Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Community Gardens | 1 Purpose of Policy This policy aims to: Support the establishment and operation of community gardens on Council owned or managed land. Establish the roles and responsibilities of Council and the community in developing and managing community gardens. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Northern Beaches | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | 1. PURPOSE To define Council’s role in the provision of Community Gardens. 2. STATEMENT Community Gardens embrace the philosophy of permaculture in a community supported setting. Ideally a garden should aim to imitate nature in its diversity and provide a wide range of non-commercial plant produce in a context that also assists in the rehabilitation of soils, habitat and water quality. Depending on the community management of these gardens, a site may consist of individual or shared garden plots, including fruit and vegetable growing options. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Shoalhaven | Regional |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | 1. PURPOSE To define Council’s role in the provision of Community Gardens. 2. STATEMENT Community Gardens embrace the philosophy of permaculture in a community supported setting. Ideally a garden should aim to imitate nature in its diversity and provide a wide range of non-commercial plant produce in a context that also assists in the rehabilitation of soils, habitat and water quality. Depending on the community management of these gardens, a site may consist of individual or shared garden plots, including fruit and vegetable growing options. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Shoalhaven | Regional |
Community Gardens | 2. Objectives The objectives of these Guidelines are to: promote the development of community gardens as demonstration sites; document and standardise processes and procedures to ensure consistency in the management of all Community Gardens within the North Sydney local government area (LGA); help increase the number of community gardens, in accordance with North Sydney’s capacity, community need and availability of appropriate sites; clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects; support community gardens to be self managed to increase community ownership; and promote access to fresh, organic and locally produced fruit and vegetables. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | North Sydney | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens | 2. Objectives The objectives of these Guidelines are to: promote the development of community gardens as demonstration sites; document and standardise processes and procedures to ensure consistency in the management of all Community Gardens within the North Sydney local government area (LGA); help increase the number of community gardens, in accordance with North Sydney’s capacity, community need and availability of appropriate sites; clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects; support community gardens to be self managed to increase community ownership; and promote access to fresh, organic and locally produced fruit and vegetables. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | North Sydney | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens | 1. That as a Policy: i. Council support the concept of community gardens as a means to develop meaningful relationships within the community to strengthen social cohesion and demonstrate leadership in the area of sustainable gardening and / or food production. ii. Council assist in locating suitable community garden sites: a. where available land exists b. where neighbours are supportive, and c. where a community group demonstrates interest and commitment iii. Suitable community garden sites can be located in private or public land, such as: schools, churches, community centres, road verges / nature strips, un-made road reserves and parks. iv. Any community garden developed on public land be run by a management committee, with a license agreement covering the use of the land and the committee’s responsibilities. v. A procedure for starting a new Community Garden and the Site Selection Criteria be prepared. 2. That a demonstration edible garden be established in a suitable Council park in a high density residential area. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Willoughby | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens | 1. That as a Policy: i. Council support the concept of community gardens as a means to develop meaningful relationships within the community to strengthen social cohesion and demonstrate leadership in the area of sustainable gardening and / or food production. ii. Council assist in locating suitable community garden sites: a. where available land exists b. where neighbours are supportive, and c. where a community group demonstrates interest and commitment iii. Suitable community garden sites can be located in private or public land, such as: schools, churches, community centres, road verges / nature strips, un-made road reserves and parks. iv. Any community garden developed on public land be run by a management committee, with a license agreement covering the use of the land and the committee’s responsibilities. v. A procedure for starting a new Community Garden and the Site Selection Criteria be prepared. 2. That a demonstration edible garden be established in a suitable Council park in a high density residential area. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Willoughby | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | Objectives The objectives of this policy include: To recognise the need and benefits of community gardens. To support and encourage the establishment of autonomous community gardens throughout City of Canada Bay, on public open space, where feasible and appropriate. To recognise the value of community gardens, as a public amenity. To ensure that all community gardens are managed in an efficient manner and maintained to an acceptable standard. To ensure all community gardens are chemical free, water efficient and sustainable. To support the development of community gardens: where gardeners can acquire, share and increase knowledge and practice of organic gardening with various educational institutes and the local community. Offer a suitable site for Council environmental workshops and educational days. To standardise processes and procedures for the development of the community gardens. To clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects with reference to public liability, maintenance, safety and access. To develop a community garden network which is open and inclusive to a diverse range of abilities and community members | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Canada Bay | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | Objectives The objectives of this policy include: To recognise the need and benefits of community gardens. To support and encourage the establishment of autonomous community gardens throughout City of Canada Bay, on public open space, where feasible and appropriate. To recognise the value of community gardens, as a public amenity. To ensure that all community gardens are managed in an efficient manner and maintained to an acceptable standard. To ensure all community gardens are chemical free, water efficient and sustainable. To support the development of community gardens: where gardeners can acquire, share and increase knowledge and practice of organic gardening with various educational institutes and the local community. Offer a suitable site for Council environmental workshops and educational days. To standardise processes and procedures for the development of the community gardens. To clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects with reference to public liability, maintenance, safety and access. To develop a community garden network which is open and inclusive to a diverse range of abilities and community members | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Canada Bay | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | OBJECTIVE To provide direction on how Council will facilitate the establishment and management of community gardens on Council owned and controlled public land. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Ballina | Regional |
