Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 7.0 Agri-food Economy • Facilitate development of new and emerging enterprises • Develop a strong food culture • Develop a regional agri-food brand • Develop an agri-food mini strategy • Re-vitalise the Coffs Coast Growers Market • Explore opportunities to value add to agricultural product • Develop agri-tourism activities • Advocate to diversify the agricultural base Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 7.0 Agri-food economy • Facilitate development of new and emerging enterprises • Develop a strong food culture • Develop a regional agri-food brand • Develop an agri-food mini strategy • Re-vitalise the Coffs Coast Growers Market • Explore opportunities to value add to agricultural product • Develop agri-tourism activities • Advocate to diversify the agricultural base Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Continue to grow the Coffs Coast Growers Market as a showcase for sustainable regional produce Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 GROW The long-established Coffs Coast Growers Market, organised and run by Coffs Harbour City Council, is an important opportunity for small producers and start ups in the agri-food space to showcase their products, and gain valuable market feedback. It also adds to economic vibrancy in the Coffs Harbour City Centre. The Market needs to be progressively transformed into more of an incubator for new businesses in agri-food and related products, by applying some of the start up principles developed over time from 6 Degrees and other entrepreneurial programs. Marketing and training support will be developed in conjunction with partners and provided to assist businesses to grow their offering Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 • The food manufacturing and agribusiness (agri-food) economy – the latter a traditional strength of the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA), but heavily skewed towards blueberries, which needs diversification, especially services and processing. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 7.0 Agri-food Economy • Facilitate development of new and emerging enterprises • Develop a strong food culture • Develop a regional agri-food brand • Develop an agri-food mini strategy • Re-vitalise the Coffs Coast Growers Market • Explore opportunities to value add to agricultural product • Develop agri-tourism activities • Advocate to diversify the agricultural base Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 7.0 Agri-food economy • Facilitate development of new and emerging enterprises • Develop a strong food culture • Develop a regional agri-food brand • Develop an agri-food mini strategy • Re-vitalise the Coffs Coast Growers Market • Explore opportunities to value add to agricultural product • Develop agri-tourism activities • Advocate to diversify the agricultural base Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Champion investment to support the identified sectors in the EDS 2022: digital innovation, agri-food, tourism Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Council’s strategy will be to assist existing Coffs Coast and regional businesses (both those currently involved in agri-business and those not involved) to identify and explore new opportunities not just to grow their current business, but also to create and invest in new areas of the agri-food industry. The annual Mid North Coast Food Forum, an initiative of Coffs Harbour City Council, will be expanded to continue its role as a forum for exchange of ideas and networking within the Coffs Harbour LGA and regional agri-food industry Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 DEVELOP Developing a strong food culture is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the success of the regional agri-food economy. Council can play a role in working with other councils and partners in encouraging all parts of the value chain, including customers, to support each other. Engagement with producers, distributors, value adders, retailers and commercial users (eg. tourism and hospitality) is required to develop a collaborative network committed to encouraging the preference and demand for locally produced food. To build supply and demand between local producers and local residents and visitors to the region, the strategy needs to address blockages in the regional supply chain, build and maintain consumer confidence in regional products, and increase yield and improve margins and supply links for producers. There is a clear trend of heightened consumer interest in the quality and origins of food, with the authenticity of local food a key element to creating and satisfying market demand. The industry needs to tell its local region food story to highlight what makes it special and create connections between growers, distributors and consumers, and to grow understanding and confidence in local product. Sustainable food production, and environmentally sensitive agriculture techniques are becoming more significant in community discussions around this industry, and better industry communication is required. By developing and utilising a Coffs Coast regional food brand in local food and food tourism marketing, provenance is clear to consumers and reinforces the link between product and place. This is important for both local trade and for tourism, where food can differentiate destinations in a competitive marketplace. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Develop a full listing of local food producers and sellers to identify opportunities for diversification Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Expand the Mid North Coast Food Forum as an event for exchange of agri-food ideas and networking Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Explore the opportunities for value-add to agricultural products Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Finalise and commence implementation of an agri-food mini-strategy for the Coffs Harbour LGA Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 Identify suitable/future trending crops and agricultural activities with assistance from DPI and LLS and work to communicate these opportunities to farmers Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 SCALE Recognising that the availability of agricultural land in the Coffs Harbour LGA is likely to remain a constraint to physical expansion, the sector needs to increase its ability to value-add (through processing, packaging, transport) to agricultural products. As technology moves into agriculture