Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Document titleRelevant text in the policyDomainTopicStateLocal Government nameCouncil type
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Is able to access global markets through cost effective and efficient transport infrastructure. Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Mitigates issues with supply chain management Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH The Agriculture Pillar seeks outcomes that: • • • • • • Sustains and future proofs region’s water supply. Sustainability and Environment Food supply and food system resilience NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Has access to a pool of skilled and unskilled labour Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Immediate opportunities exist to export the region’s knowledge in agriculture, grow the sector’s knowledge base and works with industry to export knowledge globally. In addition there are opportunities to encourage closer collaboration between existing educational providers. There is a unique opportunity to establish a cluster of tertiary providers that specialise in the areas of aviation, agriculture, engineering and mining related studies and technology, R&D that can utilise existing infrastructure and provide skills and training to meet skills shortages in the region. The Pillar seeks outcomes that: • Connects education and training to employment. • Increases educational attainment and participation rates. • Increases access to education and training including effective educational pathways. • Improves the quality of educational outcomes • Develops a vision of excellence for education and training for the Tamworth region. • Promotes a balance between academic and vocational training. • Attracts professionals and upskills the workforce Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Investigate the establishment of an ‘Educational Precinct’ with campuses to deliver known specialisations required by the industry pillars. Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH • Attracts professionals and upskills the workforce Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Is strengthened by R&D, innovation and technology Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Minimises regulation and uses a collective ‘pull’ to respond to changes that effect the industry Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Partners and Stakeholders will drive Tamworth’s growth in areas of the region’s key industrial foundations and key growth sectors: • Access & Infrastructure • Agriculture, Food Processing and Agribusiness Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Promotes and captures new market opportunities in Asia and other countries Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Pursues opportunities involved in value adding to existing processes. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
TAMWORTHTOMORROW 2016-2021 DRIVING THE TAMWORTH REGION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Streamlining processes and minimising costs for expansion. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Tamworth Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 3 West Wimmera Shire should support interested local investors to identify low cost and innovative housing and rental accommodation that can be established quickly to service large investments that require an influx of workers. Social Policy Affordable housing Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • Mapping vacant housing will not only provide a picture of properties that might be suitable for rent, or suitable for renovation to improve rental opportunities, but might also assist the farm sector to identify houses that could be demolished to free up space on farms and increase productive farm areas. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 7 West Wimmera Shire should seek funding support to commission a study focussed on identifying the types of high value crops that are suited to the soils and climate of the West Wimmera. Why do it? • Agriculture is a powerhouse within the West Wimmera Shire economy, but a lack of strategic planning work has been undertaken to support the industry. • This work will allow West Wimmera Shire to develop a much more focused strategy to attract new investment into the region. • Given the success of the Lamattina business, there is clearly scope to broaden the range of high value crops that can be grown in West Wimmera Shire. • This will support West Wimmera Shire’s intent to facilitate a gradual shift to higher value production, particularly with respect to irrigated agriculture. This happens because the higher value sectors can afford to pay more for the water (or the land with water rights attached) than a lower value producer. • Higher value sectors are generally more intensive, requiring higher labour input and utilising more regional resources. All of this has the potential to expand the regional economy in West Wimmera. What needs to happen? • Any such study would need to give consideration to the distance to market, which lends itself to produce that has good shelf life and can handle long•distance haulage. • The focus should be on annual crops rather than perennial tree crops, at least in the first instance, as the cost of developing greenfield sites is a significant hurdle Who needs to do it? • The initiative needs to be led by the Shire and funded in partnership with State Government and Regional Development Australia. • Similar to the soils and water resource mapping project, consideration could be given to undertaking this action on a larger scale regional basis in partnership with neighboring councils and stakeholders such as Wimmera Development Association. 42 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • The work would need to be undertaken by a specialist consultant or tertiary researcher. When should it be done by? • 2016 Is there Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy This links to a number of actions in this strategy, including: • Direct Action 4 the Public Relations strategy. • Direct Action 5, agribusiness case studies. • Direct Action 6, high value land uses. • Facilitated Action 5, soil and water mapping. • Facilitated Action 6, High value crops. • Facilitated Action 7, agribusiness joint ventures. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy This links to a number of actions in this strategy, including: • Direct Action 4 the Public Relations strategy. • Direct Action 5, agribusiness case studies. • Direct Action 6, high value land uses. • Facilitated Action 5, soil and water mapping. • Facilitated Action 6, High value crops. • Facilitated Action 7, agribusiness joint ventures. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy West Wimmera Shire should seek funding support to accurately map soil and water resources in order to identify high value sites for intensive agriculture. Why do it? • Agriculture is a powerhouse within the West Wimmera Shire economy, but a lack of strategic planning work has been undertaken to support the industry. • Areas that have the ideal mix of high quality soils and secure access to groundwater provide the two essential ingredients for intensive agriculture. • This will facilitate a gradual shift to higher value production, particularly with respect to irrigated agriculture. This happens because the higher value sectors can afford to pay more for the water (or the land with water rights attached) than a lower value producer. • Higher value sectors are generally more intensive, requiring higher labour input and utilising more regional resources. All of this has the potential to expand the regional economy in West Wimmera. What needs to happen? • There is a high likelihood that there have already been extensive soil and aquifer studies completed. If is the case, then West Wimmera can facilitate bringing this information together in a practical form to help guide regional investment and to attract more intensive agribusiness operators to the region. • If it has not been done, then there is merit in considering the positive benefits that such a resource could have from the perspective of economic development and planning. Who needs to do it? • The initiative needs to be led by the Shire and funded in partnership with State Government and Regional Development Australia. • Consideration could be given to undertaking the project on a larger scale regional basis in partnership with neighboring councils and stakeholders such as Wimmera Development Association. 40 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • The work would need to be undertaken by a specialist consultant or tertiary researcher. When should it be done by? • 2016 Is there Sustainability and Environment Sustainable water management in food production Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy West Wimmera Shire should facilitate the establishment of a grower controlled grain receival and storage business in Kaniva. Why do it? • The recent announcement by Graincorp that it is closing its Kaniva receival facility has created a pressing issue for West Wimmera grain growers, but also an opportunity within the marketplace. • There is already a group of progressive farmers in the Kaniva area who have discussed the idea with Council, and that energy around the project needs to be harnessed and supported. • In other grain growing regions of Victoria, such as the Southern Mallee, there have been similar scenarios play•out, providing some guide as to what is possible if grain growers seek a collective solution. What needs to happen? • The Shire needs to determine the level of interest from local producers to undertake such an initiative. • If enough interest exists, the Shire needs to confirm what kind of assistance and facilitation the producers require, and then actively work with key partners such as State Government to ensure the support is available make it happen. Who needs to do it? • The Shire needs to facilitate the process, but the initiative needs to be led by producers, who should feel confident that they have Council support. When should it be done by? • Given the announcement regarding the Kaniva facility, and the uncertainty around Lillimur, the project needs to be undertaken immediately (from Aug 2014). Sustainability and Environment Strengthen food chain connections/distribution Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Education 5.1 Advocate for regional education providers to offer training opportunities within the Shire, particularly to support skills in agriculture. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 3 West Wimmera Shire should support interested local investors to identify low cost and innovative housing and rental accommodation that can be established quickly to service large investments that require an influx of workers. Why do it? • West Wimmera Shire has indicated that large intensive agricultural investments are being considered for the Shire, which have the potential to create a significant number of jobs that will require accommodation for workers on site or close to investments. • The Shire has had an historically low unemployment rate, which has sat under 5% for more than two decades, and currently sits at 2.5%. This means employers often have to go out of the region in search of workers, but there is little rental accommodation available for workers who want to come into the wider region (not just West Wimmera Shire) • Other actions within this strategy are designed to improve housing options and outcomes over time, which will gradually cater for an increasing number of workers. This action is specifically targeted at