Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2028 5.2.1 Partner with State agencies to increase supply of affordable housing for residents on very low to moderate incomes. 5.2.2 Advocate to the NSW Government to include ‘key worker’ housing for moderate income earners to be included in affordable housing initiatives. 5.2.3 Advocate to the NSW Government to include mandatory affordable housing requirements in Council LEPs. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Georges River Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2028 As noted in Pillar 4, housing affordability is a concern. We need to respond by working across government to create the settings for affordable housing initiatives, while also advocating for investment in social infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and crisis accommodation, and planning for new and improved local services. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Georges River Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2028 Council will work with neighbouring councils and State agencies to help reach our goals. This includes: • Greater Sydney Commission, through the collaborative implementation of the liveability strategies and actions outlined in the South District Plan and specifically the 5-10% Affordable Rental Housing Target Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Georges River Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2028 Develop an affordable housing strategy. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Georges River Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 2.1.4 Assist and encourage the development of new business Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 2. Economic Significant economic challenges and issues that have influenced the composition of the community‚Äôs Economic strategies include: – The need to connect our communities by bitumen roads to encourage economic growth and development in all industries. – Investigation of and encouragement of other potentially viable industries such as tourism and an abattoir. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 Objective 2.1: Strengthening agriculture and existing local industries and exploring other options Strategies 2.1.3 Elevate the need for bitumen access from Brewarrina / Goodooga / Hebel 2.1.4 Assist and encourage the development of new business Responsible Support Council Council, NSW Government, Chamber of Commerce, local businesses Local business and government Regional Development Australia, local businesses Timing Ongoing Ongoing Economic Development Local food producers NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 Values  Provide a safe and attractive working and living environment that will attract skilled people and help boost the population  Continue to support and develop agriculture and other existing industries, but reduce reliance on the agriculture industry via development of alternative income sources Economic Development Local food producers NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 Objective 4.3: Management of water/wastewater Strategies 4.3.1 Manage environmentally responsible drainage works in accordance with Council program 4.3.2 Provide Brewarrina and villages of Goodooga and Angledool with an adequate and safe water supply that is appropriately priced for all consumers Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 2. Economic Significant economic challenges and issues that have influenced the composition of the community’s Economic strategies include: – The need to connect our communities by bitumen roads to encourage economic growth and development in all industries. – Investigation of and encouragement of other potentially viable industries such as tourism and an abattoir. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 Objective 2.1: Strengthening agriculture and existing local industries and exploring other options Strategies 2.1.3 Elevate the need for bitumen access from Brewarrina / Goodooga / Hebel 2.1.4 Assist and encourage the development of new business Responsible Support Council Council, NSW Government, Chamber of Commerce, local businesses Local business and government Regional Development Australia, local businesses Timing Ongoing Ongoing Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Brewarrina Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN BREWARRINA SHIRE 2026 2. Economic Significant economic challenges and issues that have influenced the composition of the community’s Economic strategies include: – The need to connect our communities by bitumen roads to encourage economic growth and development in all industries. – Investigation of and encouragement of other potentially viable industries such as tourism and an abattoir. Sustainability and Environment Local, sustainable food processing NSW Brewarrina Regional
Community Strategic Plan COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN ‘WARREN SHIRE 2027’ ‘Warren Shire 2027’ 4.3.2 Provide Warren and villages of Collie and Nevertire with an adequate and safe water supply that is appropriately priced for all consumers Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Warren Regional
Community Strategic Plan Newcastle 2030 Newcastle 2030 5.3a Ensure sufficient housing diversity to meet community needs, including affordable living and adaptable housing options Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Newcastle Regional
Community Strategic Plan Newcastle 2030 Newcastle 2030 Advocate to Australian and State governments for a minimum 10% affordable housing to be provided in appropriate scaled residential and mixed use developments. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Newcastle Regional
Community Strategic Plan Newcastle 2030 Newcastle 2030 NSW Government, Development Sector, Community Housing Providers Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Newcastle Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Strategies: Z($ Z(& Z(X Z(I Z(@ / ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ initiatives that enhance the economic sustainability of agriculture. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tenterfield Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 3.3.3 Provide a mixture of housing types that allow residents to meet their housing needs at different stages of their lives and support affordable living Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 5.3.1 Develop and implement initiatives which allow rural industries to innovate, adapt and prosper Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 5.3 Residents have improved access to a range of affordable housing options Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wollongong Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 5.3.2 Manage development to ensure it does not impact on viable primary production and food security Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Objective 5.3 Residents have improved access to a range of affordable housing options Strategies Key Responsibility 5.3.1 Housing choice in the Wollongong Local Government Area is improved, taking into account population growth, community needs and affordability. WCC State Government Private Sector 5.3.2 Integrated services are provided to residents in need of urgent shelter. State Government NGOs Community Groups and Organisations Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wollongong Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN We harness the economic potential of the area by building on the intrinsic advantages of the Shire. Our primary industries are thriving through the protection of good quality agricultural land, water and the environment. We Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Residents have improved access to a range of affordable housing options. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wollongong Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Increase the proportion of the residents satisfied with access to affordable fresh food Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail NSW Wollongong Regional
Community Strategic Plan Goal 18: Facilitate cultural activities and events which engage the community and visitors, and which create a ‘sense of place’ and identity. The Muswellbrook Shire community wants to grow and expand community cultural activities and events and wants to attract growing numbers of visitors to the region. The community wants to expand the Blue Heeler Film Festival, the Bottoms Up Festival, the Shire’s Shows and Events that feature and promote the strengths and values of the Shire, of love for family, community, heritage, history, the land and agriculture. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Muswellbrook Regional
Community Strategic Plan Housing Affordability Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Camden Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Goal 20: A safe, secure and reliable water supply and sewerage services are provided to all residents that will ensure public health. Council provides water treatment and reticulated drinking water supply services to the urban areas of Muswellbrook, Denman and Sandy Hollow and sewerage reticulation and treatment to the urban areas of Muswellbrook and Denman. The fully regulated Hunter River provides a high reliability source for both Muswellbrook and Denman. Sandy Hollow relies for its water supply on the Goulburn River, which over the course of the last drought proved reliable for the village at its current size. Muswellbrook Shire Council meets each of the water quality benchmarks set by the NSW Offi ce of Water and will continue to do so. The Muswellbrook Shire community wants clean, aff ordable and healthy water and waste management services that are sustainable and have a low impact on the environment. Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Muswellbrook Regional
Community Strategic Plan Goal 15: Support Federal and State initiatives to reduce the human impact on climate change Although climate change does not feature as a signifi cant issue in Council’s Baseline Survey, the evidence is clear that human development has had a substantial and permanent impact on the world’s climate. The consequences for the Shire, being a relatively dry part of the planet, are substantial – particularly on agriculture and water security. Moreover, Council acknowledges that the Muswellbrook local government area makes one of the largest contributions to global warming of councils in NSW as a result of its economic reliance on thermal coal and thermal coal power generation. While the Federal and NSW Governments have primary responsibility for transitioning the Shire’s economy to a low carbon future, Council is committed to being a partner in that exercise. The Muswellbrook Shire community wants to see improved regeneration and greening of mined lands, improved air quality and the protection of biodiversity and remnant endangered fl ora and fauna. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience NSW Muswellbrook Regional
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: 3.4 Secure, sustainable and environmentally sound water‐cycle infrastructure and services STRATEGIES: 3.4.1 Maintain and renew water network infrastructure to ensure the provision of secure, quality and reliable drinking water supplies Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Uralla Regional