Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Positive Ageing Strategy 2011 – 2020 | Key Result Area 3: Housing Outcome 5: Older residents and those planning for older age have available a range of housing options that address the housing needs of older residents. DAP Strategies: 31-36 Social Plan Strategies: 1.5.1-1.5.2;1.5.4-1.5.6 Issue Housing availability & choice Action Strategy 19. Apply the Affordable Housing Strategy and Policy | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Clarence Valley | Regional |
Positive Ageing Strategy 2011 – 2020 | In the Clarence Valley there is a shortage of housing options for older persons, the majority of whom would prefer to age in place. There is a need for: o Recognition that there are now three stages of mature age: lifestyle; retired; and old – each with different housing needs. o Greater choice in housing suitable for independent older persons (owner occupier and rentals): smaller dwellings and lot sizes including villa and townhouse cluster development in range of city, town and village locations; ¼ acre blocks that allow retirement lifestyle stage residents to store caravans, boats etc and to have vegetable gardens etc. | Sustainability and Environment | Home and community gardening | NSW | Clarence Valley | Regional |
Potable and Recycled Water Supply Policy | 2. POLICY: Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council supports and promotes the responsible and sustainable use of water and the application of a management approach that consistently meets the Australian Drinking Water quality Guidelines and National Guidelines on Water Recycling, as well as recycled water user and regulatory requirements. | Health and Wellbeing | Access to safe drinking water | NSW | Queanbeyan-Palerang | Regional |
POULTRY – KEEPING OF | POULTRY – KEEPING OF | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | NSW | Mosman | Metropolitan |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | . Support economically and climate resilient farming systems. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Support enterprise & economic diversification among agricultural community. Support planning & choice of options during periods of low water availability. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Support enterprise & economic diversification among agricultural community. Support planning & choice of options during periods of low water availability. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | . Support economically and climate resilient farming systems. | Sustainability and Environment | Food supply and food system resilience | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Lower priority Food safety Education of food handlers on actions to take in the case of electricity failure – using information developed by State Government | Sustainability and Environment | Food supply and food system resilience | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Provide support services for farmers and farm workers to help to deal with drought. Seek external resources to support activities | Sustainability and Environment | Food supply and food system resilience | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Support enterprise & economic diversification among agricultural community. Support planning & choice of options during periods of low water availability. | Sustainability and Environment | Food supply and food system resilience | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Food safety reviews of relevant commercial premises. Training of food handlers. | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Lower priority Food safety Education of food handlers on actions to take in the case of electricity failure – using information developed by State Government | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Public and environmental health – food safety, | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | . Support economically and climate resilient farming systems. | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Provide support services for farmers and farm workers to help to deal with drought. Seek external resources to support activities | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | Support enterprise & economic diversification among agricultural community. Support planning & choice of options during periods of low water availability. | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for climate change in the Moira Shire | What are the existing risk controls? ÓÇÑ Economic development and tourism promotion services provided/supported by Council. ÓÇÑ Pursue export opportunities for regional agricultural and tourism products. | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | 3.4 Work with the horticulture and viticulture industries to understand the changing nature and needs of these industries and inform strategic network planning to support them accordingly, for example, providing for future access by B-Triple and Quad-axle road freight vehicles. | Sustainability and Environment | Strengthen food chain connections/distribution | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | 4.3 Undertake a scoping study for the development of a Regional Agritourism trail in the Snowy Valleys Council region. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | 3.2 Working in partnership with Industry NSW, RDA Murray and RDA Riverina, host a Snowy Valleys Region Manufacturers’ Forum to explore the concept of and opportunities for a regional advanced manufacturing cluster focusing on value adding in the forestry and timber processing and agri-business sectors. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | 3.4 Work with the horticulture and viticulture industries to understand the changing nature and needs of these industries and inform strategic network planning to support them accordingly, for example, providing for future access by B-Triple and Quad-axle road freight vehicles. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | In supporting innovation, diversification and growth of the region’s existing businesses and through its efforts to attract new investment, Snowy Valleys Council: 1. Prioritises initiatives that support innovation and development of the region’s key sectors in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, agribusiness, education, health and wellbeing and tourism, with an emphasis on new opportunities in value-added economic activities which target existing, new and emerging markets. 2. Prioritises activities that support the growth of ‘knowledge-intensive’ economic activities in education, health and wellbeing, horticulture, timber, agribusiness and knowledge-based business services. | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | Theme 3: Support the Growth of the Snowy Valleys' Agriculture, Forestry and Timber Product Processing Sectors | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Preparing for Prosperity Snowy Valleys Council Region Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022 | Theme 3: Support the Growth of the Snowy Valleys’ Agriculture, Forestry & Timber Product Processing Sectors | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Snowy Valleys | Regional |
Priority Projects | The increasing popular farmers’ market draws crowds from throughout the region. Installing modern wastewater facilities would improve the quality of life for local residents, allow local businesses to expand opportunities including attracting more visitors to the farmers’ market. | Economic Development | Public food markets and distributors | Victoria | Central Goldfiedls | Regional |
PRIORITY WEEDS | To raise public/community awareness of the detrimental effect priority weeds have on both our agriculture and environment. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | NSW | Orange | Regional |
PRIORITY WEEDS | To raise public/community awareness of the detrimental effect priority weeds have on both our agriculture and environment. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Orange | Regional |
Procurement Policy | where practicable, Council will procure certified products (e.g. tea, coffee, chocolate, garments) which support farmers, their families and communities in developing nations in receiving more stable and secure incomes, better working conditions, and enhanced investment in quality and local environmental sustainability. | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Boroondara | Metropolitan |
PROCUREMENT POLICY | Buy Fairtrade Fairtrade products are given consideration where practical. These are products labelled as Fairtrade or produced under Fairtrade conditions. Fairtrade is an internationally recognised trading system that ensures decent working conditions, local sustainability, gender equity and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fairtrade certification ensures that small-scale farmers and plantation workers work under safe conditions and receive a fair price for their crops and labour. Fairtrade actively encourages better environmental practices such as organic production methods | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Whitehorse | Metropolitan |