Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF NOXIOUS WEEDS 1. PURPOSE Shoalhaven City Council's objective is to control or eradicate all noxious weeds within the City area Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Shoalhaven Regional
Control and Management of Itinerant Traders Control and Management of Itinerant Traders Policy No. This Policy is a tool that will provide Council with a framework for the operation and management of itinerant traders within the municipality. The objectives of this policy are:  To facilitate the opportunities for itinerant traders that adds to the public’s enjoyment and use of the municipality, while not reducing safety or access to public land;  To provide a consistent and coordinated process for the assessment of applications for itinerant traders within the municipality. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Mornington Metropolitan
Control of Noxious WeedsPolicy The Council aims to progressively reduce the spread and infestation of priority weeds by the active co-operation and participation of landholders in the development of practical reasonable and effective whole farm biosecurity plans for weed control. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Cabonne Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Manage temporary housing accommodation for seasonal and itinerate workers. Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 Support agri-business industry development and agricultural supply chain production through the airport and university. Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy 2020 conflict between residential development and other uses such as agriculture. Manage temporary housing accommodation for seasonal and itinerate workers. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Coffs Harbour Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Council is committed to continuing to provide programs such as –  Garden Smart  Workshops, Kindy Kits and  No Waste in My Lunchbox Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY The current programs that Council participates in and future options to consider to manage hazardous and problem waste are outlined in Table 15. Council currently participates in both DrumMUSTER and ChemClear. DrumMUSTER is relatively well supported in the LGA and Council provides collection points at its Ardlethan and Coolamon landfill sites. The ChemClear program requires farmers to register their property as sites for the annual pickup of chemicals. There appears to be an opportunity for Council to provide further support for the program to increase community participation. Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2017 -23 24 Program Details DrumMUSTER A national program for collection of empty chemical drums – currently residents are able to drop their eligible empty containers off at the Ardlethan and Coolamon landfills. ChemClear Household Chemical CleanOut Community Recycling Centres A national program that provides yearly collection of unwanted chemicals. Scheduled program operated in NSW and held at different locations across the State for household quantities, up to a maximum of 20 litres or 20 kilograms of a single item. Items that may be collected include solvents, and household cleaners, fluorescent globes and tubes, paint, household chemicals, car batteries, motor oils, fuels and fluids. The WARR Strategy has set a target of establishing 86 community recycling centres in NSW. The Coolamon landfill has recently had one of these community recycling centres constructed on the site and it is now open for residents to dispose of problem household wastes. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY At present Council provides a household organics collection service to the towns of Coolamon and Ganmain. The introduction of a household organics collection bin provides for the following opportunities: 1. Increased waste diversion Introducing a FOGO collection bin diverts more waste from landfill than a kerbside recycling bin as the potentially recoverable content in residual bins is mostly organic. On average, the content of a residual bin is made up of 40% food waste, 11% garden waste and 23% dry recyclables. Further, 9% of the dry recyclable content is generally made of paper and cardboard this organic material can be placed in the organic recycling bin to decompose, thereby increasing the total diversion rate from a residual waste bin to 60%. 2. More affordable collection service Organic windrow composting facilities offer affordable low technology option for processing organics within the LGA. Moreover, the resulting compost can also be sold and used locally. Council is committed to exploring the opportunity of providing a FOGO collection service to the township of Ardlethan and to investigate opportunities for greater and more varied use of the organic waste that is currently converted into compost at the Coolamon landfill site. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2.3.3 Kerbside waste service Council provides domestic kerbside waste collection services to all households across the LGA. All households are provided with weekly residual (140 Litre MGB) and fortnightly comingled recycling (240 Litre MGB) collection services. Since October 2012, households in Coolamon and since July 2015, households in Ganmain have also been provided with a fortnightly food and garden organics (240 Litre MGB) kerbside collection service. At present the total number of kerbside waste services provided in the Shire is approximately 1,651 residual waste (including 56 commercial services), 1,613 comingled recycling, and 1,162 food and garden organics (FOGO) services. During the 2012-13 financial year an estimated total of 728 tonnes of residual waste, 255 tonnes of recycling, and 198 tonnes of garden organic material was collected via the Shire’s domestic kerbside waste services. