Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The Western Port Green Wedge will be the permanent edge to Melbourne’s South East and the urban interface will be designed and managed to achieve this vision. T Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan of Casey with Melbourne Water has prepared and adopted an Integrated Water Management Plan, which aims to create a Water Efficient City and to deliver the following outcomes: » Avoid potable (drinking) water use and cost, where possible. » Use and manage water resources as fit for purpose. » Create a City that is resilient to food, drought and other water threats to the environment. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.7.2 Objective Recognise the role groundwater plays in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge and protect and enhance its capability to support productive farming. 11.7.3 Strategies » Ensure that high quality groundwater in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge is recognised as a finite resource that plays a significant role in the maintenance of the economic strength of the agriculture industry. » Encourage the use of alternative water supply systems to reduce reliance on groundwater. » Develop a sustainable planning and management framework for food production, agriculture and other uses within the Green Wedge. » Support natural systems by ensuring salinity and discharge of nutrients are managed, including through the use of management plans. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.9.4 Specific Actions » Action 8: Advocate for access to Class A recycled water to support agriculture and horticulture in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The Western Port Green Wedge has an internationally-recognised environment, fertile soils, established equestrian, agriculture and horticulture industries, ready access to water and an extensive transportation network connecting farmers with nearby local markets and to ports for interstate or overseas markets. These attributes cumulatively create the area’s enormous, largely latent economic potential. The Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan identifies strategies that aim to realise that potential, which will have positive flow-on effects for the local economy, employment and the vibrancy of its settlements. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE Action Lead Agency 8 Advocate for access to Class A recycled water to support agriculture and horticulture in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. Casey CC Supporting Agencies Timeline Outcome Melbourne Water; South East Water Ongoing Facilitate access to Class A recycled water Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.4.2 Objective Develop and promote opportunities for recreation and tourism that are linked to local strengths including food, trails, Western Port Bay and education. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Promote greater understanding and awareness of the projected impacts of climate change on the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 9.4 TOURISM The Casey Western Port Green Wedge has a number of existing tourist attractions such as the Pearcedale Moonlit Sanctuary, boating, fishing, equestrian and walking trails and the Ramsar wetlands. There is significant potential for further tourism opportunities in the Green Wedge, particularly increased food-based tourism and ecotourism. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.9.1 Background and Context The Casey Western Port Green Wedge is a highly productive agricultural area. It has a range of versatile soil types, access to water, close proximity to ports, airports, markets and a workforce, and it continues to play a vital role in feeding both Victoria’s population and export markets. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Although the tourism offer is modest at present, several opportunities have been identified that may be developed and promoted to support local agriculture, generate employment opportunities, enhance the area’s biodiversity, and create recreation opportunities for local residents. The public consultation generally supported these opportunities but with reservations about impacts on biodiversity in terms of recreation along the Western Port Coast and in areas with high biodiversity value. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.9.2 Objective Maintain a thriving agricultural and horticultural industry in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge with a focus on horticulture and farming to service local and export markets. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Plan for ecological or farm-based tourism by identifying suitable areas for accommodation (not caravan parks). Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Improve community access to nutritious, healthy and affordable local produce. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Support local agriculture by promoting and marketing the quality of local produce. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The Western Port Green Wedge has an internationally-recognised environment, fertile soils, established equestrian, agriculture and horticulture industries, ready access to water and an extensive transportation network connecting farmers with nearby local markets and to ports for interstate or overseas markets. These attributes cumulatively create the area’s enormous, largely latent economic potential. The Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan identifies strategies that aim to realise that potential, which will have positive flow-on effects for the local economy, employment and the vibrancy of its settlements. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The local economy will be driven by its agriculture, and by an emerging tourism and recreation industry based on cycling and walking trails, food, education, and the Western Port coast. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan of Casey with Melbourne Water has prepared and adopted an Integrated Water Management Plan, which aims to create a Water Efficient City and to deliver the following outcomes: » Avoid potable (drinking) water use and cost, where possible. » Use and manage water resources as fit for purpose. » Create a City that is resilient to food, drought and other water threats to the environment. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The Western Port Green Wedge has scope to build a successful tourism industry based on its fresh and healthy local produce, taking advantage of its accessibility to potential customers and tourists located in the growing metropolitan area. Community markets and the regional produce directory already help this profile, but a further initiative would be to develop a Bunyip Food Trail linking local and regional food outlets such as farm sales and specialist local food shops. The food trail could help market local produce such as asparagus, other vegetables, fruit, wine, and even fish and other seafood from Western Port Bay. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.10.2 Objective Recognise, understand and prepare for the projected impacts of climate change on the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The Western Port Green Wedge has scope to build a successful tourism industry based on its fresh and healthy local produce, taking advantage of its accessibility to potential customers and tourists located in the growing metropolitan area. Community markets and the regional produce directory already help this profile, but a further initiative would be to develop a Bunyip Food Trail linking local and regional food outlets such as farm sales and specialist local food shops. The food trail could help market local produce such as asparagus, other vegetables, fruit, wine, and even fish and other seafood from Western Port Bay. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.10.3 Strategies » Undertake research on a regular basis to assess and plan for the impacts of climate change on the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. » Develop policies to manage and adapt to the projected impacts of climate change on the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. » Promote greater understanding and awareness of the projected impacts of climate change on the Casey Western Port Green Wedge. 11.10.4 Specific Actions » Action 9: Develop Council Policy on climate change including background research, investigation of the Casey context and Policy adoption. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan 11.9.2 Objective Maintain a thriving agricultural and horticultural industry in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge with a focus on horticulture and farming to service local and export markets. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Action 9 Develop Council Policy on climate change including background research, investigation of the Casey context and Policy adoption. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan How to maintain a thriving agriculture and horticulture industry Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Its strategic importance as a food supply source for the metropolitan area is predicted to increase over time as Melbourne grows and rainfall patterns change. It is particularly likely given the increasing uncertainty over rainfall and water allocations to Australia’s traditional food bowl; the Murray Darling Basin. 44 I City of Casey Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Given its long-term strategic value to Melbourne and to agriculture, the Green Wedge should be recognised as an area of strategic farming importance for Melbourne and every effort should be made to protect it for that purpose. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Its agricultural industry will be strengthened, and it will become a truly innovative and productive farming district for the long-term food security of Victoria. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Regional Approach to Climate Change The South East Councils Climate Change Alliance (SECCCA) is a network of Councils that are situated around the Western Port region and has been operating since 2004. SECCCA’s regional projects investigate coastal and human settlement planning in a time of climate change. The City of Casey and the Cardinia Shire Council are members of this regional alliance and continue to support it in relation to monitoring climate change and advising on any mitigation and adaptation strategies relevant to the Green Wedge. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan Strengthen the long-term viability of farming in the Casey Western Port Green Wedge and enhance its productivity and competitive position. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Casey Metropolitan
Western Port Green Wedge Management Plan The findings from the research will be useful to local farmers and rural producers to inform their decision making and succession planning, and should be the subject of an education and information program to assist the rural community. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience Victoria Casey Metropolitan