Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
public open space strategy Community Garden Community Garden 2.66ha The community garden offers a range of leased plots, monthly local farmers’ markets/produce swap and education events. The facility also hosts regular visits from local community groups (e.g. Family Day Care and autism groups). However, the existing site is now required to facilitate Council road infrastructure works. Recommendations † continue to work closely with the community garden management committee in relocating the Community Gardens to a more appropriate site on the corner of Swanbrook Road and Ross Street. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Council has embraced the community’s desire to participate in outdoor recreation activities by activating the key recreation parks within Inverell. Events that Council currently runs include: † Sapphire City Markets Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Community Garden Community Garden 2.66ha The community garden offers a range of leased plots, monthly local farmers’ markets/produce swap and education events. The facility also hosts regular visits from local community groups (e.g. Family Day Care and autism groups). Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Community Garden Community Garden 2.66ha The community garden offers a range of leased plots, monthly local farmers’ markets/produce swap and education events. The facility also hosts regular visits from local community groups (e.g. Family Day Care and autism groups). However, the existing site is now required to facilitate Council road infrastructure works. Recommendations † continue to work closely with the community garden management committee in relocating the Community Gardens to a more appropriate site on the corner of Swanbrook Road and Ross Street. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy embellish the Reserve with covered BBQs, picnic tables and bench seats, water bubblers, bins, lights and open unisex toilets Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy embellish the Reserve with covered BBQs, picnic tables and bench seats, water bubblers, bins, lights and open unisex toilets Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Popular routes are often embellished with bench seats at key interest points, signage, lighting, water bubblers, Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy there are well-established parks that require upgrades to continue to meet community demand. For example, the play opportunities within Victoria Park need to be re-visited to ensure a well laid-out range of options, additional ancillary facilities are required at the skate facility (e.g. seating, tables and access to drinking water) Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Community Garden Community Garden 2.66ha The community garden offers a range of leased plots, monthly local farmers’ markets/produce swap and education events. The facility also hosts regular visits from local community groups (e.g. Family Day Care and autism groups). However, the existing site is now required to facilitate Council road infrastructure works. Recommendations † continue to work closely with the community garden management committee in relocating the Community Gardens to a more appropriate site on the corner of Swanbrook Road and Ross Street. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy in partnership with the Youth Centre: − develop a section of the Park as a community garden Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy Community Garden Community Garden 2.66ha The community garden offers a range of leased plots, monthly local farmers’ markets/produce swap and education events. The facility also hosts regular visits from local community groups (e.g. Family Day Care and autism groups). However, the existing site is now required to facilitate Council road infrastructure works. Recommendations † continue to work closely with the community garden management committee in relocating the Community Gardens to a more appropriate site on the corner of Swanbrook Road and Ross Street. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Inverell Regional
public open space strategy in partnership with the Youth Centre: − develop a section of the Park as a community garden Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Inverell Regional
Public Open Space Strategy Final Report Consider opportunities to improve the appeal of                             equipment and improve paths, trails, connections and      Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water Victoria Mount Alexander Regional
Public Open Space Strategy Final Report Consider opportunities to improve the appeal          appropriate, including:             Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water Victoria Mount Alexander Regional
Public Open Space Strategy Final Report                     March 2011). Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Mount Alexander Regional
Public Place Gardening Policy Policy Statement Waverley Council supports public place gardening as a valuable activity that contributes to health and well-being, positive social interaction, community development, environmental education, protection and enhancement of the environment. Council is committed to ensuring that public place gardening contributes to sustainable public spaces. Purpose This Policy aims to enable the community to participate in public place gardening in the Waverley Local Government Area (LGA) and ensure that these public place gardens conform to clear guidelines. It will achieve this by outlining a clear framework for how the community can be involved, management requirements and the role of Council in public place gardening. Objec ves ■ Enable and encourage residents to participate in public place gardening in Waverley in permissible areas on public open space, community land or road reserves, where appropriate, feasible and with community support. ■ Defi ne responsibilities of Council and community members for the establishment and maintenance of public gardens. ■ Reduce health and safety risk by identifying key issues and providing guidelines to underpin the Policy. ■ Provide equity, accountability, consistency in reporting and management of all public gardening activities. ■ Ensure public place gardens in the Waverley LGA conform with this Policy and the related guidelines to ensure consistent approach to public access, safety and public place management. ■ Set out the principles for ongoing care and management of public gardens. ■ Balance varied and sometimes confl icting public interests. ■ Ensure public gardens are sustainable in terms of energy, water, materials, and chemical use. ■ Ensure that all public land is managed in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Waverley Metropolitan
