Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | 1.2 An increase in affordable housing Implement In Our Backyard – Growing Affordable Housing in Port Phillip 2015-2025 to increase the supply and diversity of affordable housing aligned to priority local needs: low income families, older people, key workers, and singles at greatest risk of homelessness. Review and implement the Homelessness Action Strategy 2015-2020 and provide support for people experiencing homelessness to access suitable housing. Use Council property assets (land and air space contributions) and supporting cash contributions to facilitate delivery of new community housing units by local housing organisations, including progressing development of 46-58 Marlborough Street, Balaclava. Work with the Victorian Government and local community housing organisations to optimise benefits from existing social housing sites, through increased yield, quality and housing type aligned to local needs. Facilitate partnerships between the community housing, private and philanthropic sectors that fund and deliver new housing projects, including in Fishermans Bend. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Affordable housing and homelessness | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Affordable Housing: The Community Land Trust (CLT) Research project Stage two of this project involves preparation of a companion document to the Australian Community Land Trust Manual 2013 and investigates a risk management framework for banks, case studies, market research, the applicability of the model and risks involved in CLT housing. The final publication by University of Western Sydney is expected in late 2019. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Council is committed to increasing affordable housing and creating a City that is welcoming for all. A key focus for 2019/20 will be the continued implementation of the: • In Our Backyard Strategy | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Expert evidence was called to support Council’s priority outcomes for sustainable development, flood management, affordable housing, infrastructure delivery and urban design. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Facilitate partnerships between the community housing, private and philanthropic sectors that fund and deliver new housing projects, including in Fishermans Bend | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | In Our Backyard – Growing affordable housing in Port Phillip | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | In Our Backyard Strategy implementation The In Our Backyard (IOBY) – Growing Affordable Housing in Port Phillip 2015-2025 strategy was endorsed by Council in April 2016. Implementation of the strategy aims to directly facilitate new community housing through allocating property and cash contributions, to enable projects to be delivered by local community housing organisations on Council land. A focus for 2018/19 has been to progress work on the implementation of the strategy, to redefine the targets and priority actions to then be reflected in a 12-month implementation plan. Following adoption of the IOBY Action Plan 2018/19, implementation has progressed, focussing on investigation of: Governance Mechanisms, Planning Controls, Housing Investment Portfolio, Approved Projects and Project Pipeline, and development of Program Delivery Guidelines. Progress included completion of the Housing Needs Framework report to inform the preparation of Program Delivery Guidelines. Several projects have been completed including the first ‘pop – up’ housing project, identification of sites for Council’s property pipeline, facilitation of the Marlborough Street project being delivered by HousingFirst, and preparation of a Housing Needs Framework. Work has also commenced on advocacy for a proposed Common Ground project, progressing a partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services. Council will hold a forum in July 2019 to provide feedback on the IOBY guidelines, although this forum will be two months behind the IOBY milestone, it was important to develop a comprehensive approach for Council consideration prior to seeking the Housing Forum views on the proposal. Actual: $203,000 Budget: $226,000 | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | New projects Affordable Housing: Investigate scalability of a Private Market Model for negotiating delivery of Affordable Rental Housing by Developers Investigates a new approach to negotiating long-term private affordable rental housing under voluntary affordable housing agreements with developers; and investigation of incentives required to scale-up broad use of the model. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Services that contribute to this direction Affordable housing and homelessness Support people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness through direct services and facilitating an increasing supply of affordable housing through research and advocacy, contributing property and funding for community housing projects, and facilitating affordable housing developments by the public, private and community sectors. Actual: $1,244,530 Budget: $1,637,163 Variance: $392,633 Service measures Measure Council facilitated units on Council land No updated data is available. 2015/16 645 (total baseline) 2016/17 No data 2017/18 68 (additional) 2018/19 No data Target 2018/19 | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Use Council property assets (land and air space contributions) and cash contributions to facilitate delivery of new community housing units by local housing organisations, including progressing development of 46-58 Marlborough Street, Balaclava | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Launched Composting with Community, a program to encourage residents to avoid food waste by meal planning and sticking to a shopping list | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Mussel and Jazz Festival at South Melbourne Market The annual festival was held at South Melbourne Market with piping hot mussel paella, sangria, wok cooked drunken mussels and craft beer, and artisanal ice cream and fun for the kids. | Health and Wellbeing | Traditional food cultures | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | • 3,596 park furniture items (drinking fountains, seats, BBQs, litter bins, bike racks.) | Health and Wellbeing | Access to safe drinking water | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Leverage opportunities to improve the Carlisle Street retail precinct, including tram stop upgrade (completed in 2018), Marlborough Street redevelopment of the supermarket precinct to enhance the retail offer and surrounding street spaces. | Health and Wellbeing | Accessible healthy food retail | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Launched Composting with Community, a program to encourage residents to avoid food waste by meal planning and sticking to a shopping list, and purchasing a discounted Green Cone to recycle unavoidable food waste for $79.90 (70 per cent off RRP) (April 2019). To 30 June, 100 Green Cones have been sold, 50 more than target for 2019/20. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | 3.5 A sustained reduction in waste Develop and implement a new municipal Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy, including an implementation plan to divert organic waste from landfill. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | By 2028, a 50 % diversion of: food waste from landfill within house/apartment, Council and (participating) commercial buildings. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Completed waste and recycling bin audits of residential bins, Council bins, and public litter bins to establish baselines to measure progress on Don’t Waste It! targets over the period of the Strategy (June 2019). | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Council commenced working with Glen Eira, to investigate the viability of offering food waste collection services to apartments and businesses, and to improve service standards, streetscape amenity and environmental outcomes for apartments and small to medium businesses. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Launched Composting with Community, a program to encourage residents to avoid food waste by meal planning and sticking to a shopping list, and purchasing a discounted Green Cone to recycle unavoidable food waste for $79.90 (70 per cent off RRP) (April 2019). To 30 June, 100 Green Cones have been sold, 50 more than target for 2019/20. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | lity-wide greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes) Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill* No data No data 34 % 33 % 1,704,000 32 % No data No target >35 % 29 % The diversion of recyclables to landfill in 2019 caused a drop in the overall result. Council maintains a strong focus on reducing the amount of waste going to landfill. The Don’t Waste It! Waste Management Strategy will provide the blueprint for how Council and the community work together to create a more sustainable future for Port Phillip and the way waste, recyclables and organics is managed moving forward. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Per cent of waste stream that is food waste: • Houses: 40.1 % • Apartments: 38 % • Council buildings 39 % • Commercial buildings: 0 % | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | revolutionising the way we manage waste, particularly green and organic waste | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Waste Collection Waste diversion Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill [Weight of recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins / Weight of garbage, recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins] x100 Material variation explanation The diversion of recyclables to landfill in 2019 caused a drop in the overall result. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Waste Strategy Implementation Program Council adopted the Waste Strategy on 17 October 2018. All actions are in progress including detailed research and scoping for trials and education. Pilot trials for food waste reduction are currently being developed with interested community groups and commenced early 2019. Council is advocating to the Australian and Victorian Governments for action to strengthen the recycling industry. The opportunity to partner with other Councils to find a better, more sustainable way forward for our community is a priority. Actual: $383,000 Budget: $688,000 | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Work with the Melbourne Metro Waste Group to develop a business case to establish an inner metropolitan organic waste management service. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | At the same, time we created internal efficiencies that will result in over 15,926 hours of staff time savings by streamlining some of the following internal processes: food services, building surveyor lodgements, overhanging vegetation, record automation | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Food Safety Health and safety Critical and major non-compliance outcome notifications [Number of critical non-compliance outcome notifications and major noncompliance notifications about a food premises followed up / Number of critical non-compliance outcome notifications and major non-compliance notifications about a food premises] x100 Material variation explanation Strong work continues in the area of critical and major non-compliance notifications followed up on time meeting our target of 100 per cent. | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |
CITY OF PORT PHILLIP 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT | Food safety Inspections of registered premises Food premises complaints Food samples analysed | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Port Phillip | Metropolitan |