Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Rural Areas Strategy Work with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and water authorities to identify strategies and implementation plans, such as Coliban Water’s Waterplan 2055, Special Area Plan and Northern Water Strategy as a means of securing the region’s water future Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Work with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and water authorities to identify strategies and implementation plans, such as Coliban Water’s Waterplan 2055, Special Area Plan and Northern Water Strategy as a means of securing the region’s water future. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties. This may include the possibility of rezoning, overlays and use of local policy. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Protection of agriculture Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. intensive Reinforce MSS Clause 21.07-Economic development. Use Figure 6 Proposed Farming Zones as the basis for decisions. Update map in MSS- Intensive Rural Industries to reflect existing and new developments and provide planning/protection boundaries. A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Protection of intensive agriculture Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. Reinforce MSS Clause 21.07-Economic development. Use Figure 6 Proposed Farming Zones as the basis for decisions. Update map in MSS- Intensive Rural Industries to reflect existing and new developments and provide planning/protection boundaries. A study on intensive animal industries within the Rural Living Zone should be undertaken to establish appropriate zoning for the protection of the industry and neighbouring properties Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy This document aims to provide certainty to the farming sector, protecting valuable agricultural land, providing direction for intensive animal industries, supporting townships in rural areas, assisting with the region’s water issues and outlining rural living land supply. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Climate Change Implications – Work with key agencies to investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Investigate the future implications of climate change on the rural sector within the municipality. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Acknowledge 'the right to farm' in the MSS. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Provide certainty and protect the "the right to farm" by discouraging new houses in rural areas, unless they support agricultural use of the land. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy Provide certainty and protect the ‘the right to farm’ by discouraging new houses in rural areas, unless they support agricultural use of the land. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural Areas Strategy This document aims to provide certainty to the farming sector, protecting valuable agricultural land, providing direction for intensive animal industries, supporting townships in rural areas, assisting with the region’s water issues and outlining rural living land supply. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
Rural City of Wangaratta Develops a Business Attraction & Incentives Policy which addresses opportunities in the Commercial, Industrial and agricultural sectors. The Business Attraction & Incentives Policy should address the challenges for the agricultural sector in attracting and retaining young farmers and attracting new farmers across the municipality. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Wangaratta Regional
Rural City of Wangaratta           • General rate – typically land used primarily for residential purposes • General Vacant – unimproved land which is zoned to be used primarily for residential purposes • Rural Residential – primarily residential land that is less than 8ha in size and is located in a rural or semi-rural setting with a dwelling • Rural Residential Vacant – unimproved land that is less than 8ha in size and is located in a rural or semi-rural setting Rates Strategy 2018 – 2022  • Rural 1 – farming and rural land that is between 2ha and 40ha in size • Rural 2 – farming and rural land that is above 40ha in size Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Wangaratta Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Collaboration with organisations such as Regional Development Victoria, the Victorian Farmers Federation, the Central Agribusiness Forum and adjoining municipalities to promote and support rural economic development and agribusiness, and education and training to support agriculture Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Council continue to work with municipalities in the Loddon Campaspe region to support the development, employment growth and innovation of the local and regional intensive animal industries and to ensure a consistent approach to protect approved industries from encroachment by residential development through relevant planning scheme provisions Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY The City of Greater Bendigo is working with Mount Alexander and Loddon Shires to position itself as a regional tourist destination. In this regional approach Bendigo and Heathcote are seen as two distinct but complementary products. An example of this is that a visit to the Bendigo Art Gallery is linked with wineries at Heathcote as a distinct marketing product. Increasingly, rural producers are identifying how they can be part of that product mix through offering farm visits, experiences and accommodation. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Local events including the farmers market at Axedale, Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Bendigo Livestock Exchange Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Collaboration with organisations such as Regional Development Victoria, the Victorian Farmers Federation, the Central Agribusiness Forum and adjoining municipalities to promote and support rural economic development and agribusiness, and education and training to support agriculture Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Council continue to support • The development of the Marong Business Park to strengthen the Bendigo regional economy and the links Bendigo has with one of Australia’s most important agricultural regions Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Council continue to work with municipalities in the Loddon Campaspe region to support the development, employment growth and innovation of the local and regional intensive animal industries and to ensure a consistent approach to protect approved industries from encroachment by residential development through relevant planning scheme provisions Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY That Council undertake a renewal of its Economic Development Strategy to include a specific and major focus on • Supporting food and fibre production and processing Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY The Bendigo Livestock Exchange is located 12 kilometres north of Bendigo and is one of the largest sheep and lamb sales centres in Victoria. Annually, 1.2M sheep and lambs are sold – a quarter of the state’s throughput – together with 15,000 cattle, and 2,500 pigs. This throughput represents a sales value estimated to be $160M to the economy. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY This includes promoting active transport and creating the infrastructure to support it, including shared walking and cycling paths and footpaths, accessible open space with networks that provide connections to community facilities and services, links to bushland and forests, and access to healthy food. Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Council continue to work with municipalities in the Loddon Campaspe region to support the development, employment growth and innovation of the local and regional intensive animal industries and to ensure a consistent approach to protect approved industries from encroachment by residential development through relevant planning scheme provisions Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Bendigo Livestock Exchange Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional
RURAL COMMUNITIES STRATEGY Council continue to work with municipalities in the Loddon Campaspe region to support the development, employment growth and innovation of the local and regional intensive animal industries and to ensure a consistent approach to protect approved industries from encroachment by residential development through relevant planning scheme provisions Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry Victoria Greater Bendigo Regional