Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 1.3.2 Develop long term planning controls to address increasing demand for river frontage lifestyle blocks, farm subdivisions and small rural lots, new industrial land for development in towns; | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 4.1.3 Identify new opportunities and actively encourage investment in agriculture, agribusiness, value added manufacturing, alternate and renewable energy, health, wellbeing, aged care, and education; | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 4.1.4 Retain prime agricultural land to support agribusiness viability; and advocate for water to support the region’s critical agricultural base. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 4.1.3 Identify new opportunities and actively encourage investment in agriculture, agribusiness, value added manufacturing, alternate and renewable energy, health, wellbeing, aged care, and education; | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | Our Goal: We want our built and physical environment to be well planned, connected, safe, and designed to support our communities, industries, and businesses. What needs to be addressed? Establishing consistency in planning to protect and manage the best outcomes for our community. This will include development and planning controls for river frontage lifestyle blocks, farm subdivisions and small rural lots, new industrial land for development in towns; | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | Opportunities for growth in agribusiness and associated manufacturing; | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 1.4 Effectively plan for, improve and maintain water, sewer and waste 1.4.1 Plan and develop long-term Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy taking into account climate change, water security for towns and industry (including agriculture), sustainable demand and growth, and the natural environment; | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2028 Our Region, Our Future | 4.1.4 Retain prime agricultural land to support agribusiness viability; and advocate for water to support the region’s critical agricultural base. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | NSW | Murray River | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2030 | Undertake invasive weed management programs with a focus on protecting our agricultural lands and maintaining our native vegetation | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2030 | Water is the lifeblood of the Edward River region and plays an important role in our environment, just as it does in our economy. Our community is passionate about protecting our water supply and promoting the importance of reliable access to water to our region. We will work collaboratively with government, community, business and industry to better manage our water resources and secure the future of our natural environment and irrigated agriculture sector. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2030 | Dispose of waste thoughtfully through the Deniliquin Community Recycling Centre and the Return and Earn container deposit vending machine | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2030 | We will achieve this outcome by: Our targets: 2.1 2.2 2.3 Our economy is strong and diverse We develop our key assets to enhance agriculture, boost tourism and support existing business Our region provides strong education, employment and training opportunities Council Role • Champion the industries and sectors that underpin our economy | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2030 | We will achieve this outcome by: Our targets: 2.1 2.2 2.3 Our economy is strong and diverse We develop our key assets to enhance agriculture, boost tourism and support existing business Our region provides strong education, employment and training opportunities Council Role • Champion the industries and sectors that underpin our economy | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2038 | 1.2 Advocate for affordable and diverse housing choices | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Parramatta | Metropolitan |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2038 | Melrose Park The urban renewal planned will result in significant public benefit for the new and existing community and surrounding neighbourhoods. Residential development, including a minimum of 150 affordable dwellings, will provide significant housing stock to the area to address housing choice and affordability. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Parramatta | Metropolitan |
Community Strategic Plan 2018-2038 | Telopea A combination of new and revitalised social, affordable and private housing is planned, as well as a retail centre next to the forthcoming light rail station. This mix of housing, transport and social infrastructure will support a growing and more diverse community | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Parramatta | Metropolitan |
Community Strategic Plan 2018–2030 | People who need to can access affordable housing | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Bayside | Metropolitan |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | 2.1.2 Promote opportunities from potential mining, horticultural and energy investments. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | 3.3.3 Instigate an Organics Centre of Excellence. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | a. Establish an Organics Task Force to prepare project plan. b. Audit the current and potential involvement in organic farming. c. Market the region for its connection with organic farming. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | Encourage new developments and industry into the Shire while value adding to existing industries and agricultural activities. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | 3.3.3 Instigate an Organics Centre of Excellence. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | a. Establish an Organics Task Force to prepare project plan. b. Audit the current and potential involvement in organic farming. c. Market the region for its connection with organic farming. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | Priorities & Actions a. Encourage environmentally friendly practices including recycling, composting etc. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
Community Strategic Plan 2027 | Priorities & Actions a. Encourage environmentally friendly practices including recycling, composting etc. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | NSW | Balranald | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2028 | Advocate for and supports the provision of affordable housing in our towns and villages | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2030 | 2. An Agricultural region of excellence in innovation, technology, & high quality local produce | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Hilltops | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2030 | 2.1 Promote diversification of the Agriculture sector to increase innovation and adaption | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Hilltops | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2030 | 2.3 Support the development of sustainable agriculture that protects the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Hilltops | Regional |
COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2030 | Building a strong & robust regional economy Outcome: “Hilltops is a connected and growing region, with both the local society and economy driven by a culture of innovation and collaboration, capitalising on our agricultural strength.” | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Hilltops | Regional |