Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Search Criteria:

Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Sport, Recreation and Open Space Plan Tap/bubbler Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Narrabri Regional
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools Community gardens give you the chance to: connect with others outdoors grow your own food learn and share gardening skills improve spaces. We recommend making the most of existing growing spaces before establishing a new garden. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools Site selection criteria  Location: suitable sites include Council land which has been designated for communal use such as land associated with a Council building or underutilised land adjacent to a sportsground or play space (not natural conservation areas). Note if the site is not on Council land but is another publicly owned site you need to contact the land holder. Accessibility: sites should be accessible for a wide range of user groups (e.g. vehicle access, nearby public transport). Safety: sites should be in a high profile, well-lit location that can be easily observed from nearby houses, shopping areas or businesses and have no major safety risks or health concerns. Usability: consider soil quality, sun exposure, size of area for the purpose, access to water (ideally rainwater tanks) and toilets. Multiple needs: consider adequacy of public space around the gardens to meet the non-gardening needs of other community members. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools Start your own community garden If you still want to start a new garden, you need to: find other people who are keen and committed identify and assess potential sites (see site criteria below). Discuss the proposed site with us (9243 8888 or ( for advice on suitability. once suitability is established, submit a proposal to us, including a garden plan, proposed scale, design, funding, management and the results of your community consultation. We will assess the proposal, and if supported, assist with formal community consultation. If the consultation is positive, the proposal would go to a Council meeting for approval. If approved, we will develop an agreement for the use of land. Your group would need to be incorporated and set out roles, responsibilities and processes for managing the space. Once an agreement is in place, your group can build the garden. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools There are currently eight community gardens in Moonee Valley. The gardens are spread across the council area on reserves, at neighbourhood houses and on public housing estates. ( If you are a public housing tenant in Moonee Valley you can join one of Cultivating Community's Gardens which are located at inner city public housing estates. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools Site selection criteria  Location: suitable sites include Council land which has been designated for communal use such as land associated with a Council building or underutilised land adjacent to a sportsground or play space (not natural conservation areas). Note if the site is not on Council land but is another publicly owned site you need to contact the land holder. Accessibility: sites should be accessible for a wide range of user groups (e.g. vehicle access, nearby public transport). Safety: sites should be in a high profile, well-lit location that can be easily observed from nearby houses, shopping areas or businesses and have no major safety risks or health concerns. Usability: consider soil quality, sun exposure, size of area for the purpose, access to water (ideally rainwater tanks) and toilets. Multiple needs: consider adequacy of public space around the gardens to meet the non-gardening needs of other community members. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools Start your own community garden If you still want to start a new garden, you need to: find other people who are keen and committed identify and assess potential sites (see site criteria below). Discuss the proposed site with us (9243 8888 or ( for advice on suitability. once suitability is established, submit a proposal to us, including a garden plan, proposed scale, design, funding, management and the results of your community consultation. We will assess the proposal, and if supported, assist with formal community consultation. If the consultation is positive, the proposal would go to a Council meeting for approval. If approved, we will develop an agreement for the use of land. Your group would need to be incorporated and set out roles, responsibilities and processes for managing the space. Once an agreement is in place, your group can build the garden. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Sports, Parks, Playgrounds & Pools There are currently eight community gardens in Moonee Valley. The gardens are spread across the council area on reserves, at neighbourhood houses and on public housing estates. ( If you are a public housing tenant in Moonee Valley you can join one of Cultivating Community's Gardens which are located at inner city public housing estates. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Moonee Valley Metropolitan
Staff benefits a breastfeeding friendly workplace Health and Wellbeing Breastfeeding Victoria Moreland Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City As a participant in the program in 2016, Ben McMenamin found it was a great way to refine and develop his idea of connecting food producers with city consumers. He hosted several innovative events during the 2017 Melbourne Knowledge Week Festival, and today, his Farmer to Table concept is a reality, bringing food producers and home cooks together every month through fun, interactive cooking classes. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Bringing Melbourne’s future to life A major highlight of Melbourne’s calendar, Melbourne Knowledge Week is an annual festival where people can explore the creativity and technology shaping our city’s future. In 2017 more than 90 horizon-expanding events were held as part of the festival with a range of high calibre speakers discussing topics such as building startup ecosystems, fostering a culture of innovation, embracing the future of work and ensuring food security for our city. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City A key aim of the Local Food Launchpad is to provide more opportunities for city residents and visitors to buy local and regionally produced food. In 2015 the City of Melbourne collaborated with Doing Something Good, Open Food Network and Food Alliance to develop the Local Food Launchpad, Australia’s first design-led incubator for new local food projects. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City As a participant in the program in 2016, Ben McMenamin found it was a great way to refine and develop his idea of connecting food producers with city consumers. He hosted several innovative events during the 2017 Melbourne Knowledge Week Festival, and today, his Farmer to Table concept is a reality, bringing food producers and home cooks together every month through fun, interactive cooking classes. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Food and hospitality: Melbourne’s ‘foodie’ assets and capabilities are fuelling a wave of food, social food and logistics sector participants such as SproutX, Simplot’s Slingshot Food Accelerator, City of Melbourne’s Local Food Launchpad, Vinomofo, your grocer and the Social Food Project. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Other recent success stories include: Innovative coworking spaces York Butter Factory and Electron Workshop Mork Chocolate, a speciality cafe and cacao roasting facility in North Melbourne Sustainability and Environment Local, sustainable food processing Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Passionate about innovation and finding sustainable solutions to complex problems, Abigail and her brother Jamie decided to design and manufacture their own reusable cup, with support from the City of Melbourne’s Small Business Grants Program. The outcome was KeepCup, the world’s first barista standard, BPA free and non-toxic reusable cup. First sold in June 2009, eight years on the brand has developed into a global phenomenon. Over 5 million people now use KeepCup, which equates to around 3.5 billion disposable cups or 4000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City A key aim of the Local Food Launchpad is to provide more opportunities for city residents and visitors to buy local and regionally produced food. In 2015 the City of Melbourne collaborated with Doing Something Good, Open Food Network and Food Alliance to develop the Local Food Launchpad, Australia’s first design-led incubator for new local food projects. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Food and hospitality: Melbourne’s ‘foodie’ assets and capabilities are fuelling a wave of food, social food and logistics sector participants such as SproutX, Simplot’s Slingshot Food Accelerator, City of Melbourne’s Local Food Launchpad, Vinomofo, your grocer and the Social Food Project. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Other recent success stories include: Innovative coworking spaces York Butter Factory and Electron Workshop Mork Chocolate, a speciality cafe and cacao roasting facility in North Melbourne Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Passionate about innovation and finding sustainable solutions to complex problems, Abigail and her brother Jamie decided to design and manufacture their own reusable cup, with support from the City of Melbourne’s Small Business Grants Program. The outcome was KeepCup, the world’s first barista standard, BPA free and non-toxic reusable cup. First sold in June 2009, eight years on the brand has developed into a global phenomenon. Over 5 million people now use KeepCup, which equates to around 3.5 billion disposable cups or 4000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City Since 1996 City of Melbourne has provided $8 million worth of grants to over 363 businesses through our Small Business Grants Program. The program supports innovative businesses with market-ready products and services in a wide range of sectors, with many recipients achieving outstanding success including Skin and Threads, Halogenics, STREAT, Pharmaceutical Packaging Professionals, Bastion Cycles, Flexicar, Nexvet Biopharma Pty Ltd (NASDAQ listed), Sukin Organics, El Cielo Foods Pty Ltd and Vetco. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City The second Launchpad in 2016 looked at ways to increase food production in the City of Melbourne with 11 participants planning to startup social enterprises, workshop programs, mini-documentaries, food promotion campaigns, community growing projects and small-scale farming enterprises. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City with support from the City of Melbourne’s Small Business Grants Program. The outcome was KeepCup, the world’s first barista standard, BPA free and non-toxic reusable cup. First sold in June 2009, eight years on the brand has developed into a global phenomenon. Over 5 million people now use KeepCup, which equates to around 3.5 billion disposable cups or 4000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill. With offices in Melbourne, London and most recently Los Angeles, Abigail now heads up a team of 40 employees and KeepCup is sold in 65 countries around the world including Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the USA, South Africa, Asia and Europe. However, Abigail still believes Melbourne is the best place for her business to be based, partly because of its strong coffee culture. Most of KeepCup’s manufacturing takes place in Melbourne which Abigail sees as an obligation to give back to her home town. “I’m passionate about local manufacturing in Melbourne.” Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City A key aim of the Local Food Launchpad is to provide more opportunities for city residents and visitors to buy local and regionally produced food. In 2015 the City of Melbourne collaborated with Doing Something Good, Open Food Network and Food Alliance to develop the Local Food Launchpad, Australia’s first design-led incubator for new local food projects. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan
Startup Action Plan 2017–2021 A Prosperous City City of Melbourne Small Business Grants, Local Food Launchpad, Creative Spaces, The Guild, Queen Victoria Market (QVM), Melbourne Knowledge Week, Library Services, International Trade Missions Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Melbourne Metropolitan