Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Promote and encourage household food production; educate community on food production methods Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Reduced meat in diets Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity 7.5 Food security – plentiful nutritious food available locally Develop strategies to ensure that residents at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Priority Actions • Consider the development of a Food Security Plan for Manningham and make recommendations to Council based on findings • Investigate strategic planning role in the location of accessible fresh food outlets, to consider concepts such as FSPUD (Food Sensitive Planning and urban design). 7 Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to prioritise urban design and development that is walkable, cyclable, energy/water/food sensitive, that provides local access to services, improves resilience and sustainability outcomes and that is integrated with transport planning Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Plan Description Manningham food security plan Action Investigate the development of a Manningham Food Security Plan to ensure the community has access to a reliable, affordable and nutritious food supply; Give consideration to resources required, methods and advantages, if any, to investigate and develop: − an understanding of the local food supply and factors influencing food security including access, population groups and their behaviours, cost and geographic areas; − risks to vulnerable communities, clients and services delivered by Aged and Disability Services and Social and Community Services 5.1 − Food Sensitive Planning and Urban Design(FSPUD) for Manningham: how it might be included in the Local Planning Scheme; report on the findings − provision of fresh food shops in all shopping areas across the municipality to provide access to fresh food for all, and to reduce private cars trips − alternative patterns of urbanisation that deliver improved sustainability and resilience outcomes eg higher densities combined with open space suitable for urban food production such as the Greening the Greyfields model (Newton and Newman) − encourage and support the community to establish grass roots initiatives such as food forests, and to participate in community farm gardening in consultation with council Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Utilise the opportunity provided by the redevelopment of Doncaster East Activity Centre to exemplify best practice urban planning in transition – walkable, food sensitive, affordable and resilient Health and Wellbeing Accessible healthy food retail Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity • Foster and encourage sustainable gardens in urban areas to maintain environmental amenity and ecosystem services Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Advocate for state government to amend the • • • Planning and Environment Act 1987 State Planning Policy Framework of the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP’s) VPP’s to include a food production overlay to plan for the use, development and protection of land in Victoria for the long-term interests of all Victorians in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and food scarcity Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Advocate to the state Government to develop a Victorian Food Security Plan including: − in partnership with state government agencies, measures to be to be activated in times of food scarcity such as food rationing, food coupons, food kitchens; − assistance to councils to provide a framework for urban food production; and − preservation of agricultural land for food production Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to promote positive food habits through a network of community farm gardens and other initiatives Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to support the MAV Council and Communities in Transition (CACiT) program by encouraging and supporting formation of grass roots initiatives such as Sustainability Streets, Transition Towns, and Backyard PermaBlitz so as to foster the growth of resilient households and neighbourhoods. Appoint a program officer – 2 days per week. It is believed that by funding this position Council and community will be able to attract an equivalent amount of funding to progress resilient communities Continue to design and deliver programs that facilitate strong, informed, capable, self reliant, connected and willing communities especially in response to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity. Support neighbourhood houses and their relevant programs Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to support the MAV Council and Communities in Transition (CACiT) program by encouraging and supporting the formation of grass roots initiatives such as Transition Towns, Sustainability Streets and Backyard PermaBlitz. Appoint a Program Officer for two days per week. By funding this position Council and the community may be able to attract an equivalent amount of funding to make progress towards resilient communities. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to work towards sensitive and sustainable urban Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Council should consider developing a Food Security Strategy that would include asking the state government to develop similar measures – in order to prevent social unrest and the creation of food refugees. Food security planning would include: • Measures to be activated in times of food scarcity such as food rationing, food coupons and food kitchens, in partnership with state government agencies • State government assistance to Councils to provide a framework for urban food production • Preservation of agricultural land for food production Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Food: − Locally or home grown and prepared − More farmers’ markets and food swaps − Less food miles − Reduced meat in diets Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Investigate and foster alternative patterns of urbanisation that deliver improved sustainability and resilience outcomes eg higher densities combined with open space suitable for urban food production such as the Greening the Greyfields model (Newton and Newman Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Our communities are energised, well resourced and sustainable, providing all the relevant services and facilities we need within reach. All community members have equal access to vital services that meet their needs. We envision a self‐sufficient collection of communities, where local resources and local food production are supported. Our distinct local villages and activity centres are cherished and cultivated, retaining their charm while supporting businesses and traders to build a resilient local economy. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Plan Description Manningham food security plan Action Investigate the development of a Manningham Food Security Plan to ensure the community has access to a reliable, affordable and nutritious food supply; Give consideration to resources required, methods and advantages, if any, to investigate and develop: − an understanding of the local food supply and factors influencing food security including access, population groups and their behaviours, cost and geographic areas; − risks to vulnerable communities, clients and services delivered by Aged and Disability Services and Social and Community Services 5.1 − Food Sensitive Planning and Urban Design(FSPUD) for Manningham: how it might be included in the Local Planning Scheme; report on the findings − provision of fresh food shops in all shopping areas across the municipality to provide access to fresh food for all, and to reduce private cars trips − alternative patterns of urbanisation that deliver improved sustainability and resilience outcomes eg higher densities combined with open space suitable for urban food production such as the Greening the Greyfields model (Newton and Newman) − encourage and support the community to establish grass roots initiatives such as food forests, and to participate in community farm gardening in consultation with council Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Provide support for heritage aspects of and new opportunities for agribusiness in the Green Wedge while protecting agriculturally productive land for food production Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity − encourage and support the community to establish grass roots initiatives such as food forests, and to participate in community farm gardening in consultation with council Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to promote positive food habits through a network of community farm gardens and other initiatives Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Facilitate local connections and social inclusion eg by fostering farmers’ markets, community gardens, clothing & food swaps and other community based initiatives Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity • Continue to support the MAV Council and Communities in Transition (CACiT) program by encouraging and supporting the formation of grass roots initiatives such as Transition Towns, Sustainability Streets and Backyard PermaBlitz. Appoint a Program Officer for two days per week. By funding this position Council and the community may be able to attract an equivalent amount of funding to make progress towards resilient communities. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity • Foster and encourage sustainable gardens in urban areas to maintain environmental amenity and ecosystem services Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity − encourage and support the community to establish grass roots initiatives such as food forests, and to participate in community farm gardening in consultation with council Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to promote positive food habits through a network of community farm gardens and other initiatives Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Continue to support the MAV Council and Communities in Transition (CACiT) program by encouraging and supporting formation of grass roots initiatives such as Sustainability Streets, Transition Towns, and Backyard PermaBlitz so as to foster the growth of resilient households and neighbourhoods. Appoint a program officer – 2 days per week. It is believed that by funding this position Council and community will be able to attract an equivalent amount of funding to progress resilient communities Continue to design and deliver programs that facilitate strong, informed, capable, self reliant, connected and willing communities especially in response to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity. Support neighbourhood houses and their relevant programs Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Facilitate local connections and social inclusion eg by fostering farmers’ markets, community gardens, clothing & food swaps and other community based initiatives Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Food: − Locally or home grown and prepared − More farmers’ markets and food swaps − Less food miles − Reduced meat in diets Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan
Securing the Future Responding to climate change, peak oil and food scarcity Promote and encourage household food production; educate community on food production methods Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Manningham Metropolitan