Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Council’s current rating structure comprised of five differential rates (Residential , Residential Vacant , Farmland,Commercial/Industrial and Commercial/Industrial Vacant) . Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Strathbogie Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN reducing the farm rate differential from 82.5% to 80 %. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Strathbogie Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN The Farm Rate will be set at 80% of the Residential rate. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Strathbogie Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN advocate for an increase in social and affordable housing Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Number of requests for homelessness assistance responded to by Council Deliver the Social and Affordable Housing Strategy Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Promote and facilitate urban agriculture with a focus on increasing scale and uptake in the community Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Yarra has a responsibility to protect its natural environmental assets from the impacts of urban densification. Urban consolidation has gained support in Melbourne as a principle for containing urban sprawl, protecting green wedges and urban agriculture Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Promote and facilitate urban agriculture with a focus on increasing scale and uptake in the community Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Strategic Indicators 1.3 Provide health promoting environments that encourage healthy eating and active living Community satisfaction with Council’s Leisure facilities9 Proportion of registered premises that are inspected annually in accordance with the Food Act 1984 Number of community garden initiatives implemented Percentage of adults consuming recommended intake of vegetables7 Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Minimising waste and increasing recycling and reuse are important environmental priorities for Council. In particular, Council is working to reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Reduce the amount of waste-to-landfill with a focus on improved recycling and organic waste disposal. Food Waste Food losses and food waste Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN food premises inspections Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Regulation and enforcement (e.g. local laws, permits, food premises inspections) Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Strategic Indicators 1.3 Provide health promoting environments that encourage healthy eating and active living Community satisfaction with Council’s Leisure facilities9 Proportion of registered premises that are inspected annually in accordance with the Food Act 1984 Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Water and food sampling Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations Victoria Yarra Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Reasons for the Use and Level of Rate The farm rate is lower than for other classes of land because farming operations involve large properties which have significant value and which are often operated as family concerns. Agricultural producers are unable to pass on increases in costs like other businesses. Farm profitability is affected by the vagaries of weather and international markets. other commercial and industrial operations. In this Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Ballarat Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Reasons for the Use and Level of Rate The rate reflects the level of service provided and ensures that reasonable rate relativity is maintained between industrial and other classes of land. The differential is higher than for other classes of land for a number of reasons, including: • Business rates are tax deductible • Rates tend to be a lower order factor in business investment decisions; 12 CITY OF BALLARAT 2019/20 BUDGET FARM Classification Farm Land means any rateable land – (a) that is not less than 2 hectares in area; and (b) is used for carrying on a business of primary production as determined by the Australian Taxation Office; and (c) that is used primarily for grazing (including agistment), dairying, pig farming, poultry farming, fish farming, tree farming, bee keeping, viticulture, horticulture, fruit growing or the growing of crops of any kind or for any combination of those activities; and (d) that is used by a business – (i) that has a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character; and (ii) that seeks to make a profit on a continuous or repetitive basis from its activities on the land; and (iii) that is making profit from its activities on the land, or that has a reasonable prospect of making a profit from its activities on the land if it continues to operate in the way that it is operating. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Ballarat Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN The existing rating structure comprises 5 differential rates (residential, commercial, residential, and farm) and a rate concession for recreational land 1. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Ballarat Regional
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN The rural residential rate is lower than for other classes of land because the land is prima-facie farm land; however, with the inclusion of a residence primary purpose of the property is shifted towards residential use. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Ballarat Regional
Strategic Resource Plan The existing rating structure comprises five differential rates (residential, farm, commercial, industrial and vacant sub-standard), and a lower rate for recreational land. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Yarra Ranges Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) differential rates other than a Farm Rate and Urban Farm Rate. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) Farm Rate discount Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) Melbourne Wholesale Market Rebate  Council will grant a rebate to each owner (or, where applicable, occupier) of land comprising any part of the Melbourne Wholesale Markets  The rebate became operative from the commencement of trading at the Markets in September 2015, and be in an amount equal to the rates which would otherwise have been payable in respect of the land; and  The rebate is to be granted to assist the proper development of the municipal district and is for a period of 5 years Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) Melbourne Wholesale Markets Rebate Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN 2018‚Äì19 to 2027‚Äì28 Shepparson Avenue Market Development – $2.95m for design, concept plans and initial consultation. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Glen Eira Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan 2019-2020 differential rates other than a Farm Rate and Urban Farm Rate. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan 2019-2020 Farm Rate discount Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan 2019-2020 Melbourne Wholesale Market Rebate  Council will grant a rebate to each owner (or, where applicable, occupier) of land comprising any part of the Melbourne Wholesale Markets  The rebate became operative from the commencement of trading at the Markets in September 2015, and be in an amount equal to the rates which would otherwise have been payable in respect of the land; and  The rebate is to be granted to assist the proper development of the municipal district and is for a period of 5 years Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Strategic Resource Plan 2019-2020 Melbourne Wholesale Markets Rebate Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN 2019-2023 The existing rating structure comprises four differential rates (general, vacant industrial, farming and cultural and recreational). Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Corangamite Regional