Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY This policy applies to applications for the use and development of land for intensive animal husbandry, except for cattle feedlots, piggeries or broiler farms. Permits for cattle feedlots, piggeries and broiler farms are subject to complying with the relevant Code of Practice. The proper siting and design of intensive animal husbandry is needed to ensure residential amenity and environmental quality is protected. Objectives § § Ensure intensive animal husbandry uses are suitably located. Ensure the use and development of land for intensive animal husbandry does not impact on the environment. § Protect and maintain residential amenity in Residential and Rural Living Zones through the use of buffer areas and setbacks. § Encourage quality design and appropriate siting of intensive animal husbandry developments. § Achieve consistency with State policy. Policy It is policy that: § The following design guidelines are to be considered for the siting of such developments: – That part of the site area, which is developed with enclosures, yards or buildings, used for the holding of animals should be suitably located and fenced. – No enclosures, yards or buildings in which animals are raised on an intensive raising system should be located within 200 metres of any river, creek, water course or pondage, within 500 metres of a dwelling on any other property, or within 30 metres of any road (whether or not such road forms the frontage). § The site used should have an area of not less than 4 hectares, and the total area for buildings, yards, or enclosures used for the enclosure of animals should not exceed 10 per cent of the area of the site. § Buffer areas should be contained wholly on the property where practical. § Landscaping of the site should be undertaken so as to remove any adverse visual impact of the development on the surrounding area. § All manure and polluted run-off water from any enclosures, yards or buildings used in conjunction with any intensive animal husbandry, or any water otherwise contaminated as a result of such use, shall be treated and disposed of either within the boundaries of the site or in an alternative manner to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. § Measures should be taken to the satisfaction of the responsible authority to ensure that the use and development proposed does not prejudicially affect the amenity of the locality by reason of appearance or emission of noise, smell, fumes, waste water, waste products or otherwise. § Infrastructure (such as roads and water supply) should be paid for and provided for by the proponent. § Each application should be accompanied by a plan showing: – The dimensions and locations in relation to the boundaries of all existing and proposed new buildings and works, extensions or alterations on the site; – Drainage lines through or for run-off water originating on the site through or along which water may be discharged from the site; – The location of existing dwellings on the site and adjacent properties and the existing use of all other lands within 0.5 kilometres of the site; – Areas used or to be used for intensive animal raising, grazing or for dry sows, manure disposal and drainage disposal; – Buffer distances to surrounding properties, dwellings, watercourses and water bodies; – Method of waste disposal – § Source and capacity of water supply to the site. Each application should be accompanied a land capability assessment for waste and effluent disposal. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY Planning policy can support the agricultural value chain by providing guidance on the type and scale of on farm value adding and vertical integration developments. Other measures include: § Reviewing permit requirements for B-double transports on municipal roads Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY Planning policy can support the agricultural value chain by providing guidance on the type and scale of on farm value adding and vertical integration developments. Other measures include: § Reviewing permit requirements for B-double transports on municipal roads Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY Review permit requirements for B-double transports on municipal roads to improve timeliness and efficiency of agricultural operations. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY Planning policy can support the agricultural value chain by providing guidance on the type and scale of on farm value adding and vertical integration developments such as processing, storage and workers accommodation. Sustainability and Environment Local, sustainable food processing Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL LAND USE STRATEGY Planning policy should support agriculture to adapt to the impacts of climate change by: providing for horticultural crop protection measures; shedding for livestock; ensuring land with access to irrigation supply infrastructure is retained in land units suited to agriculture. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Swan Hill Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 1 Kyogle Council supports the right of persons to carry out permissible and compliant rural and agricultural uses and activities on rural land, 2 Kyogle Council will not support any action to interfere with the permissible rural and agricultural use of land where the activity is in accordance with relevant legislation. 