Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Indicator The number of affordable housing units in City of Melbourne projects.* 96 The City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. In February 2018, the City of Melbourne submitted a development brief that introduces the vision for the Boyd site (132 Kavanagh Street, Southbank) and the design requirements for the private development. The public design brief that will be part of the tender documentation for the sale of the Boyd development site includes a requirement to provide 40 affordable residential apartments. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 No affordable housing units were built in 2017–18 however the City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. In February 2018, the City of Melbourne submitted a development brief that introduces the vision for the Boyd site (132 Kavanagh Street, Southbank) and the design requirements for the private development. The public design brief that will be part of the tender documentation for the sale of the Boyd development site includes a requirement to provide 40 affordable residential apartments. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Review and broker affordable housing options to enable more affordable housing in the municipality. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. In February 2018, the City of Melbourne submitted a development brief that introduces the vision for the Boyd site (132 Kavanagh Street, Southbank) and the design requirements for the private development. The public design brief that will be part of the tender documentation for the sale of the Boyd development site includes a requirement to provide 40 affordable residential apartments. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The number of affordable housing units negotiated through development planning. 0 No affordable housing units were built in 2017–18 however the City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. In February 2018, the City of Melbourne submitted a development brief that introduces the vision for the Boyd site (132 Kavanagh Street, Southbank) and the design requirements for the private development. The public design brief that will be part of the tender documentation for the sale of the Boyd development site includes a requirement to provide 40 affordable residential apartments. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Undertake a housing capacity study and needs analysis to build the evidence base on emerging challenges in preparation for further work on affordable housing in the municipality. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 We also funded not-for-profit HomeGround Real Estate’s work to promote and investigate options for affordable housing in Melbourne. HomeGround was recently awarded the Australian Housing Institutes’ Leading Innovation Award. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Healthy Choices is a City of Melbourne run program using the Victorian Government nutrition guidelines to prioritise and promote the availability of nutritious food options in the municipality. Formerly known as Green Light Eat Right, Healthy Choices ensures there are healthy food and beverage options in our recreation and leisure facilities. These include Melbourne City Baths, North Melbourne Recreation Centre, Carlton Baths, Kensington Community Recreation Centre and Riverslide Skate Park. Health and Wellbeing Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Healthy Choices* Healthy Choices is a City of Melbourne run program using the Victorian Government nutrition guidelines to prioritise and promote the availability of nutritious food options in the municipality. Formerly known as Green Light Eat Right, Healthy Choices ensures there are healthy food and beverage options in our recreation and leisure facilities. These include Melbourne City Baths, North Melbourne Recreation Centre, Carlton Baths, Kensington Community Recreation Centre and Riverslide Skate Park. The program is a key component at Moomba and Melbourne Fashion Week, where healthy options are highlighted by green apple icons on menu boards and mobile food vans. We work with vendors to educate them in how to adjust their menus to include healthy options. For the first time, Healthy Choices was included as part of the Melbourne Awards Gala dinner 2017. There were options for entrees, main dishes and sides with the apple icon promoting the healthy choices. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Healthy Living and Learning Program* Seniors living in public or social housing were part of a Healthy Living and Learning Program run by the City of Melbourne and conducted by the Kensington Neighbourhood House. For eight weeks, 50 participants attended weekly sessions such as cooking low cost nutritious meals that could be replicated quickly and easily at home. They learnt how to grow tasty herbs and vegetables in small spaces as well as a variety of healthy eating tips. Participants were born in 15 different countries, and 39 of the 50 participants were over the age of 55 years, with one third diagnosed with either type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. Sessions were run in conjunction with Cohealth community health service and six students from the Kensington Community High School. Over 384 individual meals were served and more than 140 kilograms of fresh local tomatoes were distributed throughout the program. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Supporting urban food production* Urban food growing strengthens the connection between food and place, builds community through food and knowledge sharing and creates a sense of local pride. The City of Melbourne has supported a local sustainability group through a range of workshops to increase knowledge around the food system, including growing food in small spaces, composting and the importance of soil health. The Boyd Sustainability Group have since grown in numbers and meet monthly with a focus on activating temporary concrete planters through planting fruit trees, herbs and vegetables. A permanent communal food growing space has been included as part of the Boyd Park redevelopment concept plan. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 We will facilitate ongoing education and promotion regarding urban agriculture and access to healthy food.* Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 • Night Noodle Markets Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 A Taste of Portugal 2018 Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Night Noodle Markets • P Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Thai Culture and Food Festival • I Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Healthy Choices* Healthy Choices is a City of Melbourne run program using the Victorian Government nutrition guidelines to prioritise and promote the availability of nutritious food options in the municipality. Formerly known as Green Light Eat Right, Healthy Choices ensures there are healthy food and beverage options in our recreation and leisure facilities. These include Melbourne City Baths, North Melbourne Recreation Centre, Carlton Baths, Kensington Community Recreation Centre and Riverslide Skate Park. The program is a key component at Moomba and Melbourne Fashion Week, where healthy options are highlighted by green apple icons on menu boards and mobile food vans. We work with vendors to educate them in how to adjust their menus to include healthy options. For the first time, Healthy Choices was included as part of the Melbourne Awards Gala dinner 2017. There were options for entrees, main dishes and sides with the apple icon promoting the healthy choices. Health and Wellbeing Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Continue the Queen Victoria Precinct Renewal Program including the New Market Pavilion, the provision of essential infrastructure under the sheds, Munro Development in Therry Street, including affordable housing, childcare and community infrastructure outcomes. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Indicator The percentage of residents that can access the community facilities and services they need within a 15-20 minute walk of their home.* 94% Factors that can influence this result include the volume of population growth and its spatial distribution across the municipality as well as the definition of community facilities and the methodology by which the data has been collected. The City of Melbourne has recently expanded its definition of community facilities beyond libraries and community hubs to better reflect the diversity of facilities providing services. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The $250 million Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal will secure the market’s place as a traditional open-air market, supporting it to thrive as Melbourne’s number one tourist destination and a source of affordable, local food. Much needed open space and community facilities will be created within the market precinct, meeting the needs of our growing city. An independent business case confirmed the need for significant renewal to secure the market’s future viability. In May, a key project in the renewal program, the Council-owned Munro site was granted planning approval by the Minister for Planning. Right on the market’s door step, the site will be one of the best socially, environmentally and financially sustainable mixed use developments in Australia and include our largest community hub with 120 childcare places, family services and community spaces for the growing city, as well as market car parking. In a local government first, the Green Building Council awarded the renewal program 6 Star Green Star – Communities accreditation. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 the City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 to assist local connections to shops, schools and universities. We implemented Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The City of Melbourne has supported a local sustainability group through a range of workshops to increase knowledge around the food system, including growing food in small spaces, composting and the importance of soil health Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 We will facilitate ongoing education and promotion regarding urban agriculture and access to healthy food.* Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 We will facilitate promotion of environmental sustainability by linking businesses to new initiatives and key sustainability projects, including sustainable food practices.* Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Year One Startup Action Plan Year One of the Startup Action Plan focused on delivering increased support for local businesses to start, grow and go global from Melbourne. This included providing a refreshed Local Food Launchpad program Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Boyd Park Concept Plan* In 2017, the Boyd Sustainability Group, an active and engaged community group, started using planters and temporarily unused space to grow fruit and vegetables at the City of Melbourne’s community centre in the middle of Southbank. Early in 2018, we released the Boyd Park Concept Plan, which outlined the vision of a backyard for the thousands of residents living in apartments in Southbank. The City of Melbourne recognised the benefits of keeping space for food growing in a high-density environment and included a communal food garden in the concept. This will allow Southbank’s residents to continue gathering regularly to produce healthy, fresh and local food and build a resilient community. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Stockyard Food Garden* A new communal food growing space called the Stockyard Food Garden has been established at the Newmarket Saleyards in Kensington. We have supported local residents to establish a self-governing committee to manage the garden. The garden includes 26 wicking beds that have recently been filled with seedlings including fruits, vegetables and herbs. This initiative recognises the importance of local food production and has created an accessible and inclusive space that strengthens social connection. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The proportion of residents who produce and consume their own food.* 59.1% Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan