Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Council Urban Growth Policy Statement | Council’s economic development strategies encourage new and innovative sustainable agricultural industries and the promotion of value adding industries, which can capitalise the agricultural and resource base | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moorabool | Regional |
Council Urban Growth Policy Statement | Supports market gardens and the irrigation dictrict | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moorabool | Regional |
Council Urban Growth Policy Statement | Council’s economic development strategies encourage new and innovative sustainable agricultural industries and the promotion of value adding industries, which can capitalise the agricultural and resource base | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Moorabool | Regional |
Council Urban Growth Policy Statement | Council’s economic development strategies encourage new and innovative sustainable agricultural industries and the promotion of value adding industries, which can capitalise the agricultural and resource base | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Moorabool | Regional |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Council has identified the following ways in which Council could continue advocate for positive changes across the four Housing Themes: • Advocate for increased supply of public housing, social housing and transitional housing in Greater Dandenong that is aligned with current and future housing needs and dispersed across Greater Dandenong to avoid creation of communities of acute disadvantage; | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Council Plan Priority 4.2 Attract investment and residential, commercial and industrial development in the City Housing Strategy Action D-1 Timeframe Investigate a “fast track” process for residential development. D-2 Provide assistance to housing associations seeking to develop social or affordable housing projects that support vulnerable CGD residents. This could be through the provision of: • property related information; • provision of information on current housing needs and trends; • information on development models and standards; • property purchase opportunities; and • affordable housing models / projects; D-3 Seek opportunities in the amendment process to negotiate affordable housing outcomes, where possible. 6.4 Sound financial management for a sustainable Council D-4 Continue to offer rate rebates to vulnerable households in housing stress through Council’s Rates and Charges Hardship Policy 1.10: Inclusion and support for the health and wellbeing of older people D-5 Continue to support older residents to age in place by offering assistance to undertake minor safety and environmental adjustments to their homes through Council’s Community Care model. Ongoing Action Ongoing Action Development Facilitation Engagement Service Provision City Planning, Design and Amenity Corporate Services Increase of affordable housing stock arising from partnership arrangements and private sector development, where possible. Continued operation of Council’s Rates and Charges Hardship Policy Number of residents who receive a rate waiver or deferral. Ongoing Action Service Provision Community Services Number of residents using Council’s Home Maintenance Service. Short-Term Action Council role Responsibility Outcome / Indicator Regulatory Role City Planning, Design and Amenity Ongoing Action Promotion and Education Engagement Development Facilitation Advocacy City Planning, Design and Amenity (with assistance from Greater Dandenong Business and Community Services) Fast-track process for residential development has been investigated and, if appropriate, implemented. • Increased affordable housing projects in Greater Dandenong arising from partnership arrangements and private sector development. • A regular bulletin on key housing trends, housing need, and the distribution, structure and volume of new housing disseminated to community housing associations • Guidance and promotional materials for the private sector on the benefits of partnering with registered housing associations to deliver quality housing outcomes prepared. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Council Plan Priority Housing Strategy Action B-9 Promote public awareness of rooming house regulations and provide adequate education material to the community and key stakeholders in regards to the administration and enforcement of relevant legislation. 4.1 Best practice urban design and development, and activation to create liveable neighbourhoods and workplaces. B-10 Develop a ‘Shared Accommodation Local Planning Policy’ for inclusion into the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme to promote best practice design and establish reasonable location, design, amenity and car parking standards for shared accommodation. Timeframe Council role Ongoing Regulatory Role Promotion, Education and Engagement Long-Term Action Policy Development Regulatory Role Responsibility Outcome / Indicator City, Planning Design and Amenity Educational material available on the CGD website. Record annual customer concerns/complaints on rooming houses. Information sessions held with other regulators or organisations with rooming house responsibility. City Planning, Design and Amenity Shared Accommodation Local Planning Policy adopted by Council and incorporated into the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme or other mechanism as appropriate. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Council will continue to monitor and enhance the quality, standard and amenity of low-cost housing options, such as rooming houses, student housing, caravan parks and residential villages. This will be achieved through a mix of activities including: | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Council will identify vacant and underutilised public and private sites with redevelopment potential and pursue partnership opportunities with the private and public sector to deliver urban renewal and social housing outcomes for the community. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Establish a Housing Development Fund. The following issues are to be resolved in the establishment phase: • The structure for managing the fund. • Priorities for the fund. • Funding and revenue stream options (this may include recurrent funding through the Long Term Financial Strategy and/or dedicating a portion of proceeds from sale of Council land). 