Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 Measure Range of indicators to assess the progress of community services and facilities Food safety assessments (percentage of registered class 1 food premises and class 2 food premises that receive an annual food safety assessment) Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Boroondara Metropolitan
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 4.1.1 Having products grown, processed and packaged in West Wimmera, will assist in developing a credible brand for the Shire. Whether that be for the red meat industry, grains or vegetable production, the customer should know that it came from West Wimmera. The creation of employment opportunities through investment in value adding to the various commodities produced in the Shire will enable more of the wealth generated to remain in the Shire. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 4.1.1 Having products grown, processed and packaged in West Wimmera, will assist in developing a credible brand for the Shire. Whether that be for the red meat industry, grains or vegetable production, the customer should know that it came from West Wimmera. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 4.3.1 To assist with the attraction of investment into processing facilities and intensive livestock opportunities, Council must advocate for utility services such as reliable energy sources, water security, natural gas and telecommunications infrastructure. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 Building on our agricultural and business strengths and supporting economic development. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 Building on our agricultural and business strengths and supporting economic development. Actions 4.1.1 Pursue the development of manufacturing plants to value add to our local products 4.2.1 Closely liaise with ‚Äúmain street‚Äù businesses 4.2.2 Investigate cost effective ways to support existing businesses 4.3 Promote opportunities that support our agricultural producers to diversify and / or value add 4.3.1 Participate in business case development for utility infrastructure – water and gas pipelines and power generation Advocacy Actions ‚Ä¢ Pursue businesses that can add value to locally produced commodities ‚Ä¢ Promote business retention activities to be included in Economic Development Strategy ‚Ä¢ Advocacy for water security ‚Ä¢ Investigate the possibility of a wetlands centre of excellence for the region ‚Ä¢ Investigate the need for and viability of community sheep yards for Kaniva Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 With an economy that is driven on diversity, this plan will look to further enhance the value provided to the Victorian state economy, by adding value to activities, such as but not limited to those listed; Broad acre cropping. Production and processing of: wheat, canola, beans, chickpeas, lentils… Vegetable and forage cultivation and seed production Animal Husbandry and processing Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 Affordable Housing Policy Implementation: Addressing affordability for Moreland Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Moreland Metropolitan
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 ii) Provide a report to Council on the results of the trial program with additional information into the take up of the ‘Composting Community’ composting bin and worm farm discount program. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Moreland Metropolitan
COUNCIL PLAN 2017-21 Progressive City Deliverables Directorate Year 1: 2017/18 actions Budget FY18 Year 2: 2018/19 actions Budget FY19 Year 3: 2019/20 actions P9. Enhance the environmental outcomes of Council waste services and increase community awareness/participation in environmental initiatives to reduce waste to landfill CI P9a) Trial, education and implementation of initiatives to actively reduce waste to landfill i) Undertake an education program in parallel with a trial of public-place recycling bins in shopping strips. The trial will be evaluated, from learnings gathered which will inform whether the project will be scaled up ii) Provide a report to Council on the results of the trial program with additional information into the take up of the ‘Composting Community’ composting bin and worm farm discount program. P9b) Become a ‘Plastic Wise’ Council by banning all disposable plastic items at Council festivals and events CI Amend Council’s Waste and Litter Strategy and, festival and events policies to fully implement a Council-wide plastic wise policy i) $151k CAPEX and OPEX ii) Base i) Progress the transition of diverting food waste from the garbage bin to the green bin by providing timeline and implementation plans to Council for action ii) Undertake analysis of the impact on dumped rubbish following the change to the Hard Waste Collection Service i) Base ii) Base Budget FY20 Year 4: 2020/21 actions Budget FY21 Report to Council on the results of the dumped rubbish/hard waste collection review Base Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Moreland Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017-21    Investigate opportunities for agri-tourism products and experiences, for example paddock to plate, farm stays Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Complete a project to quantify labour force data from within the municipality, with a particular focus on the agricultural sector Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Encourage the growth of agriculture through appropriate advocacy and strategic planning Investigate opportunities for agricultural businesses to establish new enterprises How we will know we have achieved this  Advocate for improved transport links  Review the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) to ensure the growth of agriculture is supported  Implement the Rural Land Use Strategy Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Regularly meet with agricultural grower groups and large horticulture producers Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Upgrade Swan Hill Livestock Selling Complex Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21    Support the Agribusiness Committee Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Continue to explore opportunities to increase affordable housing supply Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Encourage the growth of agriculture through appropriate advocacy and strategic planning Investigate opportunities for agricultural businesses to establish new enterprises How we will know we have achieved this  Advocate for improved transport links  Review the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) to ensure the growth of agriculture is supported  Implement the Rural Land Use Strategy Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Engage with local industry to identify opportunities, for example clean energy on farms Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21    Engage with local Landcare groups  Identify and reduce boxthorn infestations  Extend fruit fly program Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Upgrade Swan Hill Livestock Selling Complex Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Encourage the growth of agriculture through appropriate advocacy and strategic planning Investigate opportunities for agricultural businesses to establish new enterprises How we will know we have achieved this  Advocate for improved transport links  Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017-21   Food safety Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Swan Hill Regional
Council Plan 2017–2021 ANNUAL PLAN – YEAR 2, 2018/2019 Inspect Class 1, 2 and 3 food premises and Category 1 health premises annually. Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Stonnington Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 YEAR 1 The City will continue to plan for a municipality that has a well-distributed network of vibrant activity centres providing a diversity of living, working, shopping and community opportunities at the heart of their respective neighbourhoods. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Stonnington Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 YEAR 1 We will continue to plan for a municipality that has vibrant activity centres that provide a range of living, working, shopping and community opportunities at the heart of their respective neighbourhoods. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Stonnington Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 YEAR 1 Inspect all food premises at least once annually and all health premises at least every two years. Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Stonnington Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 located in close proximity to shopping and public transport hubs Council’s role: Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Hume Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 located in close proximity to shopping, public      Continue to implement the Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Hume Metropolitan
Council Plan 2017–2021 urban development while protecting and enhancing the City’s environment, natural heritage and rural spaces Community Expectation 4.1.1: Housing needs for all ages and stages of life are supported through the provision of a diverse range of appropriate housing options and residential development Council’s role: Facilitator, Advocate How we will do it… What we want to do… 2019/20 actions Facilitate the provision of a range of appropriate housing   Finalise and adopt (subject to Council approval) the Housing Diversity Strategy. Proposed 2020/21 actions  Prepare an amendment to the Planning Scheme to introduce controls to      Advocate for improved crisis accommodation and social   Commence development of an Affordable Housing Policy to guide and facilitate the provision of affordable housing through     Provide a leading edge     Implement priority actions to improve the delivery of Statutory    Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Hume Metropolitan