3 When an inquiry is made by an intending rural land purchaser, the purchaser is advised that permissible rural and agricultural uses of land may include: • Logging and milling of timber • Livestock feed lots • Piggeries/Poultry Farming • Dairies • Intensive livestock waste disposal systems and ponds • Clearing and cultivation of land • Bushfire hazard reduction burning • Construction of firebreaks • Construction of dams, drains and contour banks • Fencing • Use of agricultural machinery (tractors, chainsaws, motor- bikes, etc) • Pumping and irrigation • Weedicide spraying • Pesticide spraying • Aerial spraying • Animal husbandry practices (castration, dehorning, etc) • Driving livestock on roads • Silage production • Construction of access roads and tracks • Slashing and mowing vegetation • Planting of woodlots • Extractive Industries • Dehusking macadamia nuts • Stockyards • Traffic on unsealed rural roads, and • All associated approved and legitimate Rural Industries. Such rural activities may be perceived to cause nuisance in respect of noise, smell, odours, dust, spray emissions, smoke, vibration, blasting, etc during all hours including early mornings and late evenings. Intending purchasers of rural land who consider they may have difficulty in living with the above practices being carried out on adjacent or nearby land should reconsider their intended purchase Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Kyogle Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 6. Policy Kyogle Council is predominantly a rural shire and much of its local economy is built on the strength and viability of the many rural and agricultural industries operating in the local government area. On this basis this Policy outlines Council’s position on the “right to farm” and the many issues associated with farming that may be impinged upon by urban expansion, rural lifestyles or expectations. 7. Policy statement When conflict arises between landowners undertaking genuine agricultural pursuits and non agricultural landowners/occupiers, Council’s position on the “right to farm” as outlined as follows shall be considered when dealing with issues and passed onto complainants Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Kyogle Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 1 Kyogle Council supports the right of persons to carry out permissible and compliant rural and agricultural uses and activities on rural land, 2 Kyogle Council will not support any action to interfere with the permissible rural and agricultural use of land where the activity is in accordance with relevant legislation. 3 When an inquiry is made by an intending rural land purchaser, the purchaser is advised that permissible rural and agricultural uses of land may include: • Logging and milling of timber • Livestock feed lots • Piggeries/Poultry Farming • Dairies • Intensive livestock waste disposal systems and ponds • Clearing and cultivation of land • Bushfire hazard reduction burning • Construction of firebreaks • Construction of dams, drains and contour banks • Fencing • Use of agricultural machinery (tractors, chainsaws, motor- bikes, etc) • Pumping and irrigation • Weedicide spraying • Pesticide spraying • Aerial spraying • Animal husbandry practices (castration, dehorning, etc) • Driving livestock on roads • Silage production • Construction of access roads and tracks • Slashing and mowing vegetation • Planting of woodlots • Extractive Industries • Dehusking macadamia nuts • Stockyards • Traffic on unsealed rural roads, and • All associated approved and legitimate Rural Industries. Such rural activities may be perceived to cause nuisance in respect of noise, smell, odours, dust, spray emissions, smoke, vibration, blasting, etc during all hours including early mornings and late evenings. Intending purchasers of rural land who consider they may have difficulty in living with the above practices being carried out on adjacent or nearby land should reconsider their intended purchase Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Kyogle Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 6. Policy Kyogle Council is predominantly a rural shire and much of its local economy is built on the strength and viability of the many rural and agricultural industries operating in the local government area. On this basis this Policy outlines Council’s position on the “right to farm” and the many issues associated with farming that may be impinged upon by urban expansion, rural lifestyles or expectations. 7. Policy statement When conflict arises between landowners undertaking genuine agricultural pursuits and non agricultural landowners/occupiers, Council’s position on the “right to farm” as outlined as follows shall be considered when dealing with issues and passed onto complainants Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Kyogle Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 1 Kyogle Council supports the right of persons to carry out permissible and compliant rural and agricultural uses and activities on rural land, 2 Kyogle Council will not support any action to interfere with the permissible rural and agricultural use of land where the activity is in accordance with relevant legislation. 3 When an inquiry is made by an intending rural land purchaser, the purchaser is advised that permissible rural and agricultural uses of land may include: • Logging and milling of timber • Livestock feed lots • Piggeries/Poultry Farming • Dairies • Intensive livestock waste disposal systems and ponds • Clearing and cultivation of land • Bushfire hazard reduction burning • Construction of firebreaks • Construction of dams, drains and contour banks • Fencing • Use of agricultural machinery (tractors, chainsaws, motor- bikes, etc) • Pumping and irrigation • Weedicide spraying • Pesticide spraying • Aerial spraying • Animal husbandry practices (castration, dehorning, etc) • Driving livestock on roads • Silage production • Construction of access roads and tracks • Slashing and mowing vegetation • Planting of woodlots • Extractive Industries • Dehusking macadamia nuts • Stockyards • Traffic on unsealed rural roads, and • All associated approved and legitimate Rural Industries. Such rural activities may be perceived to cause nuisance in respect of noise, smell, odours, dust, spray emissions, smoke, vibration, blasting, etc during all hours including early mornings and late evenings. Intending purchasers of rural land who consider they may have difficulty in living with the above practices being carried out on adjacent or nearby land should reconsider their intended purchase Economic Development Local food producers NSW Kyogle Regional
