Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Conduct composting and worm/farming workshops at Community Centres and other venues across the Peninsula. Assist Community Kitchens to establish and maintain composting. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy 6 Goal A community aware of climate change impacts on natural and agricultural assets and empowered to adapt agricultural management systems and protect and enhance natural assets to increase carbon storage Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Conduct composting and worm/farming workshops at Community Centres and other venues across the Peninsula. Assist Community Kitchens to establish and maintain composting. Offer up to 1000 subsidised compost bins / worms farms and information for residents over three years. Conduct food waste campaign to reduce household food including education on sustainable shopping practices, food storage and re-use Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Investigate options for use of recycled water in the agriculture. Work collaboratively with South East Water, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and the agriculture sector to investigate options for large-scale use of recycled water from the eastern outfall pipeline. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Outcome Actions Increased awareness and practical knowledge among landholders Work collaboratively with other organisation to: . promote adaptive agriculture; . promote biodiversity conservation; . raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on agriculture; . promote activities that retain soil carbon. Success measure Joint events held with an emphasis peer-to-peer learning such as workshops, field days, site tours, open days. E.g. through the Climate Resilience Smart Farming grant. Information distributed via Shire website, publications and relevant media. Target Audience Landholders Responsibility Internal: Economic Development, Natural Systems. Collaboration with: Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Authority, Trust for Nature, Dept. of Agriculture, CSIRO, Westernport Landcare Network. Mornington Peninsula Vignerons Association Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Provide a strategic approach to climate change adaptation in agricultural systems Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy 2020/21 58.25 – L Success measure Survey conducted finding: 1. fewer plastic bags distributed by retailers and 2. attitudinal change towards the use of single use plastic items. Target Audience Residents, day trippers, holiday makers. Responsibility Waste Services team Timeframe On-going Overall rating 77.6 Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Investigate suitable incentives for businesses to reduce waste. E.g. Reduction of food licence fees. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Residents, day trippers, holiday makers. Residents, day trippers, holiday makers. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy , pest animals, biodiversity and fire risk, understanding vegetation types, habitat value. Continue to provide support to the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network to deliver their Biolinks Plan. All new landholders receive a welcome pack Provide a welcome pack to new land owners in target areas providing information on local biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management practices. Utilise other opportunities to provide this pack to landholders, e.g. via request on the website, at one-to-one visits, through targeted campaigns or as part of the incentives programs. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Waste Services team Waste Services team and Buildings and Facilities. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Actions Increased awareness and practical knowledge among landholders Work collaboratively with other organisation to: . promote adaptive agriculture; . promote biodiversity conservation; . raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on agriculture; . promote activities that retain soil carbon. Success measure Joint events held with an emphasis peer-to-peer learning such as workshops, field days, site tours, open days. E.g. through the Climate Resilience Smart Farming grant. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Water stations installed. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Provide a strategic approach to climate change adaptation in agricultural systems Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Conduct composting and worm/farming workshops at Community Centres and other venues across the Peninsula. Assist Community Kitchens to establish and maintain composting. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Conduct food waste campaign to reduce household food including education on sustainable shopping practices, food storage and re-use. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Introduce new standards for food businesses to have a mandatory waste water / cleaner sink on their premises. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Outcome Actions Decreased use of single use plastic items Advocate for the passing of State government legislation banning single use plastic bags. Work with retailers and Chambers of Commerce to offer alternatives to single use plastic items e.g. bags, containers and straws. Conduct an education program to raise awareness of benefits of phasing out single-use plastic items. Decreased use of single use plastic bottles Obtain portable water stations Portable water stations rotated at high visitation areas, particularly during peak summer season. Install water stations at key recreational and shopping precincts. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Reducing waste Goal A reduction in municipal waste to landfill with a key focus on minimising food waste. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Community Engagement Strategy Reducing waste to landfill with a key focus on minimising food waste. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan We are in it together; already steps have been made to build community resiliencecommunity gardens, food access networks, Community Kitchens and enormous support for local area planning and strong Environmental Friends Groups- the groundwork is there to build on. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Develop a Green Wedge Management Plan as per Council’s Economic Development Strategy, Action 10, to identify and implement projects which assist our community and deliver fresh food security Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan We are in it together; already steps have been made to build community resiliencecommunity gardens, food access networks, Community Kitchens and enormous support for local area planning and strong Environmental Friends Groups- the groundwork is there to build on. Preparing and responding to climate change may also bring enormous opportunity to build community, shared resources and networks to connect. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Potential new or emerging areas of community engagement/support • Community Gardens • Composting/Worm Farming Workshops Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Engage in public health education activities for safer food production and storage processes for local business and communities, such as food handling guides and investigate funding opportunities for resources to run interactive public health workshops Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Promoting safer food production and storage for local business Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Potential new or emerging areas of community engagement/support • Community Gardens • Composting/Worm Farming Workshops Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Develop a Green Wedge Management Plan as per Council’s Economic Development Strategy, Action 10, to identify and implement projects which assist our community and deliver fresh food security Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Continue supporting community gardens and the Frankston Food Access Network Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Frankston Metropolitan
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan Potential new or emerging areas of community engagement/support • Community Gardens • Composting/Worm Farming Workshops Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Frankston Metropolitan