2. Amend Council policies and procedures guiding the sale or transfer of Council land and air rights to include recognition that the delivery of urban renewal, social housing and affordable housing outcomes is one of Council’s priorities when allocating surplus Council land for new uses or sale. 3 Identify vacant or under-utilised sites (in accordance with an agreed site selection criteria) that can be redeveloped to realise Council’s revitalisation, investment, housing diversity and affordable housing goals, in accordance with the objectives of the Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy 2014-2024. Timeframe Council Role Council Department Responsibility Immediate start Development Facilitation Capital /Land Investment Policy Development • The Sale or Transfer of Council Land Policy (2013) has been amended in accordance with the recommendations of the Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy Implementation Group. • Site selection criteria established and endorsed by the Greater Dandenong Housing Strategy Implementation Group and the Executive Management Team. • Land register developed (including all Council landholdings, Crown land and public authority land). • Redevelopment opportunities identified and reported to the Executive Management Team Housing Strategy Implementation Group Outcome / Indicator • Housing Development Fund established. • Number of affordable housing units delivered in the municipality through Council financial contributions. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Facilitate social housing schemes that meet the Housing Strategy Vision. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | Support the development of affordable and varied accommodation options for aged residents and people with disabilities to ensure their security, comfort and wellbeing | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | the development of planning policy for rooming houses and student housing • continuing to ensure that low-cost housing is used and occupied in accordance with relevant legislation • reviewing the application process for caravan park and residential village proposals. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Action Plan to implement the Housing Strategy from 2015 to 2024 | WHAT ARE OUR HOUSING AFFORDABILITY OBJECTIVES? • Achieve a wide choice of well-designed, high quality affordable housing in appropriate locations to meet current and future needs. • Continue to support vulnerable households experiencing housing stress. HOW WILL COUNCIL SEEK TO ACHIEVE THESE OBJECTIVES? Council will continue to support vulnerable households experiencing housing stress. This will be achieved through actions ranging from direct support (such as supporting older residents to remain in their homes) through to advocacy to improve security and access to housing for vulnerable and low income residents. Council has established the Greater Dandenong Affordable Housing Toolkit to improve housing affordability for the community. This toolkit outlines the range of ways that Council will improve efficiencies in the housing market and support social and affordable housing development. The tools range from research and advocacy through to direct financial and property contributions towards social housing development. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Greater Dandenong | Metropolitan |
Council’s Annual Report details | Healthy eating policy adopted by Council during 2018/19. | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Promote the ‘traffic light’ approach to health food choices in community facilities, sporting clubs and events. | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Council promoted and encouraged schools within our shire to participate in a training session hosted by West Wimmera Health Services on the Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines in March 2018. | Health and Wellbeing | Dietary guidelinse for external settings | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Council promoted and encouraged schools within our shire to participate in a training session hosted by West Wimmera Health Services on the Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines in March 2018. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Promote the ‘traffic light’ approach to health food choices in community facilities, sporting clubs and events. Guidance material promoted and Policy adopted. | Health and Wellbeing | Partner with sport clubs to provide healthy choices | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | National livestock identification scheme | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Continue to engage with our farming community on road and road related infrastructure maintenance and improvements. | Sustainability and Environment | Strengthen food chain connections/distribution | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Food safety Health and safety Critical and major compliance notifications non- [Number of critical noncompliance notifications and major non-compliance notifications about a food premises followed up / Number of critical non-compliance notifications and major noncompliance notifications about food premises] x100 | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Food Safety Timeliness Time taken to action food complaints [Number of days between receipt and first response action for all food complaints / Number of food complaints] Service standard Food safety assessments [Number of registered class 1 food premises and class 2 food premises that receive an annual food safety assessment in accordance with the Food Act 1984 / Number of registered class 1 food premises and class 2 food premises that require an annual food safety assessment in accordance with the Food Act 1984] x100 Service cost Cost of food safety service [Direct cost of the food safety service / Number of food premises registered or notified in accordance with the Food Act 1984] | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | agricultural and pastoral society shows, in | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
Council’s Annual Report details | Continue to engage with our farming community on road and road related infrastructure maintenance and improvements. | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Hindmarsh | Regional |
COWRA SHIRE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY | Education infrastructure: local training facilities that cater to the needs of the industry | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Cowra | Regional |
COWRA SHIRE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY | It will also involve working closely with manufacturing businesses and agricultural businesses to advocate for sustainability and energy solutions, such as biomass, that leverage the existing endowments in the region and produce by-products (energy and fertiliser) that meet local demand. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Cowra | Regional |
COWRA SHIRE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY | Promote and build on the Skills Summit work | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Cowra | Regional |
COWRA SHIRE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY | Continue to facilitate and promote better utilisation of infrastructure and amenity at Cowra’s DPI Agricultural Research and Advisory Station for testing innovation and technology in the sector | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Cowra | Regional |
COWRA SHIRE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY | Continue to work closely with Cowra’s DPI Agricultural Research and Advisory Station for testing innovation and technology in the sector. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Cowra | Regional |