Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Home Harvest Program The Home Harvest Program is a month long annual program that is delivered in partnership with Nillumbik Shire Council. The program provides opportunities for residents who grow food at home (as well as in community gardens and other urban spaces) to come together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration. It involves workshops on topics such as fruit tree pruning and grafting, soil care and composting. OBJECTIVES: Provide opportunities for residents interested in backyard gardening to learn new skills and meet like-minded individuals Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Programs for schools Waste minimisation and management education activities have been developed to meet the needs and interests of individual schools. The programs take place either in the classroom or the custom-built ‘Waste Wise Van’. The van includes a range of education ‘stations’ including: • The Wall of Waste which explores the history of waste • Information about Council’s waste services. • The Environmental Wheel, outlining the environmental reasons why waste needs to be minimised. • The Waste Makers highlighting the wasteful habits of a typical household. • The Waste Wise Shop which compares shopping and packaging habits from many years ago to now. • The Recycle Wall which explores the process of recycling. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Reducing waste at Council events Council has adopted several environmental practices to reduce waste at staff events and community festivals. Guests are encouraged to bring ‘nude food’ picnics, reusable water bottles, and recyclable plates and cutlery. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The Home Harvest Program draws upon established partnerships with Local Food Connect and Nillumbik Community Health Service. Local Food Connect is an organisation that delivers local, seasonal, ecologically ethical food directly from farmers to households, and promotes local and seasonal food consumption through various educational activities including film nights and food swaps. Nillumbik Community Health Service looks to connect people with healthy eating options. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The program consists of: • A Community Leaders program; and • Sustainability workshops. The program, which is jointly funded by Banyule and Darebin councils, is open to all community members in these municipalities. The program has been effective across a range of Council priorities, including reducing household energy and water use, minimising waste and increasing the use of sustainable transport, sustainable gardening and sustainable food. Health and Wellbeing Education/events on food system issues Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Since establishment, the garden and community involvement has grown significantly. Well attended community workshops have included: • Dehydrating veggie talk • Native gardens • Tomato giveaway • Designing a productive permaculture garden. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The program consists of: • A Community Leaders program; and • Sustainability workshops. The program, which is jointly funded by Banyule and Darebin councils, is open to all community members in these municipalities. The program has been effective across a range of Council priorities, including reducing household energy and water use, minimising waste and increasing the use of sustainable transport, sustainable gardening and sustainable food. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Fostering food sustainability at Watsonia Library As part of the 2015/16 Grants Program, Watsonia Library was awarded $8,000 to assist with the establishment of a new community garden at the site. The garden included three low maintenance, raised wicking garden beds and an outdoor natural environmental play space for preschool aged children which included a variety of sensory plants. Since establishment, the garden and community involvement has grown significantly. Well attended community workshops have included: • Dehydrating veggie talk • Native gardens • Tomato giveaway • Designing a productive permaculture garden. There have been many informal interactions between families and children exploring the garden after storytime and during the day to pick produce. The produce is also shared after each session with library patrons, encouraging greater interactions with the garden. Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Home Harvest Program The Home Harvest Program is a month long annual program that is delivered in partnership with Nillumbik Shire Council. The program provides opportunities for residents who grow food at home (as well as in community gardens and other urban spaces) to come together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration. It involves workshops on topics such as fruit tree pruning and grafting, soil care and composting. OBJECTIVES: Provide opportunities for residents interested in backyard gardening to learn new skills and meet like-minded individuals Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The garden included three low maintenance, raised wicking garden beds Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Engagement and education Food Increase community understanding and peer to peer learning of the environmental issues related to food production and consumption and the positive impact local and seasonal food production can make to these. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Environmental stewardship is a shared community responsibility. Council recognises that significant expertise exists within the community, particularly within our environmental groups and other councils. By partnering with these groups, Council is able to expand its reach and influence beyond what would have been achieved in isolation. As a result, many of our programs are delivered using a partnership model with organisations including Nillumbik and Manningham councils, friends of groups and Melbourne Water. Key programs within this space include: • Facilitation of friend of groups • Home harvest program Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Food waste at staff events is also being diverted to compost rather than landfill. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Fostering food sustainability at Watsonia Library As part of the 2015/16 Grants Program, Watsonia Library was awarded $8,000 to assist with the establishment of a new community garden at the site. The garden included three low maintenance, raised wicking garden beds and an outdoor natural environmental play space for preschool aged children which included a variety of sensory plants. Since establishment, the garden and community involvement has grown significantly. Well attended community workshops have included: • Dehydrating veggie talk • Native gardens • Tomato giveaway • Designing a productive permaculture garden. There have been many informal interactions between families and children exploring the garden after storytime and during the day to pick produce. The produce is also shared after each session with library patrons, encouraging greater interactions with the garden. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Home Harvest Program The Home Harvest Program is a month long annual program that is delivered in partnership with Nillumbik Shire Council. The program provides opportunities for residents who grow food at home (as well as in community gardens and other urban spaces) to come together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration. It involves workshops on topics such as fruit tree pruning and grafting, soil care and composting. OBJECTIVES: Provide opportunities for residents interested in backyard gardening to learn new skills and meet like-minded individuals Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The program consists of: • A Community Leaders program; and • Sustainability workshops. The program, which is jointly funded by Banyule and Darebin councils, is open to all community members in these municipalities. The program has been effective across a range of Council priorities, including reducing household energy and water use, minimising waste and increasing the use of sustainable transport, sustainable gardening and sustainable food. Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The Home Harvest Program draws upon established partnerships with Local Food Connect and Nillumbik Community Health Service. Local Food Connect is an organisation that delivers local, seasonal, ecologically ethical food directly from farmers to households, and promotes local and seasonal food consumption Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community “Deliver community waste and litter minimisation education programs through the waste wise education program. Delivery of multi-media based, interactive waste minimisation and litter prevention education programs at the Rethink Education Centre. “ Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Adult education sessions include an understanding of MRF and landfill operations and a tour of the Replenish Garden, a sustainable garden featuring recycled materials and the latest in food waste recycling technology. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Delivery of multi-media based, interactive waste minimisation and litter prevention education programs at the Rethink Education Centre. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Home Harvest Program The Home Harvest Program is a month long annual program that is delivered in partnership with Nillumbik Shire Council. The program provides opportunities for residents who grow food at home (as well as in community gardens and other urban spaces) to come together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration. It involves workshops on topics such as fruit tree pruning and grafting, soil care and composting. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Programs for schools Waste minimisation and management education activities have been developed to meet the needs and interests of individual schools. The programs take place either in the classroom or the custom-built ‘Waste Wise Van’. The van includes a range of education ‘stations’ including: • The Wall of Waste which explores the history of waste • Information about Council’s waste services. • The Environmental Wheel, outlining the environmental reasons why waste needs to be minimised. • The Waste Makers highlighting the wasteful habits of a typical household. • The Waste Wise Shop which compares shopping and packaging habits from many years ago to now. • The Recycle Wall which explores the process of recycling. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Reducing Employee Waste The new Council offices at Greensborough provided the Enviro Reps with a fresh opportunity to identify and embed sustainability practices in the workplace. After observing staff habits, the Enviro Reps identified a number of initiatives which could reduce waste generated by staff. Problems included the use of disposable coffee cups, as well as disposable bags for grocery shopping during lunch breaks. As a result, the onsite café was engaged to offer ceramic mugs for Council staff and ‘boomerang’ bags were introduced at key building exits for staff to use. Both initiatives provided easy wins and have had a significant reduction in volumes of employee waste. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community Reducing waste at Council events Council has adopted several environmental practices to reduce waste at staff events and community festivals. Guests are encouraged to bring ‘nude food’ picnics, reusable water bottles, and recyclable plates and cutlery. Balloons are now banned from Council run events and community groups are encouraged to similarly consider alteranative at their events when located on Council property. Food waste at staff events is also being diverted to compost rather than landfill. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stewardship Strategic Plan 2019-2021 A Partnership between Council and Community The Environmental Representatives (Enviro Reps) program assists Council in reducing Council’s environmental impact. Through the use of Enviro Reps, Council is able to identify, implement and evaluation internal environmental initiatives, as well as encourage and support collegues to engage in sustainability practice. Through the program, a range of sustainability initiatives have been introduced, including KeepCups for all staff and community recycling stations at Council service centres. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Banyule Metropolitan
Stock Movement and Grazing Policy OBJECTIVE This policy sets out Council’s intention to monitor the grazing and movement of stock on Council roadsides in an attempt to protect and enhance roadside vegetation and associated ecological communities. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Lockhart Regional
Stock on roads 1. Purpose The purpose of the Stock on Roads Policy is to detail the: a) Circumstances where stock are permitted on Council roads: b) Circumstances where permits are required; c) Obligations of Council for stock on roads; d) The circumstances under which Council staff will attend straying stock on roads, and e) Obligations of landholders for stock on roads. Sustainability and Environment Animal husbandry NSW Clarence Valley Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Classification Rateable property which is used primarily for cultural, recreational or club purposes. Recreation 1 Recreational land is defined as follows: (a) lands which are – (i) vested in or occupied by any body corporate or unincorporated which exists for the purpose of providing or promoting cultural or sporting recreational or similar facilities or objectives and which applies its profits in promoting its objects and prohibits the payment of any dividend or amount to its members; and (ii) used for sporting recreational or cultural purposes or similar activities; or (b) lands which are used primarily as agricultural show grounds Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Ballarat Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Council has considered its Rating Strategy in preparation of the 2019/20 Budget and proposes to alter the Farmland rate differential from 82.5% of the Residential rate to 80%. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Strathbogie Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Council makes a further distinction within the property value component of rates based on the purpose for which property is used; that is, whether the property is used for residential, commercial, industrial, farming or a social purpose such as public housing or recreation. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Strathbogie Regional