Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT BONDI BEACH LATIN AMERICAN FESTIVAL Council supported the Bondi Beach atin ran stia rgans at n an n ar  approximately 1,000 people an  stia atr atin ran ras art tratina  tng r rrans atin dance lessons, music and dance rrans n ti stags Health and Wellbeing Traditional food cultures NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Install a drinking fountain with dog drinking bowl alongside the path at the entrance to the reserve Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT nras sating n sngs and drinking fountains Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT A community garden was installed on Warners Avenue an  trt t r ga ng as garden beds were installed, along with smaller ‘wine barrel’ planters along the fence and between the raised garn s rsting n rtin n ng Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT COMMUNITY GARDEN ng sss ntatin of a gardening project at Wayside Chapel Opposite Shop on Warners n an  trt t a nntins rgra  nt garnng atitis at Waverley Community Garden,  trt ar arn Dickson Lane, Waverley Park and arstn n The Waverley Tri-Annual Garden ars r  n r  t  ntrs  nt as held at Bronte House and received sti a r a n Council’s Waverley Community Garden won the Shared Garden atgr Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Hewlett Street Communal Garden Y Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Reviving Waverley Park Communal Garden Sustainability and Environment Food production on LG land NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT COMMUNITY GARDEN ng sss ntatin of a gardening project at Wayside Chapel Opposite Shop on Warners n an  trt t a nntins rgra  nt garnng atitis at Waverley Community Garden,  trt ar arn Dickson Lane, Waverley Park and arstn n The Waverley Tri-Annual Garden ars r  n r  t  ntrs  nt as held at Bronte House and received sti a r a n Council’s Waverley Community Garden won the Shared Garden atgr Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT COMPOST REVOLUTION n r 35 st bins and worm farms to residents ating t rsn r an  4 tnns n t st tin rgra as nt 4 tnns   ast r rt r an gt sting an rng workshops were organised at ars atins t a tta    anng  r nt  ns r n waste is converted into a compost product through mechanical ratr tratnt  Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Compost Revolution Program Grant Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Contribution to 3 Council Program – Compost Revolution project Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Hewlett Street Communal Garden Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Reviving Waverley Park Communal Garden Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Sustainable Garden Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT n n nntin t Woollahra Municipal Council and Randwick City Council, runs Waverley Council the three-Council Regional Environment Program which nrtas sgnant rts t a anng rtins n energy, water and waste across the Eastern Suburbs, including Solar my School, enabling the uptake of electric vehicles and st tin Sustainability and Environment Home and community gardening NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT COMPOST REVOLUTION n r 35 st bins and worm farms to residents ating t rsn r an  4 tnns n t st tin rgra as nt 4 tnns   ast r rt r an gt sting an rng workshops were organised at ars atins t a tta    anng  r nt  ns r n waste is converted into a compost product through mechanical ratr tratnt  Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Compost Revolution Program Grant Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Contribution to 3 Council Program – Compost Revolution project Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT PLASTIC FREE BONDI n tr  ntrnatina aa artist arna rs an arn sntist an  ara s an asti r n a campaign that aims to reduce singles asti n n asti r n rgra as t t t 5 r nt  businesses targeted reached, and an nn ar rat r tanng rsrs an atina atra r snsss tr asts  t r rntin rgra s as new infrastructure, enforcement patrols, and engagement events r nt Council's internal events guidelines now include a ban on singles astis r ntrna nts tings rss an tranng Waste Management guidelines for outdoor events (including a ban on sngs astis at tr nts ar rrnt ng nt Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT RETURN AND EARN trn an arn s art  t  Government’s goal of reducing r  n   4 r nt   n n  a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) was installed behind the Bondi an Consumers receive a 10-cent refund for every eligible container st More than one million drink containers were cashed at the Bondi Beach (RVM) since June   nnt ntanr as st n r  Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT n n nntin t Woollahra Municipal Council and Randwick City Council, runs Waverley Council the three-Council Regional Environment Program which nrtas sgnant rts t a anng rtins n energy, water and waste across the Eastern Suburbs, including Solar my School, enabling the uptake of electric vehicles and st tin Food Waste Food losses and food waste NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT FOOD SAFETY INSPECTIONS The number of food premises categorised as high risk category and high and  rs atgr r  r r nt n  ar t t rs ar  rs r ant nr t  t 3 Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT n  n nrt 55 nstins r g an  rs  rss n arsn t  nstins n  Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WAVERLEY COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT  t tta nstins  n   snsss r  star rating  snsss r r star rating an 4 r tr star rating n  5 snsss r  star rating 4 r r star rating an 5 r tr star rating Food Quality and Safety Education on/enforce food safety regulations NSW Waverley Metropolitan
Waverley Housing for Older People Tenancy Policy 2. Aims Waverley Council’s Housing for Older People Program aims to provide secure long term affordable accommodation for older people on very low – low incomes who have strong ties to the Waverley area. Tenants have renewable tenure for as long as they can live independently with, or without, community based support. Tenants in the program are charged rent of 25-30% of their income, depending on when they entered the Program. 3. Purpose This policy sets out Waverley Council’s requirements for the allocation and management of tenancies in the Waverley Housing for Older People Program. It is intended to ensure that the Program makes an effective contribution to the pool of accommodation support that is available to disadvantaged older people through various programs, and that its operation is consistent with expectations for the delivery of social housing through Community Housing Providers. It sets out criteria for eligibility, requirements for allocation and rent charges, and tenants’ rights and obligations. These are aligned with Family and Community Services NSW Community Housing Eligibility and Rent Policies as they apply to social housing. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Waverley Metropolitan
WEDDIN 2026 2017-2026 COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 5.5 There is support for local agricultural industry in adopting sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices in the context of climate change. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Weddin Regional
WEDDIN 2026 2017-2026 COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Area of agricultural land being managed for soil carbon sequestration. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Weddin Regional
WEDDIN 2026 2017-2026 COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Sustainable natural, agricultural and built environments. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Weddin Regional
WEDDIN 2026 2017-2026 COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Lobby to establish a biological farming college Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Weddin Regional
WEDDIN 2026 2017-2026 COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN Agri- and eco-tourism – farm stays and tours (LEDS); Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Weddin Regional