catering for large investments that might generate the need for an influx of workers in a specific remote location. • During the project consultation, there was genuine interest emerging from workshop participants about wanting to service large investments with low cost accommodation options to cater for workers. A number of people were prepared to put their hand up to work on the idea, and the Shire should work with this interest. What needs to happen? • The Shire should start by meeting with interested local investors to test interest in the idea. • If there is a genuine desire to explore opportunities, the Shire should play a facilitation role for the group, coordinating meetings, research and potentially visits to look at existing products and facilities. • Should a project opportunity become available, the Shire should be prepared and willing to provide timely and supportive planning assistance to ensure any investment opportunities are priorities and processed quickly. Who needs to do it? • The Shire’s Economic Development and Planning staff need to be actively involved. Local investors need to drive the opportunity and take up the Shire’s offer of support. 34 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy When should it be done by? • The project should begin in January 2015. Economic Development Food related job creation Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • Mapping vacant housing will not only provide a picture of properties that might be suitable for rent, or suitable for renovation to improve rental opportunities, but might also assist the farm sector to identify houses that could be demolished to free up space on farms and increase productive farm areas. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy A strong emphasis on agriculture: The development of the strategy also placed a heavy, but unashamed emphasis on agriculture, given its significance to the West Wimmera economy Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy DIRECT ACTION 4 West Wimmera Shire should develop a detailed Public Relations strategy that focuses specifically on generating media coverage that will help change the perception of the Shire, its townships and the opportunities available, including a strong emphasis on agriculture. Why do it? • West Wimmera Shire has an incredible amount of environmental diversity and lifestyle and business opportunity that should be attractive to potential new residents, businesses and investors, particularly in the agriculture industry. • What the Shire has to offer, and particularly its unique points of difference, is poorly understood outside of the region. • The Shire has a powerful opportunity to showcase its point of difference, which will assist in competing in a cluttered market against hundreds of other rural areas that face the same challenges and are equally trying to attract new residents and businesses. • The Shire has existing marketing and promotional material that is quite generic and similar in style to what other regions are producing, which limits its effectiveness in cutting through the clutter. Placing a strong emphasis on attracting positive media coverage will allow the Shire to promote its niche opportunities and point of difference with a much greater level of depth. • Media coverage can be far more cost effective for the Shire than paying for advertising, and has a powerful level of authenticity and trust among the consumers of that media. The strategy can directly support the activation of the Kaniva Industrial Estate. What needs to happen? • The Shire needs to engage an experienced Public Relations professional to work on the development of the plan. • The plan should be segmented to align with this Strategy and focus on key media opportunities that help showcase business, residential/lifestyle, and tourism points of difference for West Wimmera Shire. • As the strategy is implemented, the Shire needs to report back to community on its effectiveness, celebrating the positive media coverage and highlighting the cost benefit outcome for the Shire. 14 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Who needs to do it? • The Shire should seek some outside assistance in writing the project brief, due to it’s specific needs, and the creation of the Public Relations Strategy by an experienced media consultant should be overseen by the Economic Development Manager. • Once the strategy has been developed the Shire should consider engaging a skilled public relations professional on a limited ongoing basis to activate the strategy. When should it be done by? • The project planning should begin by January 2015, so the project can be included in 2015/2016 budget considerations for delivery in July 2015. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 3 West Wimmera Shire should support interested local investors to identify low cost and innovative housing and rental accommodation that can be established quickly to service large investments that require an influx of workers. Why do it? • West Wimmera Shire has indicated that large intensive agricultural investments are being considered for the Shire, which have the potential to create a significant number of jobs that will require accommodation for workers on site or close to investments. • The Shire has had an historically low unemployment rate, which has sat under 5% for more than two decades, and currently sits at 2.5%. This means employers often have to go out of the region in search of workers, but there is little rental accommodation available for workers who want to come into the wider region (not just West Wimmera Shire) • Other actions within this strategy are designed to improve housing options and outcomes over time, which will gradually cater for an increasing number of workers. This action is specifically targeted at catering for large