RURAL AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ACTIVITIES RIGHT TO FARM POLICY 6. Policy Kyogle Council is predominantly a rural shire and much of its local economy is built on the strength and viability of the many rural and agricultural industries operating in the local government area. On this basis this Policy outlines Council’s position on the “right to farm” and the many issues associated with farming that may be impinged upon by urban expansion, rural lifestyles or expectations. 7. Policy statement When conflict arises between landowners undertaking genuine agricultural pursuits and non agricultural landowners/occupiers, Council’s position on the “right to farm” as outlined as follows shall be considered when dealing with issues and passed onto complainants Economic Development Local food producers NSW Kyogle Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy . Farming zone: In the schedule to the zone (clause 35.07), include the 3 variations to the farming zone: Table 15: Proposed Farming Zones – City of Greater Bendigo Land Minimum subdivision area (hectares) Farming (F1Z) Farming (F2Z) Farming (F3Z) Area/Dimensions/Distance 100 hectares 40 hectares 8 hectares Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy 6. IMPLEMENTATION Table 16: Implementation of Strategy Action Subdivision minimum should be increased to 100 ha (F1Z), 40 ha (F2Z) and 8 ha (F3Z) to improve the viability of commercial agriculture and maintain farm valuations. Provide certainty and protect the "the right to farm" by discouraging new houses in rural areas, unless they support agricultural use of the land. Strengthen the Rural Dwellings Policy (22.02), to discourage new houses in rural areas. Include the "Guidelines for Rural Houses – 2006" as a Reference Document in the planning scheme (21.10). Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Climate Change Implications – Work with key agencies to investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality. • A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties. This may include the possibility of rezoning, overlays and use of local policy. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Protection of agriculture Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. intensive Reinforce MSS Clause 21.07-Economic development. Use Figure 6 Proposed Farming Zones as the basis for decisions. Update map in MSS- Intensive Rural Industries to reflect existing and new developments and provide planning/protection boundaries. A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Protection of intensive agriculture Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. Reinforce MSS Clause 21.07-Economic development. Use Figure 6 Proposed Farming Zones as the basis for decisions. Update map in MSS- Intensive Rural Industries to reflect existing and new developments and provide planning/protection boundaries. A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Provide certainty and protect the ‘the right to farm’ by discouraging new houses in rural areas, unless they support agricultural use of the land. Strengthen the Rural Dwellings Policy (22.02), to discourage new houses in rural areas. Include the "Guidelines for Rural Houses – 2006" as a Reference Document in the planning scheme (21.10). Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Retain Farm Zoning and actively discourage new houses. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Retain Farm zoning and actively discourage new houses. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Subdivision minimum should be increased to 100 ha (F1Z), 40 ha (F2Z) and 8 ha (F3Z) to improve the viability of commercial agriculture and maintain farm valuations. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Subdivision minimum should be increased to 100 ha (F1Z), 40 ha (F2Z) and 8 ha (F3Z) to improve the viability of commercial agriculture and maintain farm valuations. Provide certainty and protect the ‘the right to farm’ by discouraging new houses in rural areas, unless they support agricultural use of the land. Strengthen the Rural Dwellings Policy (22.02), to discourage new houses in rural areas. Include the "Guidelines for Rural Houses – 2006" as a Reference Document in the planning scheme (21.10). Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy The MSS needs to be updated to reflect the importance of protecting agricultural land from potential land use conflicts, such as new houses in farming areas and land for rural living purposes. Recommended changes include: • • In the Settlement section, include a sub-section on 'Farming', which reflects its importance and need for long-term viability and articulates planning objectives and strategies for protection and growth; Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy The supply of rural living land far exceeds the minimum threshold of 10 years and does not require further review in the short to medium term. West side of the municipality Retain Farm zoning and actively discourage new houses. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy This document aims to provide certainty to the farming sector, protecting valuable agricultural land, providing direction for intensive animal industries, supporting townships in rural areas, assisting with the region’s water issues and outlining rural living land supply. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy This document aims to provide certainty to the farming sector, protecting valuable agricultural land, providing direction for intensive animal industries, supporting townships in rural areas, assisting with the region’s water issues and outlining rural living land supply. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Work with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and water authorities to identify strategies and Rural Areas Strategy September 2009 • 54 implementation plans, such as Coliban Water’s Waterplan 2055, Special Area Plan and Northern Water Strategy as a means of securing the region’s water future Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional