Australian Local Food System Policy Database

Welcome to the Australian Local Food System Policy Database. This is a collection of policies from New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian local governments that relate to healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

For further information about using the database and how it was created see How to use the database. You can search the database by using the fields below. Domain refers to eight broad categories under which various topics are situated. The domains and topics are based on a framework of recommendations for local government action on creating a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system (also located on the ‘How to use the database’ page linked above).

To cite the database: Reeve B, Carrad A, Rose N, Charlton K & Aguirre-Bielschowsky I (2021) Australian Local Food System Policy Database. Available at: (access date).

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Whittlesea’s Annual Report 2018-19. Implement the conomic Development Strategy’ with a focus on the priority application approval process, the launch of an investment prospectus and the land capability assessment ANNUAL MEASURES 100 per cent of year two conomic evelopment actions are completed by une 2019 PROGRESS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: e sness an nestent are aracte to or ct ear two of the conomic evelopment trategy has been implemented successfully, including • the introduction of the priority application development process • investment prospectus  a marketing tool that supports business investment and job creation • Land Capability Assessment outlining opportunities to support the emerging agricultural sector • provide support for small business through the implementation of a case management model. his strategy aims to create 10,000 new jobs in five years. Approximately 2,800 new jobs have been created in the first year, which has exceeded the average 2,000 jobs/year target over five years. mployment opportunities for the community will continue to be supported through the work of this strategy. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Whittlesea’s Annual Report 2018-19. We need to work on supporting and developing opportunities for local businesses like growing the food we need locally. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Whittlesea’s Annual Report 2018-19. arget exceeded in service reviews resulting in several customer service, process and financial benefits including improved building and planning processes, increased investment in city safety and amenity and support for local agribusiness. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Whittlesea Metropolitan
Whole of Sport Plan for Tennis strengthening the agricultural industry. Economic Development Local food producers Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Whole of Sport Plan for Tennis install a water fountain Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Whole of Sport Plan for Tennis Water fountain and tank at tennis site Health and Wellbeing Access to safe drinking water Victoria Greater Shepparton Regional
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Council is exploring options with the Department of Planning and Environment which would provide a similar opportunity for rural properties within the Shire to sell their own produce as well as those of their neighbours, together with other compatible products. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Council recognises that it has traditionally always been a challenge to make an adequate living entirely from farming alone. All farmers are at the mercy of climate, unseasonal weather events, pests, predators and diseases, not to mention market fluctuations which can be affected by regional, state, national and international influences. Even with every factor in their favour, achieving fair prices can be difficult as, at such times, there is usually a consequent oversupply of product on the market. To explore ways in which farmers might ‘value add’, a Rural Tourism Forum was held on Friday 20 March 2015, attended by representatives from key State and Local rural agencies and local rural industries. The purpose of the Forum was to identify how WLEP 2010 might be amended to better facilitate the delivery of tourism opportunities within the rural and environmental zones without jeopardising the environmental sensitivities of this land. Three key tourism ‘themes’ emerged:  Agri-tourism  Function tourism  Equestrian tourism. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Council will develop an Agri-Tourism Fact Sheet to assist property owners in understanding what they can and can’t do in their zone. Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Objectives  To encourage sustainable primary industry production by maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.  To encourage diversity in primary industry enterprises and systems appropriate for the area.  To minimise the fragmentation and alienation of resource lands.  To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.  To provide opportunities for employment-generating development that adds value to local agricultural production through food and beverage processing and integrates with tourism Economic Development Local food initiatives for economic development NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.6 Investigate options for enabling a form of agricultural produce retail premises within certain zones under WLEP 2010 Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.6 Investigate options for enabling a form of agricultural produce retail premises within certain zones under WLEP 2010. Economic Development Public food markets and distributors NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 3.2 Develop a Farmers Tool Kit of contacts & resources to assist new owners of rural land to develop agriculturally, environmentally and financially sustainable farming enterprises. Economic Development Local food producers NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Objectives  To encourage sustainable primary industry production by maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.  To encourage diversity in primary industry enterprises and systems appropriate for the area.  To minimise the fragmentation and alienation of resource lands.  To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.  To provide opportunities for employment-generating development that adds value to local agricultural production through food and beverage processing and integrates with tourism Economic Development Local food producers NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 4.7 Continue to work with affordable housing providers to facilitate appropriate development Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 4.7 Continue to work with affordable housing providers to facilitate appropriate development. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Continue to work with affordable housing providers to facilitate appropriate development. Social Policy Affordable housing NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 3.2 Develop a Farmers Tool Kit of contacts & resources to assist new owners of rural land to develop agriculturally, environmentally and financially sustainable farming enterprises. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 3.5. Review the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots and E4 Environmental Living zones under WLEP2010 to assess the merit of rezoning the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots areas on the outskirts of the towns and villages to E4 Environmental Living while retaining current minimum lot sizes in order to better delineate the different focus and objectives of each zone. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.5 Initiate a Planning Proposal to permit with consent in the SP3 Tourist zone the following land uses – Extensive agriculture, Intensive plant agriculture, Agricultural produce Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.5 Initiate a Planning Proposal to permit with consent in the SP3 Tourist zone the following land uses – Extensive agriculture, Intensive plant agriculture, Agricultural produce industry and Farm buildings Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.5 Initiate a Planning Proposal to permit with consent in the SP3 Tourist zone the following land uses – Extensive agriculture, Intensive plant agriculture, Agricultural produce industry and Farm buildings. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 5.9 Potential Changes to the SP3 Tourist zone land use table Council has also identified that there are certain land uses which are currently prohibited the SP3 Tourist zone which could be permitted. Those under consideration are:  Extensive agriculture – means any of the following: (a) the production of crops or fodder (including irrigated pasture and fodder crops) for commercial purposes, (b) the grazing of livestock for commercial purposes, (c) bee keeping, (d) a dairy (pasture-based).  Intensive plant agriculture – means any of the following: (a) the cultivation of irrigated crops for commercial purposes (other than irrigated pasture or fodder crops), (b) horticulture, (c) turf farming, Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 As part of the process of drafting a new Local Environmental Plan for the Shire in 2007, Council commissioned an Agricultural Lands Study to better understand the management needs for our rural lands. Fragmentation and rural residential development emerged as key issues Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 Objectives  To encourage sustainable primary industry production by maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.  To encourage diversity in primary industry enterprises and systems appropriate for the area.  To minimise the fragmentation and alienation of resource lands.  To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.  To provide opportunities for employment-generating development that adds value to local agricultural production through food and beverage processing and integrates with tourism Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 To encourage sustainable primary industry production by maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base.  To maintain the rural landscape character of the land.  To provide for a range of compatible land uses, including Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0  Agricultural produce industry – means a building or place used for the handling, treating, processing or packing, for commercial purposes, of produce from agriculture (including dairy products, seeds, fruit, vegetables or other plant material), and includes wineries, flour mills, cotton seed oil plants, cotton gins, feed mills, cheese and butter factories, and juicing or canning plants, but does not include a livestock processing industry.  Farm building – means a structure the use of which is ancillary to an agricultural use of the landholding on which it is situated and includes a hay shed, stock holding yard, machinery shed, shearing shed, silo, storage tank, outbuilding or the like, but does not include a dwelling. Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0  To enable sustainable primary industry and other compatible land uses.  To encourage and promote diversity and employment opportunities in relation to primary industry enterprises, particularly those that require smaller lots or that are more intensive in nature.  To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.  To provide for a restricted range of employmentgenerating development opportunities that are compatible with adjacent or nearby residential and agricultural development.  To avoid additional degradation or fragmentation of the natural environment caused by further clearing of native vegetation, high intensity development and land use.  To maintain flora and fauna species and habitats, communities and ecological processes that occupy land in the zone, ensuring that development minimises any off and on site impacts on biodiversity, water resources and natural landforms.  To conserve and enhance the quality of potentially valuable environmental assets, including waterways, riparian land, wetlands and other surface and groundwater resources, remnant native vegetation and fauna movement corridors as part of development and land use.  To provide for the effective management of remnant native vegetation within the zone, including native vegetation regeneration, noxious and environmental weed eradication and bush fire hazard reduction Sustainability and Environment Sustainable local food production NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0  Agricultural produce industry – means a building or place used for the handling, treating, processing or packing, for commercial purposes, of produce from agriculture (including dairy products, seeds, fruit, vegetables or other plant material), and includes wineries, flour mills, cotton seed oil plants, cotton gins, feed mills, cheese and butter factories, and juicing or canning plants, but does not include a livestock processing industry.  Farm building – means a structure the use of which is ancillary to an agricultural use of the landholding on which it is situated and includes a hay shed, stock holding yard, machinery shed, shearing shed, silo, storage tank, outbuilding or the like, but does not include a dwelling. Sustainability and Environment Local, sustainable food processing NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan
Wing Local Plan nning Strate geca arribee egy 2015-2 31 0 3.2 Develop a Farmers Tool Kit of contacts & resources to assist new owners of rural land to develop agriculturally, environmentally and financially sustainable farming enterprises. Economic Development Food related job creation NSW Wingecarribee Metropolitan