Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Single-use Plastic Policy | Policy requirements To achieve the objectives of this Policy, the following requirements must be met: • No single-use plastic cups, glasses, bottles, bags, plates, bowls, cutlery, straws, balloons, stirrers, disposable coffee cups (with plastic lining), coffee cup lids, single use sachets, polystyrene and take away food containers are to be purchased and / or used in Council operations and internal Council events, including but not limited to official functions, community forums and consultations, workshops, meetings, briefings, celebrations and training events • No single-use plastic cups, glasses, bottles, bags, plates, bowls, cutlery, straws, balloons, stirrers, disposable coffee cups (with plastic lining), coffee cup lids, single use sachets, polystyrene and take away food containers are to be used, sold or distributed at: (i) major events delivered by Council and external organisers held on Council land / in Council facilities and venues; and (ii) minor Council events; including for promotional purposes. • Free access to alternative water sources at major events, such as water fountains or water refill stations, must be provided. • Plastic packaging should be avoided or minimised in Council operations and at internal and external events and alternative recyclable or reusable packaging materials used, where appropriate • Responsible disposal and / or recycling practices for single-use / soft plastics, when single-use / soft plastic items are necessary to meet health and safety requirements or where there are no other practical alternative products or distribution methods available, must be practiced • Event organisers must play a key role in educating and guiding their event staff and audience on single-use plastic free practices. This includes considering whether single-use plastic items are required in the first instance, providing useful information and promoting reusable alternatives. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | NSW | Ku-ring-gai | Metropolitan |
Single-use Plastic Policy | Purpose To phase out single-use plastics in the Ku-ring-gai Local Government Area (LGA) through the elimination or reduction of single-use plastics in Council operations and in events run by Council and held on Council land, in Council facilities and in Council venues; advocating for legislative and policy change; and supporting responsible practices by the community and local businesses. Objectives • To demonstrate leadership through the elimination of single-use plastic cups, glasses, bottles, bags, plates, bowls, cutlery, straws, balloons, stirrers, disposable coffee cups (with plastic lining), coffee cup lids, single-use sachets, polystyrene and take away food containers from Council operations and internal and external events. • To implement responsible procurement, packaging, sales, distribution and transportation practices to reduce or eliminate other single-use plastics in Council operations and internal and external events, including working with suppliers and contractors to avoid or minimise the use of plastic packaging from items purchased by Council and to provide alternative recyclable or reusable packaging materials to protect items, where appropriate. • To facilitate a reduction in single-use plastics by the Ku-ring-gai community, event organisers and businesses through the delivery of single-use plastic reduction information campaigns and programs • To advocate to state and federal government for legislative and policy change that supports the objectives of this Policy • To implement responsible disposal and / or recycling practices for single-use / soft plastics, when single-use / soft plastic items are necessary to meet health and safety requirements or where there are no other practical alternative products or distribution methods available. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | NSW | Ku-ring-gai | Metropolitan |
Single-use Plastic Policy | Single-use Plastic Policy | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | NSW | Ku-ring-gai | Metropolitan |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | • Build awareness within the community on single-use plastics; and, | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | The policy also incorporates advocating for change and working within the community to build awareness and behavioural change on single use plastics | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | implement responsible procurement practices, | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | AlburyCity and Wodonga Council will have similar policies and documents associated with single-use plastics, based on each council’s relevant state legislation. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | To achieve our commitment by 2021, AlburyCity and Wodonga Council will work together to: • Progressively reduce and where possible eliminate single-use plastic items within council operations; • Encourage and support events and activities that are held on council-owned or managed land to voluntarily comply; • Comply with all national and state legislation in relation to waste avoidance, generation, recycling and disposal; • Advocate all levels of government regarding the use of single-use plastics; • • Implement procurement practices and influence supply chains to avoid soft plastic packaging wherever possible; Influence the local business and retail industry sectors to provide products and services that do not rely on single-use plastics; • Build awareness within the community on single-use plastics; and, • Support the National Packaging Targets, • Develop and implement an Action Plan to progressively reduce single use plastics; and • Report to the community against the outcomes of the Single Use Policy and Action Plan, • Reduce and where possible eliminate single use plastic items for all events held on council-owned or managed lands from 2023. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Single-Use Plastics Policy | Wodonga Council and Albury City Council (AlburyCity) are committed to progressively reducing the use of single-use plastics by 2021. This policy applies to council operations and council-managed events including, but not limited to, official functions, civic events, community forums, listening posts, workshops, meetings, training events and parties. The policy also incorporates advocating for change and working within the community to build awareness and behavioural change on single use plastics. This policy outlines how the councils will lead and work together with our community to achieve this commitment. Under the banner of the Two Cities One Community partnership, this policy is to formalise Albury and Wodonga councils’ commitment to progressively reducing and, where possible, eliminate single-use plastics by 2021 within its operations and at civic events, supply chains and improve consumer awareness on single-use plastics. Scope The scope of the policy aims to encourage improved planning and consideration of plastic waste, from the procurement phase, to use, and finally to disposal. Exemptions may be granted for plastic products that are required to meet medical and safety requirements, or where there is no other practical alternative product or distribution method available. Events and activities occurring on council land, but not managed by council staff, are not included in the mandatory scope of this policy, but shall be encouraged and supported by council to voluntarily comply. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Wodonga | Regional |
Singleton Community Strategic Plan 2017 – 2027 | Appropriate and affordable housing for all stages of life with particular consideration of our ageing population | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
Singleton Delivery PROGRAM 2017 – 2021 | Facilitate the operation of the cattle saleyards in accordance with the Saleyard Masterplan | Economic Development | Local food producers | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
Singleton Delivery PROGRAM 2017 – 2021 | Appropriate and affordable housing for all stages of life with particular consideration of our ageing population | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
Singleton Delivery PROGRAM 2017 – 2021 | Plan and deliver the Potable Water Supply Schemes for Bulga and Camberwell Villages Deliver planned Potable Water Supply Schemes for Villages | Health and Wellbeing | Access to safe drinking water | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
Singleton Delivery PROGRAM 2017 – 2021 | Facilitate the operation of the cattle saleyards in accordance with the Saleyard Masterplan | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
Singleton Delivery PROGRAM 2017 – 2021 | Provide regulatory and education services to facilitate good public health standards in local food premises | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Future employment generating opportunities where Singleton has locational advantages and which offer high potential to contribute to sustainable employment generation are as follows: ÔÇü Tourism ÔÇü Development related to transport infrastructure (e.g. railways and highways) ÔÇü Home based businesses and clusters ÔÇü Energy sector related ÔÇü Local and regional food processing and agriculture related (e.g. abattoir) | Economic Development | Food related job creation | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Future development will take into account policies developed as part of any future housing strategy, including type size, affordability and locational requirements for housing to meet demands. | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Policies – residential land requirements Maintain a minimum of 5 years supply of zoned residential land. Encourage aged persons accommodation (with suitable style, location and access to services). Support the provision of affordable housing requirements by maintaining adequate residential land. Facilitate medium density in existing residential areas, subject to accessibility, urban design, amenity and sustainability criteria. For new greenfield residential development, consider seeking planning agreements with developers Recognise the need to cater for different sectors (youth, aged persons and construction workforce accommodation). Ensure public transport accessibility for all residential development, and provision of shopping and other facilities within walking distance. to provide for residential development of a certain type, and/or affordable housing (e.g. medium density and single storey aged persons accommodation). | Social Policy | Affordable housing | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Ensure public transport accessibility for all residential development, and provision of shopping and other facilities within walking distance | Health and Wellbeing | Accessible healthy food retail | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Although there has been interest in providing for this type of land on the New England Highway along the southern approaches to the town, sites in this location are not suitable, for the following reasons: 1. Adverse affect on nearby agricultural activities, noting that any development in this area will be on prime agricultural land which should not be developed. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Apply criteria to identify the best location for rural residential estates and balance socio-economic goals associated with new rural residential development with the need to preserve areas of high agricultural, scenic or environmental value. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Key land use planning issues for the rural areas of Singleton were identified in the Situation Analysis as follows: Minimum rural subdivision size Protection of agricultural land and viability | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Land adjoining to the south may have potential for rezoning to “Environmental Living” to provide a transition to agricultural lands. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Objectives – Minimum rural subdivision size Minimum rural subdivision sizes within Singleton LGA will be of sufficient size to accommodate and maintain a range of commercial agricultural production (predominantly enterprises). grazing Minimum allotment sizes will take into account land capability and agricultural suitability. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Objectives – Protection of agricultural land and viability The Singleton LGA will have agricultural land that: Is sufficient in size and quality to accommodate and maintain a range of commercial agricultural production in accordance with land capability and suitability. Maintains a significant share of the local labour force. 78 SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY Rural production areas will be clearly identified by LEP zoning and uses in rural areas should be compatible with agricultural production. Other environmental values in rural areas which support agriculture should be maintained (including protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems, rural landscapes, and water quality). Policies – Protection of agricultural land and viability Recognise catchment management authority catchment action plan objectives and priorities as a matter of consideration in LEP provisions. Ensure water availability is considered in new development proposals and that adequate supplies are maintained for existing agriculture. Rural residential areas will be clearly identified and separated from rural production areas to reduce potential land use conflicts. Strategic Actions – Protection of agricultural land and viability Consider using RU1 Primary Production, RU2 Rural Landscape, and E3 Environmental Management zones in the LEP (These zones are from the DoP Standard LEP provisions). Ensure that water supply for non-residential rural development is appropriately considered, including necessary water licences and appropriateness of ground water usage. Introduce LEP provisions to ensure that incompatible land uses and activities in agricultural zones are not permitted. In conjunction with the CMA, implement performance-based outcomes for the quality of water being discharged. In conjunction with the CMA & DPI, develop a framework for requiring farm and property management plans to address water quality and availability. Develop policies for dwellings erected in conjunction with intensive agricultural production. Review zoning options to enable diversified tourism and accommodation, especially in the Hermitage Road and Broke Fordwich areas. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Policies – Minimum rural subdivision size LEP provisions for subdivision of rural capability and the requirements agriculture. land should reflect land use for maintaining commercial | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Rural tourism is increasingly significant in Singleton LGA, with pressure for diversified tourism development particularly in vineyard areas (e.g. Hermitage Road and Broke Fordwich). Vineyards have a high agricultural and tourism value. There is a range of potential land use conflicts relating to agricultural use and impacts, development potential for dwellings, traffic impacts, scenic amenity and commercial activities in rural areas. Future planning should take these issues into account. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Singleton Council has a significant regulatory influence over future rural land use through controls over the subdivision of rural land. The Strategy and subsequent local environmental plan identify the requirements that will apply to future rural subdivision. Minimum subdivision size affects agricultural viability, enables effective provision of infrastructure servicing, and prevents land use conflicts which may arise from allowing residential uses on small lots in rural areas. Other provisions relating to maintaining and protecting agriculture within the LGA are referred to in Section 8.2. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Strategic Actions – Minimum rural subdivision size Consider the following minimum rural lot sizes (with input from DPI): – general minimum 40 hectares throughout rural areas of LGA (except where the predominant land use is grazing SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY 77 on larger holdings and/or mining, and/or the retention of existing land use and subdivision pattern is desirable); – broad acre grazing, 150 hectares in those parts of LGA where there is currently a predominant rural subdivision size of greater than 40 ha and/or where retention of existing land use and subdivision pattern is desirable (e.g. Rural North and Rural West planning areas). Consider permitting agricultural subdivision to occur without dwelling rights or without minimum lot sizes. Could be linked to consolidations, boundary adjustments, property management plans, etc. Consider smaller minimum subdivision areas for horticultural areas on an individual basis, where the land use is established prior to subdivision. Consider a farm adjustment clause (as per standard LEP). | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |
SINGLETON LAND USE STRATEGY | Ensure that water supply for non-residential rural development is appropriately considered, including necessary water licences and appropriateness of ground water usage. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable water management in food production | NSW | Singleton | Regional |