Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.
For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).
To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: https://law-food-systems.sydney.edu.au/policy-database (access date).
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Document title | Relevant text in the policy | Domain | Topic | State | Local Government name | Council type |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Container deposit schemes are a form of product stewardship where consumers are incentivised to responsibly dispose of empty drink containers for recycling at designated collection sites in exchange for cash or cash-equivalent. This aims to reward environmentally responsible behaviour, reduce drink container litter and increase recycling. Consumers cover the cost of the scheme in the price of the drink when purchased. South Australia since 1975 have legislated its own scheme. The extent of a national scheme has been in discussion for many years and gained traction more recently with additional state and territory governments announcing plans to implement their own in 2017. Council has supported the implementation of a container deposit scheme for some time and will continue to do so. A scheme, if implemented would have a positive effect on littering, and maximise materials recovered for recycling across the region. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Continue to promote the benefit of composting as a preference to all other collection systems. Waste Team (IS) Ongoing (reporting annually) Existing resources within Garbage charge budget, rebate as above $5,600. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Council also sees the value in aligning with and providing support for national campaigns and has done so with Clean Up Australia Day, National Butt Day, Garage Sale Trail, Planet Arks National Recycling Week and National Compost awareness week. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Council is part of a regional contract for green waste processing, administered by the MWRRG which began in 2017. This project resulted in three contractors providing green waste services, and the construction of a brand new in–vessel composting facility which will be staged in and is due for completion 2019. These contracts deliver long-term secure green waste processing services, which had been a previous issue due to closure of open windrow facilities across Melbourne in the years prior to 2010. These contracts, once established, bring Council the opportunity to consider collecting and processing food organic waste (kitchen food scraps) from the kerbside. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Council will advocate for better environmental outcomes at Council-supported facilities and events. Examples are reducing the use of single use plastics and strategies to reduce waste at events. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Council will continue to support and reward the community to reduce waste through its rebate program, which currently includes a discount for take up of the 80-litre bin option and a $30 rebate for purchase of compost bin and worm farms. Council will increase its compost bin and worm farm rebate to $50, in order to ensure its continued relevancy as an incentive and encourage higher take up, and will introduce a home mulcher rebate of $50 to support residents to mulch green waste at home. A business case for expansion to include a cloth nappy rebate will also be undertaken. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Council will continue to support members of the community who compost and worm farm at home, recognising that recycling waste where it is created has the best environmental outcome. This will be achieved through the increasing the rebate to $50 and continuing to promote their use. Council will also support early learning centres and community gardens through this program. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Education will continue to be a key element in the change of waste behaviours, which underpins and supports service changes, efficiencies and new initiatives. Council will continue to work on education initiatives that offer a broader combined approach to educating the community, providing consistency and long-term vision as well as value. This will require advocating for and actively collaborating with the Victorian Government, agencies and other councils where regional opportunities exist for solutions on common waste issues. This may include, but is not limited to food waste, single use plastics, reducing contamination, e-waste, litter and illegal dumping. Council will strive for partnerships with established community organisations, social enterprise as well as other councils where expertise and resources can be shared and messaging is consistent. For optimal community engagement more focus will be on the support of local grass roots community led projects and initiatives that have long-term viability or impact, rather than prescribed initiatives to the community from Council. Council will focus and remain responsive to the emerging waste issues understanding that these may change over time and the need to be flexible. Council will keep investigating how new Cardinia Shire Council Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017—26 50 technologies and communications may enhance the ability to educate and respond while remaining mindful that hard copy media is often preferred by the community. School and early childhood waste education will continue with a planned long-term approach in order to support lasting good behaviours and change for the increasing young Cardinia Shire population | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Expand waste reduction rebate program to reward positive behaviours by increasing compost bin/worm farm rebate to $50, and expanding to include a $50 green waste mulcher rebate Team Waste Team (IS) Timeframe Cost/Details As required Existing staff resources within Garbage charge budget. Team Timeframe Cost/Details Waste Team (IS) July 2018 Estimated annual cost $5,600 compost/worm farm rebate and mulcher rebate $2,500. $5,600 funded within garbage charge budget (diverted from waste education allowance), and $2,500 funded within green waste charge budget. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Figure 11 shows the waste composition of an average Cardinia Shire garbage bin, as audited in 2015 prior to implementation of the flexible plastics program. This shows similar trends to Victorian landfill (Figure 10). Food and garden waste make up 34 per cent | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | It will support programs such as the plastic bag ban, as implemented by the communities of Emerald and Bunyip. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Love Food Hate Waste – a state-wide campaign that aims to raise awareness about avoidable food waste from Victorian households. Modelled on the campaign of the same name in the UK and NSW. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden program – a national program providing inspiration, information, professional learning and support for educational institutions to deliver food education, in conjunction with educators, partners and the wider community. It promotes hands on learning of growing and composting healthy foods. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | The ‘Back to Earth’ campaign in 2016 raised the awareness of the garden waste bin processing through an online competition, encouraging voting of the best school’s garden project. N | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | The top priorities are: • increased resource recovery with a particular focus on hard waste service, food within garbage waste, additional kerbside programs and e-waste | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | The top priorities are: • increasing resource recovery with a particular focus on hard waste service, food waste within garbage bins, additional kerbside programs and e-waste | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
Waste and resource recovery strategy 2017–26 | Undertake a review and develop a system for diverting food waste from landfill Waste Team (IS) October 2019 As above, within action 6. Existing resources within draft garbage charge/green waste budget for 2017−18. Costs of delivering new services determined as part of review. To be undertaken in conjunction with the south east region and MWRRG. | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Cardinia | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | 1. Residents Residents will be empowered to rethink and reduce their consumption. They will have access to convenient services that enable them to reuse and recycle a wide range of materials. Residents will be able to separate and recycle their garden and food waste. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Engage and educate community and businesses | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Further investigation and trials will be required to create a comprehensive plan for organic waste segregation and processing, prior to a large-scale rollout. Research is needed to understand residents’ waste behaviour and practices, particularly for those living in high-rise apartments, to identify the most appropriate solutions for individual circumstances as well as how scheduled collections could be more responsive. These initiatives will need to be supported by education and engagement. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | KEY ACTIONS FROM THE STRATEGY 1.2 Run, support and advocate for education campaigns. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | They will be able to support our advocacy efforts and campaigns on education, investment and product stewardship. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | To support improved recycling behaviours, besides education campaigns, | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Working with council to reduce problem materials such as plastic and food waste. For example this may include education campaigns or local laws to reduce or recover food waste or single-use plastics. Getting involved in innovative projects funded through the innovation fund, such as plastic alternatives. | Health and Wellbeing | Education/events on food system issues | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Benefits of taking action • Improve new building performance to increase recovery rates | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Designing buildings that have systems to recover organics waste, consulting with expert advisors. | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | Residents will be able to separate and recycle their garden and food waste. For single unit and low-storey dwellings, this might take the form of a regular organics bin KEY ACTIONS FROM THE STRATEGY 1.2 Run, support and advocate for education campaigns. service. Apartments will be able to use the expert advisory services and incentives program to identify tailored solutions for their waste disposal needs. Residents will have access to drop-off and at-call services that cater for multiple waste streams. | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | The City of Melbourne can maximise resource recovery of new buildings through the planning scheme. Current waste guidelines could be reviewed to ensure all new developments requiring a planning development permit facilitate waste reduction and manage specialised waste streams such as organics and e-waste. We will explore amending the Activities Local Law to introduce mandatory recovery of organics waste. We will investigate a local law to ban unnecessary single-use plastic products. We will advocate to the Victorian Government for legislation to reduce or avoid unnecessary single-use products. | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | The introduction of an organic stream has been trialled successfully in Council House 2 and can be expanded on to ensure all buildings operated by the City of Melbourne have systems to segregate organics and recyclables. | Planning Frameworks | Modify housing/property designs to ensure adequate food storage/preparation areas | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |
WASTE AND RESOURCE RECOVERY STRATEGY 2030 | KEY STAKEHOLDERS Businesses Victorian Government and industry | Food Waste | Food losses and food waste | Victoria | Melbourne | Metropolitan |