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 4.4 Theme Three: Divert More Waste from Landfill Target: Introduce household FOGO collection service to Ardlethan by 2020 Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2017 -23 Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Contract reviewed and new tender let Landfill Management options investigated and preferred option enacted Collection Depot established with required infrastructure in place e.g. Erection of sorting shed Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Council also introduced a compulsory weekly FOGO collection service to the towns of Coolamon (2012) and Ganmain (2015). The introduction of a FOGO collection service to remaining towns and villages will be investigated as a component of this strategy. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Council is committed to continuing to provide programs such as –  Garden Smart  Workshops, Kindy Kits and  No Waste in My Lunchbox Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Establish the Coolamon Landfill site as a Container Deposit Collection Point. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY If feasible, the township of Ardlethan is provided with a FOGO service Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Introduce Kerbside FOGO collection Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Investigate and if feasible introduce a FOGO service to Ardlethan Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Investigate the feasibility of a regional organics collection site in consultation with REROC Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Investigate the introduction of FOGO service in Ardlethan and if feasible – implement FOGO Service introduced 2020 Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Investigate the introduction of household FOGO Collection Service to Ardlethan and potentially implement by 2020 Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Investigate the opportunity to introduce household FOGO collection to Ardlethan by 2020. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Mike Ritchie & Associates (MRA) were engaged by the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) in September 2013 to conduct a program of waste audits across the region. For the Coolamon Shire this audit comprised of:  An audit of domestic kerbside residual waste, recycling, and food and garden organics bins in the Coolamon Shire Local Government Area (LGA). The results of the audit indicated that:  On average each household in Coolamon generated 5.41 kilograms of residual waste per week. This equates to approximately 281.32 kilograms per household per year based on 52 weeks per year and assuming an equal mean weekly generation rate.  Audit results indicate that leakage of recyclable material to the residual waste bin was high as comingled recyclable material accounted for 25.80% of the residual waste stream by weight. This figure is 3.69% above the NSW state average of 22.11% (NSW EPA, 2013).  The food loading in the residual waste bin (2.17 kg/household/week or 38.85% by weight) was higher than might have been expected given that residents in the Coolamon township have a FOGO bin.  Results suggested that 41.03% of the residual waste stream was compostable material consisting of mainly food (38.85%). Overall the results indicate that 78.85% of the Coolamon domestic residual waste stream by weight was potentially recyclable material. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Participate in Container Deposit Scheme as Collection Agency Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Participate in No Waste in My Lunch Box Campaign Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Participate in the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Review Mobile Collection Contract to include relevant provisions for CDS Investigate Landfill Management Contract options with a view to promoting cost and value efficiencies. Single, Multiple Contracts or Council Employees. CDS Operational Requirements Investigated and Implemented at Coolamon Landfill to operate as a collection agency for CDS e.g. Sorting Shed and associated infrastructure. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Target: Council Established as a Collection Agency for NSW Container Deposit Scheme The NSW Government's Container Deposit Scheme will roll out across the state from 1 December 2017. Under the NSW Container Deposit Scheme (CDS), people will be able to return eligible beverage containers for recycling in exchange for a 10‑cent refund. A network of collection depots will open across NSW to receive empty beverage containers and deliver the 10-cent refund. Collection depots are dedicated locations where the 10-cent refund can be issued for eligible containers. Council seeks to become a collection agency under the scheme which will assist with managing recyclables within the LGA and provide an income stream for the management of recyclables. Infrastructure and operational considerations will need to be investigated by Council to ensure that the scheme can be effectively and efficiently managed. Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Viability of FOGO Service for Ardlethan Investigated and dependent on findings – implemented Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional
COOLAMON SHIRE COUNCIL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY Waste and Resource Recovery: Kerbside Collections: Residual: Landfilled at Ardlethan, Coolamon, Ganmain, Marrar Recyclables: Processed at the Elouera MRF at Cootamundra Greenwaste and Food Waste: Composted at the Coolamon Landfill Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Coolamon Regional