Public Place Gardening Policy Policy Statement Waverley Council supports public place gardening as a valuable activity that contributes to health and well-being, positive social interaction, community development, environmental education, protection and enhancement of the environment. Council is committed to ensuring that public place gardening contributes to sustainable public spaces. Purpose This Policy aims to enable the community to participate in public place gardening in the Waverley Local Government Area (LGA) and ensure that these public place gardens conform to clear guidelines. It will achieve this by outlining a clear framework for how the community can be involved, management requirements and the role of Council in public place gardening. Objec ves ■ Enable and encourage residents to participate in public place gardening in Waverley in permissible areas on public open space, community land or road reserves, where appropriate, feasible and with community support. ■ Defi ne responsibilities of Council and community members for the establishment and maintenance of public gardens. ■ Reduce health and safety risk by identifying key issues and providing guidelines to underpin the Policy. ■ Provide equity, accountability, consistency in reporting and management of all public gardening activities. ■ Ensure public place gardens in the Waverley LGA conform with this Policy and the related guidelines to ensure consistent approach to public access, safety and public place management. ■ Set out the principles for ongoing care and management of public gardens. ■ Balance varied and sometimes confl icting public interests. ■ Ensure public gardens are sustainable in terms of energy, water, materials, and chemical use. ■ Ensure that all public land is managed in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
PUBLIC TREE MANAGEMENT POLICY Council will develop Verge Garden Guidelines which will provide guidelines for verge tree planting and gardens, including edible gardens. Any new planting of street trees or garden verges by residents must be consistent with the Council guidelines taking into account the suitability of species, proposed garden beds with respect to neighbouring properties, pedestrians, Work Health and Safety of the volunteer and potential future maintenance issues. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Wollongong Regional
PUBLIC TREE MANAGEMENT POLICY Council will develop Verge Garden Guidelines which will provide guidelines for verge tree planting and gardens, including edible gardens. Any new planting of street trees or garden verges by residents must be consistent with the Council guidelines taking into account the suitability of species, proposed garden beds with respect to neighbouring properties, pedestrians, Work Health and Safety of the volunteer and potential future maintenance issues. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Wollongong Regional
Purpose Advocate for the improvement of tenancy rights to ameliorate sub-standard and insecure accommodation, including more robust design guidelines for caravan parks and strengthened legal protection for their tenants. • Continue monitoring rooming houses to ensure regulatory compliance, while seeking to enhance the standard of local rooming houses beyond the scope of current legal requirements. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Among the primary goals of the Housing Strategy is to increase the level and range of affordable government-subsidised and private housing, including advocacy to government, encouragement of private affordable housing development, support for the work of local housing agencies, and efforts to improve the security and standards of alternatives such as caravan parks and boarding houses. These measures are described below. • Advocate for increased emergency and other supported accommodation, and for the addition of further Office of Housing accommodation, of an appropriate range of sizes, and dispersed across the city to avoid creation of communities of acute disadvantage. • Support the work of housing associations in providing affordable housing for single parents, older residents, larger families, refugees and other vulnerable residents. • Explore means to encourage private development of local affordable housing such as through legal instruments; inclusionary zoning; fast-tracking of planning applications; financial subsidies; the use of Council land and other mechanisms. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose efforts may be made to encourage the provision of a range of housing sizes and types, and to present older residents with affordable and varied accommodation choices to ensure their security and comfort. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Encourage djversity of housing choice and establish targets fpr affordable housing. • Encourage innovative approaches to improve affordability and assist low-income earners into home ownership. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Encourage the provision of affordable housing in and around major activity areas, particularly those where revitalisation efforts are focused Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose The Statement of Intent establishes the scope and direction for the future Housing Strategy and statE Council's position on a number of housing-related mi such as housing affordability, design and diversity, liv neighbourhoods, revitalisation and investment anc population growth Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Encourage and plan for medium-density residential development within walking distance of activity areas in accordance with the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme, coupled with the establishment of infrastructure that encourages walking. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Encourage the provision of affordable housing in and around major activity areas, particularly those where revitalisation efforts are focused Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Purpose Foster housing development near public transport, medical services, �hops, entertainment, cultural fatilities and other essential infrastructure. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Greater Dandenong Metropolitan
Pyrenees Shire Healthy and Well Plan 2017-2021 Support the delivery of the ‘Eat Local Eat Healthy’ program Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Pyrenees Regional
Pyrenees Shire Healthy and Well Plan 2017-2021  Continue to promote healthy eating in the Pyrenees Shire workplace Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Pyrenees Regional