COMMUNITY GARDENS | OBJECTIVE To provide direction on how Council will facilitate the establishment and management of community gardens on Council owned and controlled public land. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Ballina | Regional |
Community Gardens | OBJECTIVE This policy aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Council in establishing and managing community gardens on Council owned and/ or managed lands in the Blue Mountains. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Blue Mountains | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens | OBJECTIVE This policy aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Council in establishing and managing community gardens on Council owned and/ or managed lands in the Blue Mountains. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Blue Mountains | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Guidelines | 2. Purpose To formally recognise the need and benefits of community gardens and outline Blacktown City Council’s approach to the establishment, support and ongoing management of community gardens. 3. Objectives o To establish guidelines and clarify responsibilities of Council and garden volunteers o To standardise the process and procedures for establishing and managing community gardens o To ensure community gardens demonstrate the principles of sustainability including water conservation, waste minimisation and basic Permaculture principles o To increase access to fresh, organic and locally produced fruit and vegetables o To promote the development of community gardens as a place to build stronger community relationships o To equip participants with the skills to pursue sustainability initiatives in their lives beyond the garden environment | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Blacktown | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Guidelines | 2. Purpose To formally recognise the need and benefits of community gardens and outline Blacktown City Council’s approach to the establishment, support and ongoing management of community gardens. 3. Objectives o To establish guidelines and clarify responsibilities of Council and garden volunteers o To standardise the process and procedures for establishing and managing community gardens o To ensure community gardens demonstrate the principles of sustainability including water conservation, waste minimisation and basic Permaculture principles o To increase access to fresh, organic and locally produced fruit and vegetables o To promote the development of community gardens as a place to build stronger community relationships o To equip participants with the skills to pursue sustainability initiatives in their lives beyond the garden environment | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Blacktown | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy Version: 1.3 | Purpose The Community Gardens Policy confirms Council’s commitment to community run community gardens. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy Version: 1.3 | Purpose The Community Gardens Policy confirms Council’s commitment to community run community gardens. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | Purpose Community gardens are places for actively building community through shared activities, and for learning and sharing sustainable living practices. They play a role in improving access to fresh locally grown food for their members, as well as providing a valuable recreational activity, social interaction and educational benefits for the local community. Council values the utilisation of appropriate public open space for community gardening for its contribution to the health and wellbeing of the wider community and for the creation of a sustainable living environment. The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s position on the concept of community gardens and to clarify the roles of Council and community groups who apply for community gardens on Councilowned or managed land within the Eurobodalla Shire. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Eurobodalla | Regional |
Community Gardens Policy | Purpose Community gardens are places for actively building community through shared activities, and for learning and sharing sustainable living practices. They play a role in improving access to fresh locally grown food for their members, as well as providing a valuable recreational activity, social interaction and educational benefits for the local community. Council values the utilisation of appropriate public open space for community gardening for its contribution to the health and wellbeing of the wider community and for the creation of a sustainable living environment. The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s position on the concept of community gardens and to clarify the roles of Council and community groups who apply for community gardens on Councilowned or managed land within the Eurobodalla Shire. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Eurobodalla | Regional |
Community Gardens Policy | Objectives The objectives of the community gardens policy are to: • Promote the development of community gardens as demonstration sites where people can meet, work together, build stronger community relationships and learn about sustainability; • Document and standardise processes, procedures and criteria to ensure consistency in the management of all community gardens located within the City of Sydney LGA; • Help increase the number of community gardens according to the City's capacity, community need and availability of appropriate sites, by developing a clear process and allocating appropriate resources to support new and existing community gardens; • Clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects including the garden volunteers, the City and partnering organisations, with reference to issues such as public liability, maintenance, safety and monitoring; • Support community gardens to become self-managed and encourage community ownership by requiring community garden groups to develop a management plan for their community garden; • Recommend the development of new community gardens on land established for community use as part of proposed park upgrades and developments. This will be dependent on the interest of the local community to support the garden operations. • Ensure that there is potential for a community garden within a kilometre (a 15 minute walk) of the dwellings of most city residents; Community Gardens Policy Approved: [29 February 2016] Page 2 of 7 • Promote access for the community to fresh, organic and locally produced herbs, vegetables and fruit, from gardens that are well maintained; • Ensure gardens are well maintained by the garden members to demonstrate a high standard to the community. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Sydney | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | Objectives The objectives of the community gardens policy are to: • Promote the development of community gardens as demonstration sites where people can meet, work together, build stronger community relationships and learn about sustainability; • Document and standardise processes, procedures and criteria to ensure consistency in the management of all community gardens located within the City of Sydney LGA; • Help increase the number of community gardens according to the City's capacity, community need and availability of appropriate sites, by developing a clear process and allocating appropriate resources to support new and existing community gardens; • Clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in community garden projects including the garden volunteers, the City and partnering organisations, with reference to issues such as public liability, maintenance, safety and monitoring; • Support community gardens to become self-managed and encourage community ownership by requiring community garden groups to develop a management plan for their community garden; • Recommend the development of new community gardens on land established for community use as part of proposed park upgrades and developments. This will be dependent on the interest of the local community to support the garden operations. • Ensure that there is potential for a community garden within a kilometre (a 15 minute walk) of the dwellings of most city residents; Community Gardens Policy Approved: [29 February 2016] Page 2 of 7 • Promote access for the community to fresh, organic and locally produced herbs, vegetables and fruit, from gardens that are well maintained; • Ensure gardens are well maintained by the garden members to demonstrate a high standard to the community. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Sydney | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | 1. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY The objective of this policy is to provide policy guidance with respect to the establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. 2. POLICY STATEMENT Council is committed to the orderly establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. This policy has been necessitated, at least in part, by the ad hoc establishment of community gardens which has given rise to the need for the adoption and implementation of an orderly and progressive approach toward the establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Northern Beaches | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | 1. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY The objective of this policy is to provide policy guidance with respect to the establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. 2. POLICY STATEMENT Council is committed to the orderly establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. This policy has been necessitated, at least in part, by the ad hoc establishment of community gardens which has given rise to the need for the adoption and implementation of an orderly and progressive approach toward the establishment, management and effectual operation of community gardens throughout the Manly local government area. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Northern Beaches | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS POLICY | Objective 1. To provide a systematic process for community garden groups to apply to Council to instigate the establishment of a community gardens on Council owned land or controlled land. 2. In responding to requests for support of community garden proposals Council adheres to the Community Garden Guidelines associated with this policy. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Northern Beaches | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS POLICY | Objective 1. To provide a systematic process for community garden groups to apply to Council to instigate the establishment of a community gardens on Council owned land or controlled land. 2. In responding to requests for support of community garden proposals Council adheres to the Community Garden Guidelines associated with this policy. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Northern Beaches | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | Purpose This Policy aims to: promote the development of, and support for, existing and proposed community gardens; document and standardise processes procedures; and clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Ryde | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | The Community Garden Policy outlines the role of Council in the provision and management of community gardens on Council owned and/or managed land, including its resource commitment and the outcomes it seeks to achieve. It includes the planning guidelines by which the gardens are expected to operate as well as how Council will assess requests for new community gardens. In addition the Policy clarifies the responsibilities and rights of community gardeners. This policy responds primarily to the five goals of the Nillumbik Council Plan (2013-17): • To enable a better future for Nillumbik residents and encourage healthy, safe and resilient communities through the provision of quality services. • • • • To preserve and nurture the natural environment of the Green Wedge for future and current generations through responsible leadership and stewardship. To provide infrastructure and plan for a built environment which respects and preserves the unique character of the Green Wedge. To develop a prosperous local economy through partnerships with local business, governments and community, consistent with our Green Wedge values. To provide good governance, leadership and responsible financial management and to make decisions in an inclusive and transparent manner. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | Nillumbik | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | Purpose This Policy aims to: promote the development of, and support for, existing and proposed community gardens; document and standardise processes procedures; and clarify the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Ryde | Metropolitan |
Community Gardens Policy | The Community Garden Policy outlines the role of Council in the provision and management of community gardens on Council owned and/or managed land, including its resource commitment and the outcomes it seeks to achieve. It includes the planning guidelines by which the gardens are expected to operate as well as how Council will assess requests for new community gardens. In addition the Policy clarifies the responsibilities and rights of community gardeners. This policy responds primarily to the five goals of the Nillumbik Council Plan (2013-17): • To enable a better future for Nillumbik residents and encourage healthy, safe and resilient communities through the provision of quality services. • • • • To preserve and nurture the natural environment of the Green Wedge for future and current generations through responsible leadership and stewardship. To provide infrastructure and plan for a built environment which respects and preserves the unique character of the Green Wedge. To develop a prosperous local economy through partnerships with local business, governments and community, consistent with our Green Wedge values. To provide good governance, leadership and responsible financial management and to make decisions in an inclusive and transparent manner. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | Victoria | Nillumbik | Metropolitan |
COMMUNITY GARDENS POLICY | 1.0 Purpose This policy establishes Council’s commitment to the future of community gardening as a significant strategy that can contribute to the health, wellbeing, social, environmental and cultural strength of the community. It defines the place of community gardening within the priorities of Council’s integrated strategic planning framework and establishes the respective roles and relationships between Council and community garden groups. 2.0 Objectives The objectives of this Policy and Procedures are: to promote the ongoing establishment of community gardens as significant social assets that bring people together for learning, health, environmental, social and environmental benefits, to document a standardised procedure to ensure community gardens are established in a consistent and accountable manner on community land in Kiama Municipality, to define the rights and responsibilities of community groups, volunteers and Council involved in the development of community gardens, to support self-management of community gardens by community organisations, to recommend planning controls to support the development of community gardens on land established for community use, and to promote public learning opportunities and successful experience in relation to production and use of fresh, nutritious, locally produced food. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | NSW | Kiama | Regional |