Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Community Strategic Plan 2017/18 – 2026/27 6.6 Community Gardens in the towns Provider Provider Provider Provider Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Lachlan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2017/18 – 2026/27 Ensure water security for all towns and villages. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience NSW Lachlan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028 Green lid collection 2,851.17t Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Bega Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2027 2.3 Water Outcome: We have access to a secure water supply that is well-managed to provide us with a Strategy Who 2.3.1 Provide a financially viable, efficient, permanent potable water supply for Nyngan that meets best practice and has sufficient capacity for current and 2.3.2 Enhance the security of our water supply, ensuring long term drought management plans are developed Council State Government When Medium Term & Ongoing Short Term & Ongoing Council’s Role Direct Measure of Success Compliance with Strategic Business Plans for Water Partnership Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Bogan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2027 2.2 Rail Services Outcome: Our rail connection remains a cost-effective and reliable alternative for freight transport. Strategy 2.2.1 Encouraged increased use of rail for transporting agricultural and mining products. Who Private Provider When Short Term & Ongoing Council’s Role Advocate Measure of Success Services are Maintained to Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Bogan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2027 2.3.2 Enhance the security of our water supply, ensuring long term drought management plans are developed Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience NSW Bogan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2027 3.4.2 Ensure compliance with Safe Foods Standards. Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW Bogan Regional
Community Strategic Plan 2027 4.1.2 Support agricultural businesses so that they have the capacity to be a significant contributor to the local, regional and national economy. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Bogan Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Outcome: We have housing that suits our needs Premiers Priorities: Reducing youth homelessness, creating sustainable social housing, increasing housing supply Measure/s f Percentage of households where mortgage repayments are 30% of household income. f Percentage of households where rent payments are 30% of household income or greater. Strategies: Provide a range of accessible and affordable housing for people from all income levels and stages of life. Maintain a point of difference in our housing market. Implement the Future Directions for Social Housing. Plan for whole of life housing cycles. LGA Developers and builders City of Wagga Wagga, NSW Planning, NSW Family and community services LGA Developers and builders City of Wagga Wagga, NSW Planning Non-government organisations LGA NSW Family and Community Services LGA Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Provide opportunities to share and promote multicultural arts and food. Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Demonstration Gardens, developers, Erin Earth, community groups Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Strategies: Incorporate community gardens into new and existing community centres and spaces. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Demonstration Gardens, developers, Erin Earth, community groups Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Strategies: Incorporate community gardens into new and existing community centres and spaces. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Provide livestock marketing services to the region. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Encourage businesses to use local produce Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Promote the availability of fresh and local produce. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Outcome: We are proactive with our waste management Measure/s f Reduction of waste going in to landfill. f Tonnes of organics composted. f Kg of kerbside recycling per capita. Strategies: Implement food organics and garden organics recycling. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Conduct food safety and health education programs. Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Encourage businesses to use local produce Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Outcome: We attract and support local businesses and industry Premier’s priorities: Making it easier to start a business, encourage business investment Measure/s f Community perception that local business in this town are doing pretty well at the moment. f Percentage of people who identified attending Community events such as farmers market, festivals and shows. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Percentage of people who identified attending community events such as farmers market, festivals and shows. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Promote and support local produce through festivals and events. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Identify opportunities to improve the profitability of the agriculture sector Economic Development Local food producers NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2040 Provide livestock marketing services to the region. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Wagga Wagga Regional
Community & Council Plan Community targets Below is a range of shared targets to support progress toward the achievement of this goal. The measures for these targets are listed in Appendix B. • An increase in the diversity of housing options • An increase in housing affordability • An increase in social housing in Knox Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Knox Metropolitan
Community & Council Plan Partnerships and networks Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Knox Metropolitan
Community & Council Plan Support the delivery of a range of housing that addresses housing and living affordability needs Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Knox Metropolitan
Community & Council Plan Educate the community about healthy food choices through Knox sporting and community groups that operate in Council owned and managed facilities. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Knox Metropolitan
Community & Council Plan Educate the community through the provision of information, monitoring, surveillance, and enforcement that supports controlling the spread of infectious disease, including food-borne disease. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Knox Metropolitan