investments that might generate the need for an influx of workers in a specific remote location. • During the project consultation, there was genuine interest emerging from workshop participants about wanting to service large investments with low cost accommodation options to cater for workers. A number of people were prepared to put their hand up to work on the idea, and the Shire should work with this interest. What needs to happen? • The Shire should start by meeting with interested local investors to test interest in the idea. • If there is a genuine desire to explore opportunities, the Shire should play a facilitation role for the group, coordinating meetings, research and potentially visits to look at existing products and facilities. • Should a project opportunity become available, the Shire should be prepared and willing to provide timely and supportive planning assistance to ensure any investment opportunities are priorities and processed quickly. Who needs to do it? • The Shire’s Economic Development and Planning staff need to be actively involved. Local investors need to drive the opportunity and take up the Shire’s offer of support. 34 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy When should it be done by? • The project should begin in January 2015. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 7 West Wimmera Shire should seek funding support to commission a study focussed on identifying the types of high value crops that are suited to the soils and climate of the West Wimmera. Why do it? • Agriculture is a powerhouse within the West Wimmera Shire economy, but a lack of strategic planning work has been undertaken to support the industry. • This work will allow West Wimmera Shire to develop a much more focused strategy to attract new investment into the region. • Given the success of the Lamattina business, there is clearly scope to broaden the range of high value crops that can be grown in West Wimmera Shire. • This will support West Wimmera Shire’s intent to facilitate a gradual shift to higher value production, particularly with respect to irrigated agriculture. This happens because the higher value sectors can afford to pay more for the water (or the land with water rights attached) than a lower value producer. • Higher value sectors are generally more intensive, requiring higher labour input and utilising more regional resources. All of this has the potential to expand the regional economy in West Wimmera. What needs to happen? • Any such study would need to give consideration to the distance to market, which lends itself to produce that has good shelf life and can handle long•distance haulage. • The focus should be on annual crops rather than perennial tree crops, at least in the first instance, as the cost of developing greenfield sites is a significant hurdle Who needs to do it? • The initiative needs to be led by the Shire and funded in partnership with State Government and Regional Development Australia. • Similar to the soils and water resource mapping project, consideration could be given to undertaking this action on a larger scale regional basis in partnership with neighboring councils and stakeholders such as Wimmera Development Association. 42 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • The work would need to be undertaken by a specialist consultant or tertiary researcher. When should it be done by? • 2016 Is there Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy FACILITATED ACTION 8 West Wimmera Shire should consider the development of a strategy to promote joint•ventures between West Wimmera farmers and vegetable producers located in areas where there are significant urban encroachment issues. Why do it? • West Wimmera has good soils, abundant water, an ideal climate and few urban encroachment issues. • Farmers located in areas such as Werribee, Cranbourne, Mornington Peninsula and Bacchus Marsh are significantly constrained as a consequence of urban growth pressures. • There are many examples of growers that have shifted to a regional focus and been very successful, with West Wimmera boasting one of the best examples in Rocky Lamattina & Sons. • Matching farmers with farmers through joint ventures has the potential to increase the rate at which the shift to higher value agriculture occurs. • Higher value sectors are generally more intensive, requiring higher labour input and utilising more regional resources. All of this has the potential to expand the regional economy in West Wimmera. What needs to happen? • The Shire needs to look at engaging an experienced investment attraction specialist who can support interested farmers to step through the joint•venture process. Who needs to do it? • The initiative needs to be instigated by the Shire in partnership with Regional Development Victoria, Invest Victoria, and led by an experienced investment attraction specialist. When should it be done by? 44 Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy • The project should be scheduled for 2017, or earlier if funding availability is evident. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy This links to a number of actions in this strategy, including: • Direct Action 4 the Public Relations strategy. • Direct Action 5, agribusiness case studies. • Direct Action 6, high value land uses. • Facilitated Action 5, soil and water mapping. • Facilitated Action 6, High value crops. • Facilitated Action 7, agribusiness joint ventures. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional
Target 10,000 West Wimmera Shire Economic Development Strategy West Wimmera Shire should develop 3 powerful case studies of successful agribusinesses. The case studies should be used by the Shire in a concerted campaign to attract more investment to the region. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria West Wimmera Regional