Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
ROADS – COUNCIL CONSENT TO APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY GRAZING PERMIT | Objective To provide for the issuing of Council concurrence to the NSW Government Local Land Services issue of stock permits for the grazing of animals on public roads | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | NSW | Gilgandra | Regional |
Roads – Grazing of Stock on Local Roads | Objective: To provide a framework to control grazing of stock on Shire Roads other than Travelling Stock Routes and minimise the potential danger and inconvenience to other road users. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | NSW | Murrumbidgee | Regional |
Roadside Grazing Policy | POLICY OBJECTIVE The objective of this policy is to state Council’s requirements in relation to the grazing of livestock on roads vested in Council. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | NSW | Edward River | Regional |
ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Supporting adjacent land uses, such as agriculture | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Loddon | Regional |
ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Council recognises that in a limited number of situations cropping may be an appropriate use of the roadside reserve on five chain (100m) roads. Any cropping of roadsides will only be undertaken subject to environmental impact assessment and development of a robust governance framework, and where there is economic benefit that flows to Shire based community groups and sporting clubs. Cropping is not permitted on other Council managed roads outside of the above requirements and conditions. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | Loddon | Regional |
ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Council will work with local landholders and the relevant stakeholders to determine the suitability of cropping to occur on Council managed five chain roadsides within low conservation areas for the purpose of fund raising for community groups and sporting clubs | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | Loddon | Regional |
ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Council will work with local landholders and the relevant stakeholders to determine the suitability of cropping to occur on Council managed five chain roadsides within low conservation areas for the purpose of fund raising for community groups and sporting clubs. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | Loddon | Regional |
ROADSIDE MANAGEMENT PLAN | Promote the value and function of roadsides to the community – through education on matters including timber removal for firewood, grazing and droving of livestock. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | Loddon | Regional |
Roadside Stalls | 2 Policy Objective  To provide clear objectives and guidelines to enable the sale of farm produce from roadside stalls in accordance with the Griffith Local Environmental Plan 2014 (GLEP 2014); and  To allow locally grown Griffith produce to be marketed from the property whilst ensuring that any potential hazards associated with this activity are minimised. | Economic Development | Local food initiatives for economic development | NSW | Griffith | Regional |
Roadside Vegetation Strategy | Written consent in the form of a permit is required for cropping and haymaking on roadside. These types of activities will generally only be allowed on roadsides of Low Conservation Value. Roadside cropping and haymaking can remove native vegetation and may result in the spread of weeds. | Sustainability and Environment | Food production on LG land | Victoria | East Gippsland | Regional |
Roadside Vegetation Strategy | Grazing by stock on the roadside does require written consent from Council in the form of a permit. Droving livestock from outside or within the Shire to another destination either outside or within the Shire, with a consequence or purpose of feeding is considered grazing. The impact of livestock on native vegetation depends on the number of stock, duration of stay, type of livestock, seasonal conditions and the location, type and extent of native vegetation traversed. The impact of stock grazing on roadsides can be severe. Conditions issued with any consent will reflect the conservation value rating of the relevant roadsides. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | East Gippsland | Regional |
Roadside Vegetation Strategy | On low conservation value roadsides, opportunities will be sought to control or eradicate weeds and to enhance or revegetate identified strategic habitat links. Otherwise priority will be given to use of these roadsides for purposes such as fire protection, grazing under permit or for other social or economic benefits. | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | East Gippsland | Regional |
Roadside Weed and Pest Animal Control Management Plan | • Support agriculture industry and community interests | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Roadside Weed and Pest Animal Control Management Plan | Note: that chemical weed control on sites immediately adjoining certified organic farms will be avoided where possible. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Roadside Weed and Pest Animal Control Management Plan | Staff complete the Agriculture Victoria WeedStop Vehicle Hygiene Program. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Roadside Weed and Pest Animal Control Management Plan | This Roadside Weed and Pest Animal Management Plan applies to: • Council managed roadsides; • Regionally Prohibited and Controlled, and Restricted weeds declared under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994; • Environmental weeds, including Australian natives from other regions whose growing populations have caused concern as they are a threat to agriculture or native vegetation and habitats; and | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | Moira | Regional |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Council also has a role in advocating on behalf of the community and their needs for safe, secure, clean and affordable forms of housing. As such, the objectives and policy directions of the Rooming House Strategy have been grouped into two main categories: » Governance-based directions – where Council will make improvements to its regulation and enforcement of rooming houses, and, » Advocacy-based directions – where Council will seek improvements by other responsible groups to provide better options for low cost and rooming house accommodation in Casey. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Council’s vision for low cost housing in Casey is that there is adequate supply of a range of low cost housing types to meet the needs of Casey residents. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Housing diversity (a) Advocate for increased supply of public housing, social housing and emergency/crisis accommodation in Casey. (b) Amend the Casey Housing Diversity Statement 2011 (an advocacy document) to include objectives on increasing the supply of affordable rental housing in Casey and promote the revised Statement amongst the development industry and notfor-profit housing sector. (c) Facilitate partnerships between developers/builders and the not-for-profit housing sector who wish to develop affordable rental housing projects in Casey. (d) Advocate to the Federal and State Governments to reintroduce and improve funding streams that increase the supply of long-term affordable private rental housing. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Principle 2: Council’s role in relation to rooming houses is as a regulator of legislated requirements and as an advocate to improve the access to and supply of affordable accommodation to meet the needs of its community. It is the role of the Federal Government to provide funding/grant schemes for public/affordable/social housing and the role of the State Government to fund, deliver and facilitate delivery of public/affordable/social housing. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Principle 6: Council recognises the demand for affordable/rooming house accommodation cannot be fully supplied by the Government and Not-For-Profit sectors. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Project Description Identify and bring together developers, builders and not-for-profit housing providers who wish to develop affordable or social housing in Casey. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Better Rooming House) » Locate near shops, education (for students) and transport | Health and Wellbeing | Accessible healthy food retail | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Locate larger facilities close to shops, public transport, and community and | Health and Wellbeing | Accessible healthy food retail | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Provide a map with local services including affordable food, etc. | Health and Wellbeing | Accessible healthy food retail | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
Rooming House Strategy Version: 1 | Provide access for all residents to food preparation facilities Provide minimum provisions for food preparation areas including cook-tops, refrigerators and lockable storage area Provide minimum provision of dining areas | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Casey | Metropolitan |
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY | Existing agricultural and rural uses in the area have a 'right to farm' or right to legally continue the use. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Swan Hill | Regional |
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY | Planning policy can support the agricultural value chain by providing guidance on the type and scale of on farm value adding and vertical integration developments. Other measures include: § Reviewing permit requirements for B-double transports on municipal roads § Advocating for upgrade of electricity transmission to enable conversion to three phase power Undertaking a review of the municipal housing and settlement needs that includes consideration of full-time and seasonal worker accommodation. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Swan Hill | Regional |
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY | Planning policy can support the agricultural value chain by providing guidance on the type and scale of on farm value adding and vertical integration developments. Other measures include: § Reviewing permit requirements for B-double transports on municipal roads § Advocating for upgrade of electricity transmission to enable conversion to three phase power § § Undertaking a review of the municipal housing and settlement needs that includes consideration of full-time and seasonal worker accommodation. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Swan Hill | Regional |
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY | Undertake a review of the municipal housing and settlement needs that includes consideration of full-time and seasonal worker accommodation. | Economic Development | Food related job creation | Victoria | Swan Hill | Regional |