it is now cheaper to value-add to existing products. The industry needs to identify the trends, demand and efficiencies, as well as new methods of distribution available through online technologies. In addition, value added processing has potential to offer increased job opportunities. Horticulture on the Coffs Coast and in the surrounding region has traditionally comprised smaller, family run farms rather than large broadacre crops (with the exception of the Costa Group in Upper Corindi). With the explosion in the demand for blueberries and the short turnaround time required to produce a viable crop, a number of these smaller farms have converted from crops such as bananas, avocados and macadamias to blueberries. Other agricultural/on-farm activities and industries need to be explored to fully utilise the available land and to broaden the base of industry to mitigate for any potential adjustment in the blueberry industry. This will help build on the industry’s focus on year-round crops, attracting both staff and visitors. The Council will continue to support the industry and its partners in realising the significant export potential of this sector. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Direction 25: Deliver more opportunities for affordable housing Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Increase affordable housing for residents on a range of income – pursue strategies for affordable housing Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Key objectives of the Compact City Program • Maintain housing supply and encourage built form and typologies that increase affordability. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Optimise greenfield development Greenfield development strategies (for existing urban investigation areas) will be prepared to encourage the optimised utilisation of land, respond to context and deliver a diversity of housing for lifestyle choice and affordability. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Promote appropriate infill and renewal in targeted locations to offer greater housing choice and affordability Key Directions: 1. Precinct planning will carefully examine the opportunities and constraints in localities to improve urban amenity and increase dwelling choice and diversity. 2. Opportunities will be provided for appropriately scaled higher density living where people can be close to entertainment, jobs and a wide range of community services. Modelling of areas where increased heights may be suitable will be undertaken to inform masterplanning and consultation processes. 3. Appropriate strategies will be enacted to encourage low-scale intensification in localities such as parts of Toormina, Woolgoolga, the Jetty and Sawtell. 4. Older suburbs such as Coffs Harbour (City Centre, Central North and Central South), Boambee East and Toormina will experience less change, but are expected to have some growth in dwellings, based predominantly on infill of vacant lots and more intense use of land. Key strategies will encourage better development outcomes. Examples include promoting lot amalgamations and better design for multi-dwelling housing developments. 5. A new residential community will be delivered in North Boambee Valley west. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 What this means for Coffs Harbour: • Ensuring the local planning provisions provide for residential choice, quality and design options to allow for ageing in place, housing diveristy and affordability as the population changes over time. • Addressing the pressure for the conversion of tourist resorts to housing lots as ShortTerm Rental Accomodation leads to affordability and amenity issues Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 What this means for Coffs Harbour: • Evolving housing and accommodation needs. • Managing the growth of the population that Coffs Harbour is anticipated to expect by 2040. • Accommodating Coffs Harbour’s changing age structure to ensure that there is adequate age based health and community services. • Planning for appropriate dwelling typology outcomes (noting the tertiary education age bracket is low in the LGA). • Ensuring that local planning provisions provide for residential choice, quality and design options to allow for ageing in place, housing diversity and affordability as the population changes over time. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Appropriately maximise the density in existing urban areas to protect agricultural, environmental and scenic qualities of land in the LGA while delivering sufficient supplies of greenfield development opportunities within existing identified growth areas. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 conflict between residential development and other uses such as agriculture. Manage temporary housing accommodation for seasonal and itinerate workers Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 GOAL 2: A THRIVING, INTERCONNECTED ECONOMY Direction 11: Protect and enhance productive agricultural lands Coffs Harbour LGMS Actions North Coast Regional Plan 2036 Actions Objective Priority Quick Wins Short Term Actions (1-4 years) Identify and protect intensive agriculture 11.3 clusters in local plans to avoid land use conflicts, particularly with residential and rural residential expansion. High Medium to Long Term Actions (5+ Years) Review Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 to determine whether any lands currently within zone R5 Large Lot Residential (and predominantly used extensively for horticultural uses) are more suited to an RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zoning. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Large lot residential development should not come at the expense of viable agriculture and should support the natural environmental and cultural values of rural areas. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Located away from regionally significant farmland and intensive plant agriculture areas to minimise conflict Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 This site does not include regionally significant farmland but some parts of it are north facing and used for intensive plant agriculture. Avoiding conflict with intensive plant agriculture (eg blueberries) is an issue to be addressed by planning proposals Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Support agri-business industry development and agricultural supply chain production through the airport and university. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Coffs Harbour Regional