivision or use of land in rural areas ÓÇÉ Only supporting the development of a house on existing vacant lots where it will not compromise the farming – agricultural use of land and the presentation of the landscape ÓÇÉ Removing the concept that there is a nexus between minimum lot size and ‚Äòviable‚Äô farming units – minimum subdivision sizes are about retaining a rural-farmed landscape and opportunities for productive agricultural use of the land Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional
City of Greater Geelong Shed based agriculture such as aquaculture and horticulture offer significant benefit in terms of contribution to the local economy. Such forms of agriculture should be supported but carefully managed in terms of siting so that they do not compromise the landscape objectives of the rural strategy. They should also be sited where they can gain access to existing water and sewer infrastructure. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Geelong Regional