Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd – a company established to manage and operate the Queen Victoria Market. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017‚Äì2018 Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd (100% owned subsidiary of Council) The principal activities are to ensure that the market maintains and enhances an industry reputation as Australia‚Äôs foremost leading market, whilst meeting world‚Äôs best practice standards. Council has 100% voting rights which clearly demonstrate power over investee and the ability to affect the amount of the investor‚Äôs returns. Council is exposed to variable returns in the form of dividends and tax equivalent payments. A controlling interest is held by Council. Summarised financial information 2018 $‚Äô000 Summarised statement of comprehensive income Total income Total expenses Surplus/(deficit) for the year Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive result Summarised balance sheet Current assets Non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Summarised statement of cash flows Net cash provided/(used in) operating activities Net cash provided/(used in) investing activities Net cash provided/(used in) financing activities Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 23,928 23,680 248 (931) (683) 3,898 3,475 7,373 3,171 1,813 4,984 2,389 225 32 – 257 2017 $‚Äô000 23,425 25,718 (2,293) – (2,293) 3,923 4,825 8,748 3,848 1,828 5,676 3,072 (2,413) 1,397 (16) (1,032) Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 The $250 million Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal will secure the market’s place as a traditional open-air market, supporting it to thrive as Melbourne’s number one tourist destination and a source of affordable, local food. Much needed open space and community facilities will be created within the market precinct, meeting the needs of our growing city. An independent business case confirmed the need for significant renewal to secure the market’s future viability. In May, a key project in the renewal program, the Council-owned Munro site was granted planning approval by the Minister for Planning. Right on the market’s door step, the site will be one of the best socially, environmentally and financially sustainable mixed use developments in Australia and include our largest community hub with 120 childcare places, family services and community spaces for the growing city, as well as market car parking. In a local government first, the Green Building Council awarded the renewal program 6 Star Green Star – Communities accreditation. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 the City of Melbourne has publicly declared its intention to deliver affordable housing as part of the Queen Victoria Market and Boyd site redevelopment projects. The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan identified opportunities for affordable housing within the Munro site of the precinct. In May 2018, the Minister for Planning approved the development application for the Munro site which will include 56 affordable apartments. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 To provide enhanced support to small business during a period of major disruption we: • Implemented the Continuing Business Program at Queen Victoria Market. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE ANNUAL REPORT 2017–2018 To provide renewal of the Queen Victoria Market Precinct we: • Continued the Queen Victorian Market Precinct Renewal Program. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE COMMUNITY GARDEN POLICY The Community Garden Policy sets out the City of Melbourne’s role in managing community gardens on land it owns and/or manages. This includes its aims for the gardens, the resources it will invest in them, its principles for their operation and how it assesses proposals for new community gardens. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
CITY OF MELBOURNE COMMUNITY GARDEN POLICY The Community Garden Policy sets out the City of Melbourne’s role in managing community gardens on land it owns and/or manages. This includes its aims for the gardens, the resources it will invest in them, its principles for their operation and how it assesses proposals for new community gardens. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy and creating opportunities for everyone to learn about good food – how to grow it, cook it and eat it. ‘ Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Build knowledge and skills for food provision within the community. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Build knowledge and skills for food provision within the community. › Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Celebrate stories of food that reconnect us to its source and the natural world. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy encouraging and fostering small independent food businesses and social enterprise Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy educating households and food businesses to reduce food waste; Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy theMe 4 a thriVing loCal food eConoMy our thriving food sector provides a rich range of employment opportunities, strengthening our local economy. increasing the opportunities to buy fresh, seasonal foods from Victorian producers also supports our regional economy and enhances the quality and character of the food sector within Melbourne. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Raise awareness about what is involved in a healthy, nutritious diet. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy giving awards for community programs that increase production and consumption of sustainably produced, seasonal fruit and vegetables Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Raise awareness about what is involved in a healthy, nutritious diet. › Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Thriving and resilient food businesses and enterprises across the city and the state support strong local and regional economies Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy encouraging the celebration of indigenous and other culturally diverse food cultures Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy developing existing assets like the Queen Victoria Market as food hubs that facilitate business and community access to sustainable, regional food Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Promote the diversity and quality of the municipality’s food cultures. Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy encouraging and fostering small independent food businesses and social enterprise Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy We celebrate our diversity, multicultural food traditions and promote Melbourne as a city of great food. Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy supporting innovative forms of local agriculture Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Actions to meet these ambitions could include: developing existing assets like the Queen Victoria Market as food hubs that facilitate business and community access to sustainable, regional food Health and Wellbeing Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy theMe 4 a thriVing loCal food eConoMy our thriving food sector provides a rich range of employment opportunities, strengthening our local economy. increasing the opportunities to buy fresh, seasonal foods from Victorian producers also supports our regional economy and enhances the quality and character of the food sector within Melbourne. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy increasing the range of healthy eating options at events Health and Wellbeing Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy Thriving and resilient food businesses and enterprises across the city and the state support strong local and regional economies. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
City of Melbourne food PoliCy working with existing city food businesses to enhance and promote the availability of healthy food choices Health and Wellbeing Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan