Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
CLARENCE VALLEY OPEN SPACE STRATEGIC PLAN A community garden in Wattle Park, Yamba is close to completion. Community nursery in Minnie Water. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Clarence Valley Regional
CLARENCE VALLEY OPEN SPACE STRATEGIC PLAN Community gardens Community gardens in recent years have become very popular, especially among people living in urban areas who have little or no private open space in which to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers. depends on the interest and effort of the people involved, and the level of funding available. Community gardens and nurseries may be managed by a public land owner such as a local Council, a community association, or by a co-operative managed by people who have plots in the garden and other interested people. A community garden has recently been established in Wattle Park, Yamba. Community nurseries operate in Minnie Water and Townsend. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Clarence Valley Regional
CLARENCE VALLEY OPEN SPACE STRATEGIC PLAN Investigate interest and feasibility of community garden in: § Market Square, Grafton (PoM 2000) Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Clarence Valley Regional
CLARENCE VALLEY OPEN SPACE STRATEGIC PLAN Potential for community gardens in areas of higher housing density, aging of the population, and for people with an interest in sustainable living and growing own food/flowers. Opportunity to provide community gardens in existing open space Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Clarence Valley Regional
Class 4 Noxious Weeds Program Objectives  Prevent the spread of all Class 4 weeds into areas where they are not present;  Control all rare and isolated infestations;  Effectively manage weed infestations in areas where they are established;  Implement education and awareness programs for all stakeholders;  Promote vegetation and rehabilitation with appropriate species to prevent reinfestation as part of and following weed management programs and  Protect high value conservation and agricultural areas from infestation. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Tenterfield Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Likely Major High Almost Certain Major Extreme Weather alert apps to business and transport e.g. Bart & Fire Watch Freight strategy implementation for alternate routes Regional emergency arrangements structures (MAV) Victorian Emergency Arrangements. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Climate Smart Agriculture Project – currently in development Broad strategic direction is provided in the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions) Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Given the significant role irrigation, agriculture, and manufacturing have for the broader region of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), region-wide risks and potential impacts to the local economy were identified and assessed Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad strategic direction is provided in the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions) Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Climate Smart Agriculture Project – currently in development Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan D5. Continue to work with the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance to utilise tools and outcomes from programs such as the Climate Smart Agriculture Development Program into strategic planning and regional investment. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Likely Major High Almost Certain Major Extreme Weather alert apps to business and transport e.g. Bart & Fire Watch Freight strategy implementation for alternate routes Regional emergency arrangements structures (MAV) Victorian Emergency Arrangements. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad and strategic direction is provided by the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions). Likely Major High Almost Certain Major Extreme Weather alert apps to business and transport e.g. Bart & Fire Watch Freight strategy implementation for alternate routes Regional emergency arrangements structures (MAV) Victorian Emergency Arrangements. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Broad strategic direction is provided in the Economic Development Strategy (i.e. it acknowledges that the local farming economy needs to be able to cope and thrive during drought conditions) Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Climate Smart Agriculture Project – currently in development Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan D5. Continue to work with the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance to utilise tools and outcomes from programs such as the Climate Smart Agriculture Development Program into strategic planning and regional investment Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Adaptation Plan Given the significant role irrigation, agriculture, and manufacturing have for the broader region of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), region-wide risks and potential impacts to the local economy were identified and assessed Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Climate Change Develop a regional housing strategy to address need for appropriate housing choice, availability and affordability Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Ideas – Develop and implement outreach programs for the Karen community to improve language skills, engage in community activities and volunteer programs e.g. Church services in Karen language, community gardens to grow preferred foods. Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Actions highlighted in green are project ready or underway and can be undertaken within current budget. Table 7-1 Action Climate change adaptation actions, responsibility and timeframe for implementation Description Responsibility within Hindmarsh Regional economy RE-1 Research development and extension RE-2 Streamlining of planning permit approvals RE-3 Economic Development Strategy Continue to advocate and provide strategic support to DPI and industry groups such as BCG for on-going research and development that will assist the agricultural industry adapt to the changing climate Continue implementation of processes to streamline assessment of planning permit applications by educating and encouraging landholders and businesses to bring proposals to a pre-application meeting Develop an Economic Development Strategy based on the findings of the Economic Development Position Paper Community Development Implementation timeframe Project ready Budget impact Implementation steps Underway and ongoing Yes Budget neutral Adopt this Climate Change Action Plan Infrastructure services Underway and ongoing Yes Budget neutral Develop material for the Shire website explaining the planning permit application process and the importance of a pre-application meeting Community Development 2 years Yes Budget allocation or grant will be required Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Areas for Action SD1: Suggested Lead Agency (& collaborating partners) Strengthen the Farming Sector’s Capacity to Prosper in a Changing Climate § Analysis of the impacts of different climate change scenarios on the future productivity of the region to enable communities, the industry and individual businesses to plan for the range of eventualities § Use scenario analysis information in AgFutures projects (and other relevant projects) to improve farmer understanding of what climate change will mean for them and expand the number of communities participating in AgFutures § Grains Innovation Park and Birchip Cropping Group expand research and development of frost, drought and disease resistant plant varieties and sustainable farming systems § Support farming sector to adapt enterprises to make best use of water provided through the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline § Promote opportunities for new agricultural investment appropriate to water resource availability and land capability § Provide weather watch radar in the Wimmera Southern Mallee to enable more timely and effective on-farm operations § Development of R&D partnerships with the new Centre for AgriBiosciences to ensure access to leading scientists, technology and facilities to progress regional priorities for agricultural R&D Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Continue to advocate and provide strategic support to Department of Primary Industry and industry groups such as Birchip Cropping Group for on-going research and development that will assist the agricultural industry adapt to the changing climate Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Continue to advocate and provide strategic support to Department of Primary Industry and industry groups such as Birchip Cropping Group for on-going research and development that will assist the agricultural industry adapt to the changing climate Continue implementation of processes to streamline assessment of planning permit applications including educating and encouraging landholders and businesses to bring proposals to a pre-application meeting Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Continue to advocate and provide strategic support to DPI and industry groups such as BCG for on-going research and development that will assist the agricultural industry adapt to the changing climate Continue implementation of processes to streamline assessment of planning permit applications including educating and encouraging landholders and businesses to bring proposals to a pre-application meeting Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Current agricultural changes in the Wimmera have been focussed on maximising productivity in a varying climate (i.e. more adaptable and flexible systems) over the past ten years of drought rather than a major shift in farming enterprises. However, there has been accelerated adoption of minimum tillage and other best practice management that have shown their value during this period. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Incorporate agricultural modelling and socio-economic data from climate scenarios into future Economic Development strategic work Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional
Climate Change Support and promote sustainable agriculture Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Hindmarsh Regional