Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
South Gippsland Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021 | Regulatory areas – tobacco control, food safety, | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021 | Regulatory Areas • Tobacco control • Food safety | Food Quality and Safety | Education on/enforce food safety regulations | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Dwellings on lots over 4.1 ha will be considered in the Rural Activity Zone based on the decision guidelines of the Zone; Whether the dwelling will result agricultural land. in the loss or fragmentation of productive Whether the dwelling will be adversely affected by agricultural activities on adjacent and nearby land due to dust, noise, odour, use of chemicals and farm machinery, traffic and hours of operation. Whether the dwelling will adversely affect the operation and expansion of adjoining and nearby agricultural uses. It is policy that: Dwellings in association with Extensive Animal Husbandry (grazing), and calf rearing, on lots between 4.1ha and 40ha will not be supported. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Introduction of the Farming Zone and Rural Conservation Zone into the South Gippsland Planning Scheme replacing the former Rural and Environmental Rural Zones. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | It is policy that: When considering a permit application for the construction of a dwelling, the landowner is required to enter into an agreement under section 173 of the Planning And Environment Act (1987) to prevent the subdivision of the lot containing the dwelling. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | It is policy that: An application to re-subdivide existing lots must demonstrate that the proposal enhances existing or proposed agricultural activities. An application to create a lot under 4.1ha is not permitted unless for the purposes of a non residential use. A permit that approves a lot under 4.1ha shall contain a condition requiring that the land owner enter into an Agreement under s.173 of the Act that prevents the development of any additional dwelling on the lot. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | It is policy that: An application to re-subdivide existing lots must demonstrate that the proposal enhances existing or proposed agricultural activities. An application to create a lot under 4.1ha is not permitted unless for the purposes of a non residential use. A permit that approves a lot under 4.1ha shall contain a condition requiring that the land owner enter into an Agreement under s.173 of the Act that prevents the development of any dwelling on the lot. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | It is policy that: Any proposal for the subdivision of land to accommodate an existing dwelling must demonstrate that: The existing dwelling is no longer reasonably required for the carrying out of agricultural activities in the long term; and There are beneficial agricultural outcomes for the land by excising the dwelling; and The excision of the dwelling is compatible with and will not reduce the potential for farming or other legitimate rural land uses on the land, adjoining land and the general area. Any proposal for the excision of an existing dwelling must be undertaken by the re-subdivision of existing land titles where that potential exists Former road reserves, lots under 49ha created by consolidation or other subdivision process not requiring a planning permit, and historic lots on former inappropriate Crown settlements and townships, may not be used for this purpose. A permit that approves the excision of an existing dwelling by re-subdivision where the balance (remaining) lot is less than 40 ha will contain a condition requiring that the land owner enter into an Agreement under s.173 of the Act that prevents the development of any additional dwelling on the balance lot. Where the application seeks to excise a dwelling by increasing the number of lots: There must be no opportunity available for re-subdivision of the balance lot(s); and The subject dwelling proposed for excision must have existed on the land on or before 16 December 1999; and The balance (remaining) lot must be greater than 40 hectares in area. Where a dwelling has been excised from the land since 29 May 2009, further subdivision (by any method) to accommodate another existing dwelling from that land will be strongly discouraged. An application proposing an area of greater than 2 hectares for the dwelling lot will be strongly discouraged. Excisions that result in ‘axe-handle’ or island style lots will be strongly discouraged. A house lot excision that is likely to lead to a concentration of lots that would change the general use and character of the rural area will be strongly discouraged. An adequate distance must be maintained around dwellings to limit impacts on agricultural activities. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Objectives To discourage the proliferation of dwellings not associated with agriculture on lots over 4.1ha. To ensure that the development of dwellings on rural land does not prejudice existing agricultural activities on surrounding land. To ensure that agricultural land is maintained for the cost-effective production of food and raw materials. To retain the open farmed landscape as the defining visual characteristic of the Shire. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Objectives To limit the further fragmentation of rural land by subdivision. To ensure that lots resulting from subdivision are of a sufficient size to be of benefit to agricultural production. To encourage the consolidation of rural lots. To limit the cumulative impact of house lot excisions, serial small lot subdivisions. To ensure that house lot excisions are undertaken for legitimate reasons related to agriculture. To provide a consistent basis for considering planning permit applications for the subdivision of rural land. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | On lots between 4.1ha and 40ha dwelling applications will be assessed against the following provisions of the RAZ: Whether the dwelling will result agricultural land. in the loss or fragmentation of productive Whether the dwelling will be adversely affected by agricultural activities on adjacent and nearby land due to dust, noise, odour, use of chemicals and farm machinery, traffic and hours of operation. Whether the dwelling will adversely affect the operation and expansion of adjoining and nearby agricultural uses. It is policy that dwellings in association with Extensive Animal Husbandry (grazing), and calf rearing, on lots greater than 4.1ha will not be supported. Dwellings constructed after 16 December 1999 will not be permitted to be excised. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Policy Objectives To promote and encourage a diverse range of agricultural activities. To promote and encourage tourism use and development that is compatible with agricultural production and the environmental attributes of the area. To discourage uses that can be reasonably accommodated in an urban zone. To protect the rural character of the Shire by minimising the visual intrusion of new buildings on the natural landscape. To encourage the retention of productive agricultural land, and To ensure that non-agricultural uses, particularly dwellings, do not adversely affect the use of land for agriculture. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Re-subdivision Scheduled lot size Any Benefit to agriculture on land. Cannot create a vacant lot under 4.1ha for a residential use. All lots created under 4.1ha s.173 ‘no dwellings’ 160ha+ Each lot must be greater than 80 hectares | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Subdivision type Excision Min lot size 40ha+ (By increasing lots) Special conditions Dwelling must be genuinely surplus in long term Benefit to agriculture on land No previous excisions since 16 December 1999 Any (By re-subdivision) Maximum 2ha for dwelling lot No axe-handle / island lots | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | The following land uses are encouraged in the Rural Activity Zone if decision guidelines in the Rural Activity Zone and Policy are met: Agriculture. Leisure and recreation. Group accommodation associated with tourist or recreational activities (including backpacker accommodation, camping and caravan park, cabins, residential hotel / motel etc). Restaurant (but only in association with a tourist / recreational activity). Primary Produce sales. Winery. | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | The following uses are discouraged in the Rural Activity Zone: Cattle feedlot Convenience shop Intensive animal husbandry Landscape and gardening supplies Manufacturing sales other than products made from local rural produce Place of assembly where land is to used for more than 10 days in a calendar year Hotel Store Tavern Timber production | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | The following uses are discouraged in the Rural Activity Zone: Cattle feedlot Convenience shop Intensive animal husbandry | Sustainability and Environment | Animal husbandry | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Consideration be given to the need for consolidation of existing lots in order to ensure that the dwelling(s) remain connected to the agricultural use of the land. ÔÇß | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | It is policy that: ÔÇß A permit must not be granted to use land for a dwelling under Section 2 of the Table of uses to Clause 35.07-1 unless any of the following apply: ÔÇß The dwelling is proposed for rural-residential purposes on a lot less than 4.1ha. ÔÇß The dwelling is proposed in association with agriculture on a lot greater than 4.1ha in area. ÔÇß The dwelling is proposed on a lot that is predominantly occupied by remnant Native Vegetation (remnant vegetation or regrowth over 15 years old and at least 50% cover). ÔÇß It must be clearly demonstrated that the dwelling on a lot over 4.1ha is genuinely required to carry out a long-term agricultural activity on the land. S o ut | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | New dwellings on lots over 4.1ha will only be approved in order to support rural activities and production and are not to meet rural lifestyle objectives that may be in conflict with the rural use of the land. ÔÇß An application for a dwelling on a lot over 4.1ha must demonstrate net benefit to agricultural productivity on the land. ÔÇß Development of the land for the purposes of a dwelling should be compatible with and not adversely impact upon: ÔÇß Any existing agricultural activities on surrounding land. ÔÇß The environmental characteristics of the surrounding area. ÔÇß The rural character and landscape values of the area, including visual impact. ÔÇß Natural systems, water quality or water quantity in the locality. ÔÇß Dwellings in association with Extensive Animal Husbandry (grazing), and calf rearing, on lots between 4.1ha to 40ha will not be supported. ÔÇß Dwellings in association with agricultural activities on lots over 4.1ha other than Extensive Animal Husbandry (grazing), or calf rearing will be assessed taking into account the following: ÔÇß Whether a dwelling is reasonably required on the land having regard to the size, intensity and ongoing nature of the proposed agricultural activity. ÔÇß Whether the dwelling is secondary to the use of the land for agriculture (as opposed to the agricultural secondary to the use of the land for a dwelling.) ÔÇß Whether the land requirements of the proposed agricultural activities compromise the commercial agricultural activities of the existing farm through a reduction in the size of the existing farm, which may include a tenement or multi-lot holding. ÔÇß Whether the agricultural activity can be reasonably managed from an off-site location. ÔÇß Whether the objectives of planning will be assisted by the use of permit conditions or s.173 Agreements to require the construction of supporting agricultural infrastructure. Development o | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Subdivision type Excision Min lot size 40ha+ (By increasing lots) ÔÇß Dwelling must be genuinely surplus in long term ÔÇß Benefit to agriculture on land ÔÇß No previous excisions since 16 December 1999 ÔÇß Maximum 2ha for dwelling lot ÔÇß No axe-handle / island lots Any (By re-subdivision) ÔÇß If balance is below 40ha s173 ‚Äòno more dwellings‚Äô required plus zone required s.173 ‚Äòno further subdivision‚Äô Resubdivision Scheduled lot size Any 160ha+ ÔÇß Each lot must be greater than 80 hectares ÔÇß Benefit to agriculture on land ÔÇß Cannot create a lot under 4.1ha for a residential use. ÔÇß All lots created under 4.1ha s.173 ‚Äòno dwellings‚Äô Conditions ÔÇß s.173 required (no more dwellings) plus zone required s.173 ‚Äòno further excisions‚Äô ÔÇß Dwelling must have existed before 16 December 1999 Dwellings Lot size Conditions Permit required: 0 – 4.1 ha Encouraged if Dwelling is in conjunction with separate tourism venture. Permit required: 4.1 – 40 ha ÔÇß Must be considered against decision guidelines of the zone and policy at clause 22.10. ÔÇß Extensive Animal Husbandry / calf rearing not supported Over 40ha ÔÇß No Permit required for use of a Dwelling | Economic Development | Local food producers | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
South Gippsland Rural Land Use Strategy | Dwelling type RuralResidential* Agricultural Lot size 0 – 4.1 ha Permit required to assess impact on nearby agriculture and related uses 4.1 – 40ha Must comply with detailed agricultural policy Extensive Animal Husbandry / calf rearing not supported Special conditions Agricultural 40 ha up Biodiversity 4.1 – 40ha No Planning Permit required for use | Sustainability and Environment | Sustainable local food production | Victoria | South Gippsland | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | Healthy eating options – swimming pools, Council owned and managed facilities, training to assist clubs. | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | Implement healthy eating options at HILAC adopting the Department of Health & Human Services Healthy Choices: Food and Drink Classification Guide (2016). | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | To provide healthy eating options, implement Healthy Choices: Food and Drink Classification Guide (2016): a) At SGSC outdoor swimming pools. b) Work with and assist as appropriate tenant clubs and organisations at Council owned and managed sport and recreation facilities to implement (may be staged transition). c) Provide training where needed to assist all clubs and organisations in Shire to implement healthy eating options. | Health and Wellbeing | Healthy/sustainable LG food procurement policies | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | Consider the provision of incentives to clubs and organisations that implement healthy food choices (refer Health & Wellbeing, Education & Healthy Living Rec 4b). | Health and Wellbeing | Partner with sport clubs to provide healthy choices | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | Healthy eating options – swimming pools, Council owned and managed facilities, training to assist clubs. | Health and Wellbeing | Partner with sport clubs to provide healthy choices | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | To provide healthy eating options, implement Healthy Choices: Food and Drink Classification Guide (2016): a) At SGSC outdoor swimming pools. b) Work with and assist as appropriate tenant clubs and organisations at Council owned and managed sport and recreation facilities to implement (may be staged transition). c) Provide training where needed to assist all clubs and organisations in Shire to implement healthy eating options. | Health and Wellbeing | Partner with sport clubs to provide healthy choices | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | c) Provide training where needed to assist all clubs and organisations in Shire to implement healthy eating options. | Health and Wellbeing | Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |
Southern Grampians Shire Council Recreation and Leisure Strategic Plan | Consider the provision of incentives to clubs and organisations that implement healthy food choices (refer Health & Wellbeing, Education & Healthy Living Rec 4b). | Health and Wellbeing | Encourage existing retailers/caterers to sell healthy, sustainable and affordable food | Victoria | Southern Grampians | Regional |