Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Drinking water quality – compliance with microbiological requirements Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Tenterfield Regional
Community Strategic Plan S2.3 Secure sustainable water supplies for the Shire Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Moree Plains Regional
Community Strategic Plan  Comply with Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Moree Plains Regional
Community Strategic Plan Protect and enhance productive farmland, our artesian water and other water resources Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Moree Plains Regional
Community Strategic Plan S1.2 Protect and enhance productive farmland, our artesian water and other water resources Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Moree Plains Regional
Community Strategic Plan 3.4 Recognise the valuable contribution of the agriculture sector to the local economy Economic Development Local food producers NSW Oberon Regional
Community Strategic Plan Affordable housing Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Fter ardale in and in ardaility initiatie and rra Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan  ydney in rie ntine t inreae in ardaility i a rin nern and a een identified a a ririty r te Fairfield City Cnity Platin rt inetr deand and te deiraility  area r i ine earner i iatin n te ardaility  in r l t derate ine eld Fairfield in arin t ter ydney r i re ardale t in ardaility i a ey  r te lal nity Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Fd r at te a ele Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan HOUSING CHOICE While there has been nearly 6,000 high density dwellings constructed in Ku-ring-gai over the past decade the proportion of medium density dwellings remains significantly lower. Our community engagement clearly indicated that residents are seeking greater housing choice in the Ku-ring-gai area for all age groups. New housing will need to be more varied than before to meet these changing needs and preferences and to respond to the Greater Sydney Commission’s housing objectives within the North District Plan. Our challenge is to plan for more diverse and adaptable housing development while protecting and enhancing the visual landscape and built characteristics of Ku-ring-gai. In considering these challenges we also need to focus on facilitating a diverse and affordable range of housing to meet our community needs. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Ku-ring-gai Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan nrae te etalient  edatinal rra at ealt and ntritin Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Issue: C6 Housing Choice and Affordability C6.1 Housing diversity, adaptability and affordability is increased to support the needs of a changing community. Lead, deliver, advocate and facilitate Greater Sydney Commission, NSW Dept of Family and Community Services, Dept Planning and Environment, building industry, residents Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Ku-ring-gai Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan r Farin r Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Caraatta n Fetial Fd tall Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Fd r at te a ele Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan e City a r ar ine and retail entre and a ner  in entre i ae a lare rane  ltral iine and eialty  Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan r Farin r Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan r Farin r Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Fairfield Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan • satisfaction with housing affordability • increased provision of affordable housing Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Sutherland Shire Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Outcome 5 recognises the need to balance population growth with the need to respect our environment, support agriculture and build on our local fresh food production and other rural activities. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Develop and implement strategies to improve housing affordability. Develop and implement strategies to improve the supply of social and affordable housing. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Sutherland Shire Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan 4.3 Create memorable food destinations. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Willoughby Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Willoughby City Council collects an Affordable Housing levy to support housing options across the City and also owns a number of affordable housing units for rental. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Willoughby Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Where we want to be As our community changes we need a range of housing types to meet their needs and diverse budgets and lifestyles. Council will continue to increase the range of housing available, while maintaining the overall quality of development in Penrith Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan We will also help our community and our staff to understand healthy choices for exercise and nutrition Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan What is Council going to do? Council’s three bin system has significantly reduced waste. We divert more than 60% of the waste we collect from landfill through recycling or composting. We run year round audits and education programs to help people understand how to use this system well. We also support our community through workshops, attendance at events and information and advice to minimise their use of resources. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan We will also help our community and our staff to understand healthy choices for exercise and nutrition Health and Wellbeing Healthy eating by LG staff NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Outcome 5 recognises the need to balance population growth with the need to respect our environment, support agriculture and build on our local fresh food production and other rural activities. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Penrith Metropolitan
Community Strategic Plan Council’s three bin system has significantly reduced waste. We divert more than 60% of the waste we collect from landfill through recycling or composting Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Penrith Metropolitan